Friday, May 25, 2012

DA General Randy Nichols Opines On School Funding

Wednesday night word came that District Attorney General Randy Nichols would be endorsing the Knox County School Boards request for $35 million in new dollars.

At 11:30 am on Thursday May 24, Attorney General Nichols appeared with Dr. James McIntyre, School Board Chairman Thomas Deakins along with School Board Members Pam Trainor and Gloria Deathridge.

General Nichols said that spending money on incarceration is not the answer. He said that there are over 20,000 individuals locked up in Tennessee.

Nichols said that prisons are planned based on the number of third graders not reading on grade level.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Funny, for all the criticism of having an elected superintendent, we seem to have now one of the most political superintendents we've ever had.

    Randy Nichols has no influence or credibility in this county. The city elites are simply trying to make a power grab by putting more and more of the county's budget under the control of an unelected, elitist Bostonian.

    If thet win on this one, next will be the push for the TYP and then the county will be just like the city: unappealing for private industry, but the center of useless government bureaucracy run by liberals.
