Saturday, March 17, 2012

Joe Jarret for Interim Law Director?

All week, I have been covering the moves of David Buuck and Richard Beeler (here) in pursuing the Interim Law Director position. Now, this morning at 8:59 am the County Commissioners receive the following email correspondence from Joe Jarret

Greetings Commissioners.

As you are aware, I tendered my resignation for the singular purpose of affording Bud Armstrong the opportunity to become involved with the Charter Review Committee during its formative stages. Because Mr. Armstrong has declined to take advantage of this opportunity, coupled with the fact that most elected officials and a large number of citizens have asked me to serve until August 31, 2012, I would like to propose the following for consideration during Monday’s agenda review:

1. That I withdraw my letter of resignation and continue to serve Knox County as its Law Director until August 31, 2012;

2. That I retain experienced, outside special legal counsel for the purpose of advising the Charter Review Committee on those issues that raise any potential conflicts of interest, thereby de-politicizing the process;

3. That I continue to encourage Bud Armstrong to spend time in the office over the next few months, thereby insuring a seamless transition come September, 2012.

As always, I will defer to the wisdom of the County Commission in this matter.


Joe J. 

I would think this is a win win situation. There comes political baggage with Buuck (as he is supported by inside political cronies) and with Beeler as a former law director that intially opined on the term limits back in the early 1990's. 

1 comment:

  1. Keeping Them Honest5:26 PM

    He could retain Beeler as special council for charter review. Also I understand Armstrong had full intentions of spending much time in dealing with an orderly and effective transition.
