Bredesen would have you believe all this happened before he became Governor, but, "it will stop on my watch" Yea, right.
Governor, with your buddy Goetz's revelation on the Steve Gill Show and now this. It is time for you to go under oath and explain What you knew and when did you know it.
Governor you are going to make Democrats start singing to bring back "that Ray Blanton sunshine"

Problem 1.) As is the case in many (sovereign) state governments today, there exists a long-standing culture of corruption in Nashville. This is partly because the same political party has been in power (in the legislature) since Reconstruction for various reasons and that power is just beginning to be undone.
Problem 2.) Bredesen obviously cares only for his own agenda and his own advancement...if ADVANCING CERTAIN PEOPLE within state government will further the fortunes of Phil Bredesen, what interest does he have in bringing that to an end?
We need to focus on getting effective control of both houses of the legislature...Jimmy N. is as much of the problem (if not more) as Phil.
Dave has two excellent points
1) It would stand to reason that Harold Ford, Jr.'s uncle didn't just wake up one morning and E-Cycle was the first.
2)In that Speaker Jimmy is as much the problem as the Governor. I haven't really focused alot of attention on the Speaker. Great observations, Dave.
Dave gets the award for commenting first with comments back on. The award is my respect, appreciation and admiration
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