Thursday, March 01, 2012

Next Up! Herman Cain will be in Knoxville Saturday

Yesterday was Rick Santorum's time in Knoxville. Next up on Saturday is my favorite Presidential Candidate Herman Cain. He is the keynote speaker for the annual Reagan Day Dinner of the Tennessee Conservative Union.  The dinner will be held at the Crowne Plaza in Downtown Knoxville. 

This is the biggest fundraiser for the TCU every year. If you want to attend, you better jump on getting tickets today, details here.  I still consider myself a Cainiac and a proud member of the CainTrain. Go here to see what Herman Cain is working on now. Due to a previously scheduled personal matter, I will not be able to be in attendance. That should spike attendance!

Herman Cain and I in July 2011 in Murfreesboro, TN

1 comment:

  1. Hubert Smith11:43 AM

    I'll be there for you Brian, and I will report all the juicy details tomorrow during my radio show. I'll especially be watching to see if Cain enjoys the Southern delicacies such as grits and hominy (with butta), fried chicken, catfish on the bone, macaroni and cheese and much more.
