Sunday, January 15, 2012

Republicans in Knox County, Call it Real!

Monday night at the Red Lobster on Kingston Pike you may have heard some loud exchanges. It seems that the West Knox Republican Club officers were sworn in, then the candidates for Property Assessor and Law Director gave some remarks. Then Sally Absher gave a presentation on "Agenda 21" a rather capacious fairly well known man asked a question. After Absher answered the question. Another gentleman from the other side of the room said to the capacious man, "your a democrat" the capacious man said "I am a Republican" the other gentleman asked "have you ever given money to a democrat" no other response was made. President Gary Loe then called the meeting adjourned. Too bad that I was traveling to and from Nashville at the time, I would have enjoyed seeing the capacious man face the kind shenanigans that he has orchestrated toward others but always carried out by surrogates.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Hunley needs to go to the Democrat Club meetings. Stay with his own kind.
