Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ballard is the Kid on the Playground That Screams!

Certified Property Assessor John Whitehead and Insurance Claim Adjuster Phil Ballard just appeared on Inside Tennessee on WBIR. The panel were Knoxville Attorney Don Bosch, Public Relations Executive Susan Richardson Williams and Knoxville News-Sentinel Editor Jack McElroy. In their closing remarks, Ballard said "I want my term". Just like he was the kid on the playground screaming for his turn. The position of Property Assessor is not about one person or the cronies they can hire. It is the peoples business. When the people select the next Property Assessor they need the most qualified. Whitehead is a Certified Property Assessor and  has personally assessed 1000's of personal and commercial property. 

As for the voters guide in the Knoxville News-Sentinel, Insurance Claims Adjuster listed as his campaign website, Knox County's website. Check it out here. This is clearly a violation of county ethics policy. As an officeholder, you can not utilize the county resources for personal political gain. As for the Certified Property Assessor John Whitehead's campaign website. It is located here

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Keep screaming Phil.... it is your payback for all the bullying you did on the playground at CES.

    And BTW, why would the little people you never acknowledged during your infamous High School basketball career want to shake your hand and cast a vote for you some 40 years later?

    And what about the other HS majorette you abused before cindy?

    Your reputation proceeds you. And is never forgotten.
