Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Law Director Jarrett Picks Up A Lot Of Support

Today over 200 Knoxville based Attorneys joined together in endorsing Joe Jarret for a first full term as Law Director. The endorsement announcement was made at the law office of Billy Stokes. While Stokes and I have been on separate sides in various situations, while as equals in being former Knox County Republican Party Chairmen, Stokes continually excludes Mike McClamroch, the recently deceased POW Bill Tallent and myself in former joint Chairmen activities. Stokes personal petty flaws do not effect my support or opposition to everything he does. 

Law Director Joe Jarret at a recent meeting of the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club

In the race for Law Director. Joe Jarrett is the only candidate with the experience of serving as a Charter form of Government Law Director for more than 20 years. Joe Jarrett is the only candidate that has continually sent me information about his campaign. Joe Jarrett is the only candidate to continually inquire if there is anything that I need in reporting on his election. Joe Jarrett is the only candidate to ask for my vote. 


  1. Keeping Them Honest2:51 PM

    I understand Joe Jarret has hired Billy Stokes daughter....which makes this event a pay back!

  2. If you need to remind Billy Stokes who he is, just review his election and campaign for Ben Atchley's old seat and his post election letters for cash to retire the remaining campaign debt.

    Some elephants have rather short memories, some elephants and most Republicans never forget.

    Where is when you really need a friend anyway.
