Friday, March 16, 2012

Shory is Out At Straight From The Heart, Shock And Awe Reported His Troubles First!

UPDATE: This morning a "coward or cowardice" attempts to post an anonymous comment that I only blog here-say off of message boards that are not even correct. Well, I can assure you that I have had multiple discussions with Bill Shory. Let me detail one of them for you. In 2010, I received a call following the THURSDAY taping of Inside TN that one of the panelist stated that a Democrat candidate had been endorsed by me (former Republican Party Chairman). Now, Inside TN tapes on Thursday but does not air until Sunday morning. The very next morning, I call Bill Shory and informed me that was incorrect information. He said, I don't care, it would be too difficult to assemble all the individuals and tape the show again. I then talked to Jeff Lee, he also took the lazy way out. I then talked with a VP of NBC on the phone and he suggested that I be given a five minute opportunity to address the allegation on TV. That never happened.

In addition, when I taped as a guest on Inside TN in 2004 and 2006 in different capacities. I noticed that the panelists all huddle up over in the corner to decide who is going to take which topic and who is on the one side or the other. This is nothing more than a news show schemed like televised wrestling. It is their show. I have a decent relationship (now) with most of the panelists on Inside TN and if they want to play that way, that is their decision. It is just not how I roll.

Original Post: So here the Knoxville News Sentinel reports that today Bill Shory, News Director of WBIR is out. Here on Tuesday Shock And Awe reported about some family trouble over at Straight From The Heart, WBIR involving Shory. So, you read it here first. To Shory who you either were favored or unfavored, I wish you the best in the community where you burned so many bridges. When you ain't on top, you ain't nothing, Sir! 


  1. Keeping Them Honest7:31 PM

    Brian---You were way ahead of everyone on this you know WBIR and the News-Sentinel are in bed together and would never disclose each others dirty laundry. We will see what happens next.If Shory works in this region he surely will have to disclose why he was fired.

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    BS is not a trustworthy or reliable man. I remember years ago a commitment he made on a broadcast that he reneged on at the last minute. Shory played political football. Why does "Inside Tennessee" have one Rino and two Democrats every show as panelists? You are not alone in being lied to by BS. Wonder which PR firm he will land at?

  3. Rest assured it won't be at the Cohen Communications Group. My sources indicate that business is being operated from a residence, possibly in violation of certain zoning ordinances.

    We'll keep looking.
