Sunday, February 12, 2012

"We Have To Stay In Our Lane"

Yesterday Hubert Smith of the Hubert Smith Radio Show and One on One with Hubert Smith and I were talking about the proposal of Commissioner Sam McKenzie to request that the State Senate censure State Senator Stacey Campfield.
Knox County Commissioner Sam McKenzie 
State Senator Stacey Campfield

Smith reminded me that McKenzie continues to remind the commission when they are discussing issues that impact schools, the Mayor or Council that the Commission should "stay in our lane". Well, clearly if a majority of Commission goes along with McKenzie's request they are clearly not staying in their lane. 


  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    "Department of Energy employees and contractors are expected to adhere to strict standards of ethical conduct and are not allowed to engage in political campaigning on the job or in the workplace," Shewairy said. "Because the Department takes these issues so seriously, we initiated a prompt investigation of the allegations made in this case."

  2. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Sam McKenzie is the worst Commissioner in the last ten years. He makes Amy Broyles seem thoughtful. Always there with a patronizing lecture. Always there to put people down. Always there being a complete hypocrite.

    This is Sam McKenzie:

    You can't trust Sam McKenzie. He will say anything.
