Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Senator Rick Santorum in Knoxville Today

Yes, Rick Santorum was here in the river city of Knoxville (by way of Powell) today. He was out at Crown College and Temple Baptist Church. A large crowd was present. Below are moments in time from yesterday's event. 
This is the crowd just before the program began. 
The Crown College Singers prepared us with motivational and inspiring musical performance. 
Dr. Clarence Sexton of Temple Baptist Church and Crown College standing as former First District Congressman David Davis is seated just before the program began. Davis introduced Senator Rick Santorum
Senator Rick Santorum and his daughter Elizabeth as they entered the stage. 
Senator Santorum giving his remarks to the Conservative faithful. 
Senator Santorum and I immediately after his speech. 
The crowd after the speech trying to meet Senator Santorum. He stayed for a long time meeting as many as he could. 

1 comment:

  1. Keeping Them Honest12:05 PM

    Brian- Is that a Halo over your head? Is Santorum that well connected upstairs?
