Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ryan Haynes - A NEW Independent Republican, Just What We Need

Ryan Haynes, candidate for State Representative at the Concord-Farragut Republican Club stated he is a Conservative first. That is exactly the kind of New Independent Republicans we need to elect in August and November 2008.

“I want to be the first to tell you right here, right now, I’m not running as a Republican, I’m running as a conservative,” Haynes said. “I think my energy and my enthusiasm will serve us well in the legislature,” Haynes added.

Check out the Farragut Press coverage of Mr. Haynes appearance at the Concord-Farragut Club, here.


  1. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I can't tell from your response -- is this a good thing or a bad thing?

    Pamela Treacy

  2. not a good thing, a great thing. I support Ryan Haynes.

  3. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Were you award of his ties to Ragsdale? Ask him where he *worked* as an intern.......

  4. I am not award of his ties to Ragsdale. The awards that I have received haven't invloved Ryan or Ragsdale.

    I am aware that during his time in college, he interned in the Mayor's office. As an intern, he was not responsible for making decisions or carrying out major initatives. I am confident in saying that as an intern he did not even have a p-card.

    If that is your reason to oppose him, that is shallow.
