Saturday, January 14, 2012

Gina Oster for School Board

On Thursday evening, the campaign of Gina Oster candidate for Third District Knox County School Board held a Meet & Greet at The Adams Law Firm in West Knoxville. A good crowd attended in support of Oster. Many made contributions, took yard signs and material to share with their neighbors. Here is Oster and Cindy Buttry the current Third District Knox County School Board Member. Buttry is not seeking re-election as she has self imposed to term limits. Knox County Chancellor Daryl Fansler has opined that the School Board is not held to the term limit statute that Knox County citizens imposed in 1994 by a 80% margin.  
Gina Oster, wife of Stanton and mother to three sons that have all attended Knox County Schools at a recent meet and greet with current School Board Member Cindy Buttry.

Also, Thursday evening Knox County Law Director Joe Jarrett held a meet & greet at Calhoun's on the River. Reports are that it was a very successful event with a lot of support for Jarrett in his quest to be the elected Law Director. 


  1. Sorry I missed them I was out of town. I wish you both luck.

  2. I am sorry I missed it I was out of town. I wish you all luck.

  3. On February 15, 2012, You have my vote for Board of Education District 3 for Knox County. You are the perfect candidate for this position. I beleive you are going to do a great job. As a parent I'm so proud of you!
