Thursday, June 12, 2008

Brian's Blog Exposes Foster and He Finally Does The Right Thing, Two Years Late

Well, within 12 hours of our post last evening Foster Arnett found his way to Maynardville, Tn to clear his delinquent property tax status in Union County, TN. Our founder and President Brian Hornback entertained questions from News-Sentinel reporters Scott Barker and Hayes Hickman early this afternoon. Check out the News Sentinel's report from Thursday, here.

Foster used the 'ole I moved and forgot to change my address excuse. Did he forget that he owned property in Union County? Not likely! Did he think that Union County didn't need the money to protect his property? Not likely! Did he forget that the children in Union County needed textbooks? Not likely!

If and when he is Clerk, will he allow you or I say we moved and forgot to inform you of my address change? His primary job is to collect fees and he can't pay them himself. Also remember, he says that he is running for all the right reasons and that he believes in doing the right thing. His actions obviously haven't met his words.

Brian's Blog is happy that we helped Foster do the right thing for the good citizens of Union County.

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