Sunday, January 15, 2012

Eyes and Ears Are Always Open

Sources in the Deathstar have reported to me that at a recent Ethics Committee meeting in the Small Assembly Room in the Deathstar. Commissioner Tony Norman engaged in a conversation with Commissioner Dr. Richard Briggs. At times, Norman was very belligerent in his discussion of the "Briggs Amendment" to the Hillside/Ridgetop Plan. Norman was reportedly "selling" Briggs on rescinding the amendment. Where Norman went to far, is at the conclusion of the discussion, he was overheard to say "so, we have a deal?". While the Sunshine law does allow for commissioners to talk at "sunshined meetings" it does not allow for any deliberation to a conclusion. 

In order for a Briggs motion to rescind, the commissioner that seconded the motion for the amendment must concur with rescinding the amendment. That could prove to be difficult. 

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