Thursday, March 15, 2012

Beeler and Buuck for Interim Law Director

David Buuck, local Knoxville Attorney has applied for Interim Law Director position. Sources indicate that Buuck has the support of the Bud Armstrong campaign leadership team of Phyllis Severance, Gerald Turner and a Publisher of a weekly give away paper. This afternoon, sources indicated that Armstrong would likely name Buuck as his Chief Deputy when Armstrong takes office on September 1st. 

This afternoon, Knoxville Attorney Richard Beeler is applying. Beeler, a former Knox County Law Director was a member of the original Charter Committee. If the commission selects the best individual with the most experience. No one comes close to Richard Beeler.  

1 comment:

  1. I like Beeler.

    He had the balls to tape Teddy Ray Miller and bring about a tremendous indictment and a huge case for Herb Moncier (we all know how that one turned out).

    Beeler would be good and would further demonstrate his abilities such that when Bud wiser gets too far away from the shallow end in a civil rights or complex litigation case, we have somebody there to cover the expected shortfall.
