It is December 24th, Christmas eve 2005. Part of my extended family are suffering the loss of their mother, grandmother, aunt and loved one. The receiving of friends was held today from 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. It was a time to see faces and people I haven't seen in a number of years and this afternoon was a time to think about Christmas of long ago. Some great memories of a time without technology and a more carefree time.
I wanted to take this time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I will be spending time with family and friends and trying to keep all of my computers down, so its unlikely that I will post very much between now and 2006.
Christmas is an important time for my family and I. It is a time when we celebrate God coming to earth in a human body, born as baby to Mary and Joseph (common people with an uncommon calling) he lived for 32 years as a perfect man. The world turned on him, even one of his "loyal followers" betrayed him and they crucified Christ and buried him. He died on the cross for my sins and yours. The good news is that he is not still in the tomb. On Friday they killed him but Sunday he rose again and he sits on the throne, waiting to take his bride (the church) home.
No matter what kind of Friday that you maybe going through the great news is that Sunday is on the way. Put your trust in our Holy, Heavenly Father and he will see you through.
Thanks for reading my blog this year, I will Lord willing return to blogging in 2006. May God richly bless you and yours.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
Merry Christmas to you as well, Brian. I'm sorry to hear about the loss in your family. I hope you are able to enjoy the holiday.
You probably won't get this post before you return to posting, as it is Christmas Eve. Nicole and I will be leaving for church in just a few hours.
I am very sorry to read that members of your extended family are suffering such a painful loss at Christmastide, one of the most difficult times to suffer the loss of a mother, sister, or aunt. This Holy time of the year can thankfully serve as a reminder to us that Christ was born so that we would not have to die, and that the grave, as St. Paul has told us, will have no sting, and death no victory over us. Do pass my poor condolences on to all those in your family who are suffering grief at Christmas.
Mr. Chairman, you have my best wishes, as well as my wife's, for a very Happy, Holy, and Blessed Christmas. You and your family will be in our prayers as we celebrate the Lord's birth at Midnight.
To my friend John Brown and Dave Oatney, Thank You for your kind words. I will pass them along to our family. She lived 90 years and had an impact on many peoples lives. It is just difficult for her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but they know that today she has her eternal reward.
I will be signing off for a few days and will be back to blogging after the first of the year. Dave keep everything in order in the K-town blogging world and John you've got everything in upper east tennnessee and western north carolina. Have you had any measureable snow it? Remember, what I told you. The coldest I ever remember feeling was in boone, n.c.
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