Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bud Armstrong Wants to Set On The Bench, He Ain't Game Ready

Richard "Bud" Armstrong who proclaimed his expert status on TN Charter Law and Tennessee educated after conferring with his "clients, supporters and the best legal minds" has determined he can not, should not, will not seek the interim law director position. 

But he says that he will have the time to work with the interim law director between now and September 1 "to institute a smooth transition" 

So it is like the guy on the sideline screaming put me in Coach, put me in. When the Coach finally says Go, Bud. Instead of running onto the field Bud steps back to the bench and says oh Coach I will in the fourth quarter. 


  1. boonhower12:31 AM

    From my News Sentinel Comment:

    Not since the Battle of New Orleans has such a battle been fought after the actual war was over. Difference this time is the loser of the war won the battle.... after the fact. That halfback yankee who wasn't educated in TN law just embarrasseed the incoming law director. As one who was previously fairly closely involved in the political game, I salute you, Mr. Jarrett.

  2. In my opinion, Jarrett needs to tie down further employment and he is smart to get on this now rather than wait around in this backwater cesspool until this Fall. Good paying jobs and benefits are hard to come by these days and I doubt he will bother to stick around Knoxville after getting defeated in an election, given the challenging legal economics of Knoxville, but if he likes it here he's more than welcome to stay.

    Spud Armstrong would like to draw $156,000 plus perks, plus benefits, plus a nice ride for 8 years and would not want to trade 4 years for 4 months of the gravey, such that he won't go near the place until September 1. It's not that he's not qualified to be law director (he won the election, he's not experienced) he just doesn't want to knock himself off the ballot in 2016 because he worked a "Summer Job" as the law director. He'll probably knock himself out of re-election given the operation of the office from 2012 to 2016, but that is an unfolding story.

    Jarrett is smart, he's got a lot of ability, he pulled the county out of the morass when Lockett defalcated all over himself, and he'll find himself something to do along the lines of what he has been doing as a law director for Knox County and as a famous Hollywood producer one said, don't leave, just leave them laughing.
