Thursday, May 24, 2012

Center City Republican Club Met Tonight

The Center City Republican Club met tonight. The club meets the fourth Thursday of every month at the Shoney's on Western Avenue.

Tonight, Club President Bob Bennett began the meeting with State Representative Candidate Gary Loe, State Representative Candidate Tim Hutchison, State Representative Steve Hall, State Senator Stacey Campfield and Candidate for US Congress Nick Ciparro.

State Senator Stacey Campfield discussed the drug testing for government benefit recipients, the lowering of the food sales tax and other legislation.

State Representative Candidate Tim Hutchison discussed his past experience as Sheriff of Knox County and how he would bring expertise to the legislature regarding law enforcement and criminal statute legislation and his priority to help attract businesses to Tennessee.

Then Nick Ciparro spoke about his candidacy as a Republican candidate for US Congress seeking the same position that Congressman Jimmy Duncan serves. Ciparro discussed how the do nothing Congress has failed to pass a budget. He discussed how many years the current officeholder has held the position and that he wants to bring about his approach.

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