Monday, February 13, 2012

Vines Is Several Days Behind Shock And Awe

Today (here) Georgiana Vines is reporting the "old news" that Gloria Johnson will be running as a Democrat for the seat currently held by State Representative Harry Tindell. Shock And Awe reported it (here) last Tuesday February 7, 2012. Shock And Awe even got a plug from SRW and Associates on their daily news recap. Here is their twitter announcement
"Todays #Knoxville "must reads", @wbir, @wvlt, @brianhornback and more"
Here is the twitter feed for SRW & Associates. 

Many prominent Democrats have been encouraging Robert Bratton to run for the same State House seat that Johnson intends to pursue. However, with the untimely passing of Robert's mother this past Saturday night. I would not expect any confirmation or details will be forthcoming in the next several weeks. 

1 comment:

  1. Keeping Them Honest8:19 PM

    Robert Bratton would make a great a Democrat is a 'Bluedog".....not a liberal.....this new district has many moderates both democrat and republican as well as an emerging number of independents.
