Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Democrat Gloria Johnson Is Set for Round 2

Democrat sources have informed me that Democrat Gloria Johnson will seek the State Representative seat currently held by Rep. Harry Tindell. Tindell has announced he will not seek re-election this year. Johnson challenged Senator Becky Duncan Massey from September to November last year. Duncan Massey won the Republican nomination in September after gathering more votes than former City Councilwoman Marilyn Roddy and former County Commissioner and Educator Victoria DeFreese.


  1. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Good. Another loss will do her good. If Tindell can't win there how is she going to do? And if were lucky Sam McKenzie will run against Stacey Campfield. Democrat tears are a delicacy.

  2. Anonymous11:28 PM

    When Ms. Johnson ran last year, she "used" a 2929 Long Hollow Road address. Has she moved again? What the heck? Maybe she will claim that she has moved back to her 2506 Brice Street address. Very persistent. Her passion for service knows no bounds.
