Monday, September 17, 2007

Knox County Commission Intergovernmental Committee on Storm water

Knox County Commissions Intergovernmental Committee met today and storm water was on the agenda.

Fourth District County Commissioner Richard Cate said contrary to the belief of some City Council members we did not pass a weakened ordinance. Commissioner Cate then held up a color copy of the postcards that were first reported here, here and here at Brian's Blog.

He said I want a letter sent to Keith Delay of Nashville telling him to appear at the Monday County Commission meeting. This card is being sent by him. It is filled with false information and is about his (Delay's) pocketbook.

Commissioner Cate said I don't know who else was targeted but I know that Commissioner Tramel and I were. Commissioner Phil Ballard said he and Commissioner Jack Huddleston were targeted. Ballard's comment confirmed what we reported here on Saturday September 15, 2007.

Commissioner Craig Leuthold said that he received one. No word if his district colleagues Commissioners Mike Hammond and Frank Leuthold were targeted.

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