Friday, May 25, 2012

One of the Fallouts From The $35 Million School Campaign

It has been reported that Mike Cohen of Cohen Communications has been engaged with an entity to help get the message to Commissioners for the need to fund the Knox County School Boards additional request for $35 million. Mayor Burchett was asked where the money for the robo-calls was coming from. he revealed from his own pocket. 

Local PR guy Alex Lavidge created a television spot. The five or so contributors of the $30,000 ad buy were revealed when requested. There is some scuttle butt about Cohen not revealing who his client is. A frequent source for Shock And Awe (aka Brian's Blog) that must remain anonymous has forwarded the Code of Ethics from the Public Relations Society of America. They are wondering if Cohen is in violation of said code. As I know Mr. Cohen is a frequent reader of Shock And Awe (aka Brian's Blog) he is free to respond to the question. He can always announce here who his client is, should he wish to do so. 

The PRSA Code of Ethics can be found here. Some highlights provided to me and all are direct quotes are. 

"HONESTY" We adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and truth in advertising the interests of those we represent and in communicating with the public

"FAIRNESS We deal fairly with clients, employers, competitors, peers, vendors, the media and the general public. we respect all opinions and support the right of free expression. 

"INTENT To maintain the integrity of relationships with the media, government officials and the public. 

Guidelines: A member shall: Be honest and accurate in all communications. Reveal the sponsors for causes and interests represented. 


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    So how can any commissioner take him seriously? Maybe he represents a sleazy computer firm that might be trying to get all the technology contracts. Didn't he get sued once he left his former business? If they can't trust him how can commission when he won't reveal who he represents? I would think that he will actually cost his client votes. He should change the name of his company to "Black Wednesday Governmental Public Relations Firm."

  2. Anonymous1:32 PM

    He (Cohen) also represented the Mulch Company that was in lawsuit with the County.I think his last boss Ackermann sued him for stealing clients when he left.Now he is being paid by AMR to badmouth Rural Metro.

  3. Cohen's spin shop is run from his house and a P.O. Box and in my opinion, that is all you need to know about these high quality public relations services from the Cohen Communications Group. In my opinion, he's a bag man with the bulk of his revenue coming from Clayton or Raja Jurbran or an entity controlled by them which may include other high dollar locals who wish to remain hidden.

  4. This is Mike Cohen. I am not a member of PRSA and thus not really covered by their code. What I have said is that I represent a company that does no business with the schools but believes in the plan. In fact, I am donating much of my time on this effort because I believe in it.

    And for the previous poster, I wasn't involved with Black Wednesday.

  5. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Does it matter who is paying for Cohen? It's not like he hasn't said what side of the issue he's fighting for. It's not like a media buy or use of taxpayer money where the public has some right to know. If it matter, he could've just said he's doing it on his own and gotten paid by whomever the company is without anyone knowing.

    Brian, what do you think of the school district's plan. Have you seen the "expected outcomes" McIntyre presented? Is it do-able or all a pipe dream?

  6. This is Mike Cohen. I am not a member of PRSA and thus not really covered by their code, although in general I support it. What I have said is that I represent a company that does no business with the schools but believes in the plan. In fact, I am donating much of my time on this effort because I believe in it.

    And for the previous poster, I wasn't involved with Black Wednesday.

  7. Ok, Mike has responded and he has cleared the air, as for Roscoe's comment about him working from home with a P.O. Box. In my opinion that is what makes this country great. An entrepreneurial spirit where if you work hard enough you can make your way.

  8. I work from my home, but only for making calls and computer work. I have never had a client here for a meeting.

  9. If a business does not require a store front for customers to engage in the transaction of business, then there is no reason to engage in the cost overhead of leasing office space.

    I thank Mike for enduring the comments of the couple of anonymous posters and consider this issue asked, answered and time to move on.
