The Knox County Charter Review Committee met this evening. It is now being called the Chatter Review Committee because all they seem to do is create a lot of chatter. I attended for about the first hour today, They predominately discussed whether to do anything about the Uniformed Officers Pension Plan. Several things were observed and heard.
First off a substitute motion on the first vote on the pension plan was conducted. Commissioner Jeff Ownby asked the second which is the Committee's Vice Chair Ann Acuff if she agreed, (meaning did her second remain) She said "I think" and then when the roll call vote was conducted, She voted NO. Do what?
Second, an individual approached me in the back of the room and said "this meeting should be X rated. Because the deputies are getting screwed."
Third, when the committee was beginning to vote on the creation of a subcommittee to study the UOPP. Charter Review Chairman Craig Leuthold announced the five individuals that he had considered to serve on the subcommittee. Terry Lindsay, Amy Broyles, Diane Jablonski, Mike Brown and Billy Stokes. He recommended Stokes as Chairman. After appearing on WBIR's InsideTN on Sunday and saying how the committee should deal with the UOPP. Stokes began explaining that he had some trial coming up in a couple of weeks with a lot of necessary prep time and concluded by saying "I am not competent to serve" Interesting terminology. So, Stokes was replaced on subcommittee by Ann Acuff.
Lastly, Mike Donila 'da career killer' tweeted me that a Knox County high level employee was reading 'Shock And Awe (aka Brian's Blog)' and the entire wifi crashed at least in the Main Assembly Room. I tweeted back that Stoke, also Chair of PBA had probably texted Dale Smith, CEO of PBA that I was in the house and they shut it down to prohibit me from live blogging.
That is about it from tonight's first hour of Charter 'Chatter' Review Committee. I figure doing absolutely anything else would be more beneficial, especially taking a nap.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
InsideTN This Morning
After the airing of Inside TN this morning I have a couple of thoughts. The panel was moderated by John Becker, WBIR Co-Anchor. The panelist were Attorney Don Bosch and PR Guy Mike Cohen. The guests were Charter Review Committee Members Rene Hoyos, Property Assessor employee Craig Leuthold and Bill Stokes, former aide Income Tax Proposing Governor Don Sundquist.
First, the discussion about the Knox County Sheriff's Uniformed Officers Pension Plan. Cohen stated that the voters approved the pension plan with no financial impact to the taxpayers. Actually, the voter referendum stated that it was the equivalent to an .08 cent property tax increase. Mayor Ragsdale's administration decided not to increase the property tax in order to fund the plan.
There are 27 individuals that serve on the Charter Review Panel. Of the three members of Charter Review that were on the InsideTn panel. Leuthold desires that the Knox County Commission to address the pension and allow the County Commission to put it on the ballot for the voters. Stokes who is salivating at being able to get his hands on the Sheriff's pension and Hoyos agreed with him that she felt the Charter Review Panel should deal with the voter referendum question for the voters.
In an unrelated Charter Review question. Bosch asked Stokes (who also serves on the PBA Board) about the recent Hardin Valley / PBA Audit. Bosch defined the audit as clearing PBA. Stokes said the audit was brought on by "a disgruntled contractor" and "bloggers". I assume he was referring to Sandy Loy, a CCM (Certified Construction Manager) I do not believe that Mr. Loy can be identified as a disgruntled contractor. I do not believe that he has ever responded to a RFP to thee PBA and to my knowledge has never performed any work for PBA. *side note: if they did, they wouldn't have the problems they consistently have.
As for the "bloggers" that Stokes was referring to, I did not realize that the local throw away weekly newspaper Focus was considered a blog. In that paper for over 6 months they ran weekly articles about different aspects of the operations of the PBA. In addition, Reporter Mike Donila over at the Big Metal Shed on the Hill has a blog that is his own Screams From the Porch. Donila 'da career killer' has posted all the emails between Loy, Walls, one or two from me and Law Director Joe Jarret. He has posted it without much opinion. So, why Bill wants to pick a fight with the Focus and the Big Metal Shed on the Hill is perplexing. But then again, it probably goes back to his advice to Sundquist to propose a state income tax. It must just be ingrained in him.
First, the discussion about the Knox County Sheriff's Uniformed Officers Pension Plan. Cohen stated that the voters approved the pension plan with no financial impact to the taxpayers. Actually, the voter referendum stated that it was the equivalent to an .08 cent property tax increase. Mayor Ragsdale's administration decided not to increase the property tax in order to fund the plan.
There are 27 individuals that serve on the Charter Review Panel. Of the three members of Charter Review that were on the InsideTn panel. Leuthold desires that the Knox County Commission to address the pension and allow the County Commission to put it on the ballot for the voters. Stokes who is salivating at being able to get his hands on the Sheriff's pension and Hoyos agreed with him that she felt the Charter Review Panel should deal with the voter referendum question for the voters.
In an unrelated Charter Review question. Bosch asked Stokes (who also serves on the PBA Board) about the recent Hardin Valley / PBA Audit. Bosch defined the audit as clearing PBA. Stokes said the audit was brought on by "a disgruntled contractor" and "bloggers". I assume he was referring to Sandy Loy, a CCM (Certified Construction Manager) I do not believe that Mr. Loy can be identified as a disgruntled contractor. I do not believe that he has ever responded to a RFP to thee PBA and to my knowledge has never performed any work for PBA. *side note: if they did, they wouldn't have the problems they consistently have.
As for the "bloggers" that Stokes was referring to, I did not realize that the local throw away weekly newspaper Focus was considered a blog. In that paper for over 6 months they ran weekly articles about different aspects of the operations of the PBA. In addition, Reporter Mike Donila over at the Big Metal Shed on the Hill has a blog that is his own Screams From the Porch. Donila 'da career killer' has posted all the emails between Loy, Walls, one or two from me and Law Director Joe Jarret. He has posted it without much opinion. So, why Bill wants to pick a fight with the Focus and the Big Metal Shed on the Hill is perplexing. But then again, it probably goes back to his advice to Sundquist to propose a state income tax. It must just be ingrained in him.
Did Ray Jenkins Lie, Mislead or Forget?
In the latest Georgiana Vines column from the Big Metal Shed on the Hill found here. She details some transition of Law Director Elect Bud Armstrong. I found this from County Republican Party Chairman Ray H. Jenkins interesting "Jenkins and Armstrong are good friends although both say they did not socialize from July until after the election so Jenkins could appear impartial as GOP chairman."
You see the problem is that on the Saturday night before election day the TCU (Tennessee Conservaaative Union's Annual Reagan Day Dinner) was held at Knoxville's Crowne Plaza. Jenkins was dining at the table of Bud Armstrong. I asked Jenkins via Shock And Awe comments if this were an endorsement. He said that he was invited by Mike Prince to dine at a table paid for by Former Republican Party Chair Sue Methvin. He said he didn't know that Bud Armstrong would be at the table.
Now Jenkins has since deleeted his response from the Shock And Awe blog page. But I have the email from blogger where the comment was sent to me to be moderated. So was Jenkins lying to Georgiana Vines, misleading her or did he forget the other story he said about socializing from July to after the election with Armstrong? Come on Ray, the truth is in you somewhere.
You see the problem is that on the Saturday night before election day the TCU (Tennessee Conservaaative Union's Annual Reagan Day Dinner) was held at Knoxville's Crowne Plaza. Jenkins was dining at the table of Bud Armstrong. I asked Jenkins via Shock And Awe comments if this were an endorsement. He said that he was invited by Mike Prince to dine at a table paid for by Former Republican Party Chair Sue Methvin. He said he didn't know that Bud Armstrong would be at the table.
Now Jenkins has since deleeted his response from the Shock And Awe blog page. But I have the email from blogger where the comment was sent to me to be moderated. So was Jenkins lying to Georgiana Vines, misleading her or did he forget the other story he said about socializing from July to after the election with Armstrong? Come on Ray, the truth is in you somewhere.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
What Was McElroy Thinking Yesterday?
As you know, I don't typically read or look at the product by the Big Metal Shed on the Hill. I look at and just last week discovered the E-dition for my ipad. So, when I saw the actual front page and saw only the butt end of a firetruck. I thought that's weird. But then I looked and the opening of Dollywood only got a little picture of Dolly Parton.
Do What? Let's see, Dollywood invested over $20 million dollars to continue accelerating the economy of East Tennessee with the first ever roller coaster type ever in North America. The Wild Eagle brought in roller coaster enthusiast from all over the globe. Two major roller coaster bloggers were here with hundreds of other enthusiasts bloggers, newspaper and magazine writers and the best McElroy can do, is post pictures on knoxnews and all the print edition gets is the butt end of a fire truck.
Shame, Jack! Shame!
Do What? Let's see, Dollywood invested over $20 million dollars to continue accelerating the economy of East Tennessee with the first ever roller coaster type ever in North America. The Wild Eagle brought in roller coaster enthusiast from all over the globe. Two major roller coaster bloggers were here with hundreds of other enthusiasts bloggers, newspaper and magazine writers and the best McElroy can do, is post pictures on knoxnews and all the print edition gets is the butt end of a fire truck.
Shame, Jack! Shame!
KaTom Opponents, Don't Tell The Whole Story
Lisa Starbuck, member of the Knox County Charter Review Committee and oppose all things progressive on Washington Pike and Midway Road has jumped in over on the local liberal blog, here. When she is challenged by a commenter about NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard) attitude.
She is quick to say that she doesn't live in the Midway Rd area. She was at one time (and may still be) an employee of a Steve Hunley owned business entity IMMI Records. Hunley has helped in the oppostion to the Midway project. She is quick to say KaTom should locate out in West Knoxville. Well, when we had a Knoxville company that needed to relocate off of it's postage stamp property off 17th Street. They selected property off of Washington Pike, that was in Starbuck's backyard and she opposed it. Their opposition, drove that business to Roane County. She and her crowd believe in running business from Knox County.
When Commissioner Larry Smith met with KaTom's President this week. He told her how Knox County is building a new state of the art Elementary School in the area of Midway Road. That helped to seal the decision to make Midway the #1 site for KaTom. They were not aware of that prior to Smith's meeting. So, instead of the KaTom employees driving to Midway to work. The likelihood is they will relocate their homes to the area and enroll their children in the Carter Schools.
That is good news, folks.
She is quick to say that she doesn't live in the Midway Rd area. She was at one time (and may still be) an employee of a Steve Hunley owned business entity IMMI Records. Hunley has helped in the oppostion to the Midway project. She is quick to say KaTom should locate out in West Knoxville. Well, when we had a Knoxville company that needed to relocate off of it's postage stamp property off 17th Street. They selected property off of Washington Pike, that was in Starbuck's backyard and she opposed it. Their opposition, drove that business to Roane County. She and her crowd believe in running business from Knox County.
When Commissioner Larry Smith met with KaTom's President this week. He told her how Knox County is building a new state of the art Elementary School in the area of Midway Road. That helped to seal the decision to make Midway the #1 site for KaTom. They were not aware of that prior to Smith's meeting. So, instead of the KaTom employees driving to Midway to work. The likelihood is they will relocate their homes to the area and enroll their children in the Carter Schools.
That is good news, folks.
Law Director Joe Jarret Responds to ShockAndAwe
I have a tremendous amount of respect for Law Director Joe Jarret. I believe that Law Director Elect Bud Armstong has some big boots to fill. Armstrong is capable and I believe he will be as open and transparent.
In response to this blog post from yeserday. Mr. Jarret responded. Below, is his response.
Brian, regarding your most recent blog entry, as you are aware, we have been involved in the Waggoner case (regarding Midway Road property) that was argued yesterday morning before Chancellor Fansler. Although I did not personally argue the case on behalf of Knox County (I assigned this case to deputy law director Daniel Sanders) I have been involved in the matter from its inception. The arguments put forward yesterday by Mr. Sanders were consistent with my instructions, and more importantly the County Commission’s position on this matter
If you recall, the Commission voted to rezone the Midway Road property in 2006. Several area residents timely filed a lawsuit to challenge that action. Those citizens argue that the rezoning was not consistent with the general plan as required by the Zoning Ordinance. In a 2008 order, the Chancellor agreed with the Plaintiff on this point. As a result of the suit, the zoning action was effectively stayed pending the conclusion of all issues in the litigation. As recently as 2011, the Commission expressed its desire that the land use plan for Midway Road return to its pre-2006 status. Accordingly, the Commission approved an East County Sector Plan identical to the plan in existence prior to 2006. This plan does not include business park or industrial uses at Midway Road. In order to achieve the Commission's recently expressed intent, it is necessary for the plaintiff to win the present litigation. Consequently, it is by coincidence that the Commission’s goals are congruent or consistent with the Plaintiff’s goals. At no time did we act contrary to the Commission’s goals, nor align the County with either party. Further, under recently enacted state law, the Commission is empowered to amend its sector plan at will.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me should you wish to discuss this matter.
All the best,
In response to this blog post from yeserday. Mr. Jarret responded. Below, is his response.
Brian, regarding your most recent blog entry, as you are aware, we have been involved in the Waggoner case (regarding Midway Road property) that was argued yesterday morning before Chancellor Fansler. Although I did not personally argue the case on behalf of Knox County (I assigned this case to deputy law director Daniel Sanders) I have been involved in the matter from its inception. The arguments put forward yesterday by Mr. Sanders were consistent with my instructions, and more importantly the County Commission’s position on this matter
If you recall, the Commission voted to rezone the Midway Road property in 2006. Several area residents timely filed a lawsuit to challenge that action. Those citizens argue that the rezoning was not consistent with the general plan as required by the Zoning Ordinance. In a 2008 order, the Chancellor agreed with the Plaintiff on this point. As a result of the suit, the zoning action was effectively stayed pending the conclusion of all issues in the litigation. As recently as 2011, the Commission expressed its desire that the land use plan for Midway Road return to its pre-2006 status. Accordingly, the Commission approved an East County Sector Plan identical to the plan in existence prior to 2006. This plan does not include business park or industrial uses at Midway Road. In order to achieve the Commission's recently expressed intent, it is necessary for the plaintiff to win the present litigation. Consequently, it is by coincidence that the Commission’s goals are congruent or consistent with the Plaintiff’s goals. At no time did we act contrary to the Commission’s goals, nor align the County with either party. Further, under recently enacted state law, the Commission is empowered to amend its sector plan at will.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me should you wish to discuss this matter.
All the best,
Friday, March 23, 2012
Law Department Attorney, Did He Disclose His Conflict?
This story from Big Metal Shed on the Hill Reporter Josh Flory on his Property Scope blog. The article will likely be in Saturday's(tomorrow) edition.
It seems law department attorney Daniel Sanders has interrupted the will and belief of the Knox County Commission in it's 2010 vote. Sanders has moved the law department from advisory in nature to it's client (Knox County Government) to a policy making body. Sources close to several Knox County Commissioners indict that several are not happy and have contacted Law Director Joe Jarret who is in Florida on family matters.
The conflict is that Daniel Sanders immediate and extended family are part of the community members that have consistently opposed the Midway Business Park and are opposing the sale to KaTom. Is Sanders motive to protect his families land at the expense of jobs and economic growth of the entire community?
It seems law department attorney Daniel Sanders has interrupted the will and belief of the Knox County Commission in it's 2010 vote. Sanders has moved the law department from advisory in nature to it's client (Knox County Government) to a policy making body. Sources close to several Knox County Commissioners indict that several are not happy and have contacted Law Director Joe Jarret who is in Florida on family matters.
The conflict is that Daniel Sanders immediate and extended family are part of the community members that have consistently opposed the Midway Business Park and are opposing the sale to KaTom. Is Sanders motive to protect his families land at the expense of jobs and economic growth of the entire community?
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Please Continue to Pray for THP Sgt. Lowell Russell
This news cast featuring a young State Trooper Lowell Russell from 2002 about his commitment to a family from an incident in 2001.
THP Sgt. Lowell Russell was in his cruiser and was hit by a tractor trailer. Please view this second video and continue to Pray for Sgt. Russell.
Donila "da career killer" ROCKS!
Mike Donila, reporter over at Big Metal Shed on the Hill by day and his investigative skills have labeled him "da career killer" as he is responsible for covering county government and he is unafraid to expose elected officials that shield or mislead.
By evening and/or night he is a blogger at his blog Screams From The Porch. This post about State Representative Julia Hurley, her dog and the Roane County Courthouse is hilarious. I suspect that Donila will not be on any "good list" of Representative Hurley but with Donila you either like him or you don't.
By evening and/or night he is a blogger at his blog Screams From The Porch. This post about State Representative Julia Hurley, her dog and the Roane County Courthouse is hilarious. I suspect that Donila will not be on any "good list" of Representative Hurley but with Donila you either like him or you don't.
Where Have I Been?
I just realized it is Tuesday and I have not posted since Saturday, so where have I gone? No where. It is Spring Break, I have a taken some time off. But still in town. I will try and do better.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Joe Jarret for Interim Law Director?
All week, I have been covering the moves of David Buuck and Richard Beeler (here) in pursuing the Interim Law Director position. Now, this morning at 8:59 am the County Commissioners receive the following email correspondence from Joe Jarret.
Greetings Commissioners.
As you are aware, I tendered my
resignation for the singular purpose of affording Bud Armstrong the opportunity
to become involved with the Charter Review Committee during its formative
stages. Because Mr. Armstrong has declined to take advantage of this
opportunity, coupled with the fact that most elected officials and a large
number of citizens have asked me to serve until August 31, 2012, I would like to
propose the following for consideration during Monday’s agenda
1. That I withdraw my letter of
resignation and continue to serve Knox County as its Law Director until August
31, 2012;
2. That I retain experienced,
outside special legal counsel for the purpose of advising the Charter Review
Committee on those issues that raise any potential conflicts of interest,
thereby de-politicizing the process;
3. That I continue to encourage Bud
Armstrong to spend time in the office over the next few months, thereby insuring
a seamless transition come September, 2012.
As always, I will defer to the wisdom
of the County Commission in this matter.
Joe J.
I would think this is a win win situation. There comes political baggage with Buuck (as he is supported by inside political cronies) and with Beeler as a former law director that intially opined on the term limits back in the early 1990's.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Shory is Out At Straight From The Heart, Shock And Awe Reported His Troubles First!
UPDATE: This morning a "coward or cowardice" attempts to post an anonymous comment that I only blog here-say off of message boards that are not even correct. Well, I can assure you that I have had multiple discussions with Bill Shory. Let me detail one of them for you. In 2010, I received a call following the THURSDAY taping of Inside TN that one of the panelist stated that a Democrat candidate had been endorsed by me (former Republican Party Chairman). Now, Inside TN tapes on Thursday but does not air until Sunday morning. The very next morning, I call Bill Shory and informed me that was incorrect information. He said, I don't care, it would be too difficult to assemble all the individuals and tape the show again. I then talked to Jeff Lee, he also took the lazy way out. I then talked with a VP of NBC on the phone and he suggested that I be given a five minute opportunity to address the allegation on TV. That never happened.
In addition, when I taped as a guest on Inside TN in 2004 and 2006 in different capacities. I noticed that the panelists all huddle up over in the corner to decide who is going to take which topic and who is on the one side or the other. This is nothing more than a news show schemed like televised wrestling. It is their show. I have a decent relationship (now) with most of the panelists on Inside TN and if they want to play that way, that is their decision. It is just not how I roll.
In addition, when I taped as a guest on Inside TN in 2004 and 2006 in different capacities. I noticed that the panelists all huddle up over in the corner to decide who is going to take which topic and who is on the one side or the other. This is nothing more than a news show schemed like televised wrestling. It is their show. I have a decent relationship (now) with most of the panelists on Inside TN and if they want to play that way, that is their decision. It is just not how I roll.
Original Post: So here
the Knoxville News Sentinel reports that today Bill Shory, News Director of WBIR
is out. Here
on Tuesday Shock And Awe reported about some family trouble over at Straight
From The Heart, WBIR involving Shory. So, you read it here first. To Shory who
you either were favored or unfavored, I wish you the best in the community where
you burned so many bridges. When you ain't on top, you ain't nothing, Sir!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Ballard "Promises Made, Promises Kept" 2.0
This morning Property Assessor Phil Ballard called the Knox Co Sheriffs Department for "security" because he was set to lay off a few employees, accept a retirement and accept a resignation. His act in getting security was nothing more than a police state dictatorship form of intimidation to the other employees of the office, to say you stay in line or I will waste the county's resources of cops on you.
Just think of how many home burglaries occurred while our county officers were used by a scared little Property Assessor.
Neither former Property Assessor Parkey Strader, John Whitehead or Former Register of Deeds Steve Hall ever called the Sheriff's office when they laid someone off. This is Ballard's 2.0 version of "Promises Made, Promises Kept" during the campaign he promised more jobs to new cronies, political operatives and contributors. So he had to get rid of five today. But hold on there are promises of two, three or more tomorrow or in the near future.
So, while five people are no longer employed in the assessors office and the sheriff's department kept him safe during the day. Ballard is now safe working through the night in his basement with his farm on Farmville. Hopefully one of his farmville horses doesn't kick him while he is farming tonight.
Neither former Property Assessor Parkey Strader, John Whitehead or Former Register of Deeds Steve Hall ever called the Sheriff's office when they laid someone off. This is Ballard's 2.0 version of "Promises Made, Promises Kept" during the campaign he promised more jobs to new cronies, political operatives and contributors. So he had to get rid of five today. But hold on there are promises of two, three or more tomorrow or in the near future.
So, while five people are no longer employed in the assessors office and the sheriff's department kept him safe during the day. Ballard is now safe working through the night in his basement with his farm on Farmville. Hopefully one of his farmville horses doesn't kick him while he is farming tonight.
Beeler and Buuck for Interim Law Director
David Buuck, local Knoxville Attorney has applied for Interim Law Director position. Sources indicate that Buuck has the support of the Bud Armstrong campaign leadership team of Phyllis Severance, Gerald Turner and a Publisher of a weekly give away paper. This afternoon, sources indicated that Armstrong would likely name Buuck as his Chief Deputy when Armstrong takes office on September 1st.
This afternoon, Knoxville Attorney Richard Beeler is applying. Beeler, a former Knox County Law Director was a member of the original Charter Committee. If the commission selects the best individual with the most experience. No one comes close to Richard Beeler.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Bud Armstrong Wants to Set On The Bench, He Ain't Game Ready
Richard "Bud" Armstrong who proclaimed his expert status on TN Charter Law and Tennessee educated after conferring with his "clients, supporters and the best legal minds" has determined he can not, should not, will not seek the interim law director position.
But he says that he will have the time to work with the interim law director between now and September 1 "to institute a smooth transition"
So it is like the guy on the sideline screaming put me in Coach, put me in. When the Coach finally says Go, Bud. Instead of running onto the field Bud steps back to the bench and says oh Coach I will in the fourth quarter.
Romney's Arrogance is Rejected in Alabama & Mississippi
Seven days ago, Moderate Mitt Romney and his campaign boasted (here) that it would take an act of God for someone other than Romney to be the nominee. While I don't believe God would intervene in a Republicn primary. It is obvious from last night that the deep south with a rich tradition of being the Bible belt didn't get the message Moderate Mitt was talking about. Thank you Alabama & Mississippi for giving Rick Santorum your support yesterday,
Weston Wamp Picks Up Support From John Rich
Weston Wamp candidate for Third District Congressman is having a fundraiser / rally on his 25th birthday on the 26th of this month. Recording Superstar John Rich will be there to entertain at the event. Rich, former singer of Lonesrar and Big & Rich and the winner of Celebrity Apprentice is a long time friend of conservative candidates. Having supported Fred Thompson and Weston's dad Zach in his run for Governor of Tennessee.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Knox County Audit Committee Employs KTSC Audit
Today the Knox County Audit Committee approved a work agreement with Knoxville based Pugh & Company to perform an audit on KTSC - Knoxville Tourism and Sports Corporation. Mayor Tim Burchett had desired an audit by the state comptroller. However, Justin Wilson TN Comptroller advised Knox County to pursue an audit with an outside entity.
Larry Elmore of Pugh and Co discuss the audit for KTSC as Joe Carcello looks through his papers. Kim Bennett of the Knox County Retirement Board looks on. |
Dale Smith Said It, When Pressed To Confirm He Said NO
Today the Knox County Audit Committee received and accepted the Internal Audit from Knox County Auditor Richard Walls on the construction of Hardin Valley Academy. The results of the meeting will result in multiple blog posts.
At one point the discussion of the field house came up. Public Building Authority CEO Dale Smith said "that came to be because the Mayor (Ragsdale) told us to" At a point where I could ask a question, I said so because one, two or three school board members attend a meeting, they do not act in the entirity of the board without action of the whole board. Just as one, two, three or four commissioners do not act as the whole commission until they meet together. So, are you saying that Mayor Ragsdale was the owner representative? Audit Committee Chair Joe Carcello asked PBA CEO Dale Smith, "do you want to answer that?" Smith said "no" and then Jeff Galyon of the PBA fielded all other comments and answers until the Audit Commitee voted to send the the audit report to Commission.
The beginning of the Audit Committee meeting |
During part of the meeting the discussion came up about who the owner representative was. Jeff Galyon said that School Board Members Thomas Deakins, Cindy Buttry and Karen Carson attending many of the construction meetings, indicating they were owner representatives.
Knox County Internal Auditor Richard Walls during his presentation of the Hardin Valley Academy Audit |
Dale Smith just after saying 'no" |
WBIR Has Some Family Trouble...It Seems
Yesterday I was perplexed at a headline on that said a Knoxville News Director on leave due to a death threat. Newsblues is an Internet site that serves up tasty gossip from television news stations.
It seems according to my sources at WBIR that their news director Bill Shory may have had a moment where he said something to someone that could be taken in a number of different ways and he is on a time out away from the station. So, there ya go folks. Watch what you say for little ears to hear.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Knox County Republicans - They Ain't What They Use To Be!
Knox County is the third largest county in Tennessee. That should translate into the Republican Party being the third largest right? Well, not if you compare them based on Lincoln Day Dinners. First of all the party did not capitalize on the Super Tuesday Primary in attracting a top quality speaker. Instead, they are having the dinner on March 31, 2012 at Rothchild's Catering and Conference Center. An excellent venue, by the way.
While Rhea County Republican Party had Former State Senator and National Radio Talk Show Host and Television Actor Fred Thompson last month. While the Tennessee Conservative Union attracted former 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate and Radio Talk Show Host Herman Cain last week.
It seems the best Ray Jenkins and Phyllis Severance could do is TN Senator Bob Corker. Corker who is being challenged in the Republican Primary by Zach Poskevich. All active candidates are recognized so let's see what Ray and Phyllis do on March 31. The musical entertainment is Knoxville's Con Hunley.
All eyes will be on Ray. As the party bylaws forbid him from taking sides in a contested primary. It did not go unnoticed at the TCU Reagan Day Dinner with Speaker Herman Cain that Ray was sitting at Law Director Candidate Bud Armstrong's table. Word passing through the Armstrong camp is that Jenkins will be awarded with a job in Law Director Armstrong's office.
Mabe Delivers an Excellent Post Analysis on Eighth District School Board Race
My buddy Jake Mabe is a blogger by night and a member of the main stream media by day, working with a weekly publication owned by the dreaded Big Metal Shed on the Hill. Most of his day work is decent (Just Kidding, he is really good at not ticking anybody off) while is blog work is exceptional.
He delivered a post analysis on the Eighth District School Board Race on his blog early this morning. Read it here. It is an excellent read and excellent post analysis. While Conley's opponent is not known to a Boss Tweed or a Boss Hogg as Mabe says.
However, McMillan, Property Assessor Ballard and Law Director to be Armstrong owe Knox County's version of Boss Hogg and the paybacks they must deliver may cause them to lay awake at night. While Conley Underwood will sleep well for the next four years. Underwood is young enough, beat up personally enough in 2012. That by 2016 Boss Hogg will be vanished from the landscape of Knox County.
However, McMillan, Property Assessor Ballard and Law Director to be Armstrong owe Knox County's version of Boss Hogg and the paybacks they must deliver may cause them to lay awake at night. While Conley Underwood will sleep well for the next four years. Underwood is young enough, beat up personally enough in 2012. That by 2016 Boss Hogg will be vanished from the landscape of Knox County.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Did Armstrong Miss a Section in TN Charter Law?
"Bud" Armstrong at Center City Conservative Club |
But, wait! As an an expert in Tennessee Charter Law. Did Armstrong miss Section 3.08 which tells us that an incoming law director is permitted to wind up a a private practice while serving as Law Director?
In fact Former Knox County Law Director Bill Lockett spent about the first six months winding up private cases and his actions were ALL totally legit.
So, did a majority of Knox County voters elect a Tennessee educated expert in Tennessee Charter law? I mean, if me as a 25 year private businessman that served 4 years on the Knox County School Board and 2 years as Knox County GOP Chairman in the good years of 2005-2007 can readily discover the speaking of the forked tongue regarding the Charter. Surely, others including the NEW home grown, Tennessee educated Armstrong would know he has time by the Charter to complete and close his law practice..
Hey, this way Armstrong could effect the Charter Review process and finish up his cases. So, that on September 1, 2012 he is "our" full time Law Director. Not having to consume a learning curve.
In fact Former Knox County Law Director Bill Lockett spent about the first six months winding up private cases and his actions were ALL totally legit.
So, did a majority of Knox County voters elect a Tennessee educated expert in Tennessee Charter law? I mean, if me as a 25 year private businessman that served 4 years on the Knox County School Board and 2 years as Knox County GOP Chairman in the good years of 2005-2007 can readily discover the speaking of the forked tongue regarding the Charter. Surely, others including the NEW home grown, Tennessee educated Armstrong would know he has time by the Charter to complete and close his law practice..
Hey, this way Armstrong could effect the Charter Review process and finish up his cases. So, that on September 1, 2012 he is "our" full time Law Director. Not having to consume a learning curve.
Friday, March 09, 2012
But Armstrong Said He Was Ready, Is He? Now?
In the campaign for Knox County Law Director Richard "Bud" Armstrong said and his campaign supporters including Knoxville lawyer Keith Burroughs said that Armstrong was homegrown and Tennessee educated in Tennessee law. His campaign boasted about 3 decades of experience in Charter form of Government law.
But now that Law Director Joe Jarret has opted to resign by the end of the month in order to allow Armstrong to exercise his wealth of Tennessee law education in the Charter Review Process.
Armstrong has this to say to the Knoxville News Sentinel, "I was looking forward to some transition time," he said. "It's hard to evaluate an organization and improve that organization from the start when you don't have that evaluation." Here is the link to the News Sentinel story. Joe Jarret obviously was the smartest man in the "Deathstar". Either way the Charter Review Committee went Armstrong would have had the opportunity to blame Jarret when Armstrong took office September 1, 2012. But now no one will have Joe to kick around anymore. Nice chess match move. Now either way Armstrong has to step up or appear not ready for prime time.
Armstrong has this to say to the Knoxville News Sentinel, "I was looking forward to some transition time," he said. "It's hard to evaluate an organization and improve that organization from the start when you don't have that evaluation." Here is the link to the News Sentinel story. Joe Jarret obviously was the smartest man in the "Deathstar". Either way the Charter Review Committee went Armstrong would have had the opportunity to blame Jarret when Armstrong took office September 1, 2012. But now no one will have Joe to kick around anymore. Nice chess match move. Now either way Armstrong has to step up or appear not ready for prime time.
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Tennessee Selects Rick Santorum
Tennessee participated in Super Tuesday primary election today. Tennessee selected Rick Santorum! Tennesseans rejected the millions of dollars of negative advertising by the Romney campaign. Tennessee rejected the preference of Governor Bill Haslam and Senator Lamar Alexander.
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Here I met Senator Rick Santorum at Temple Baptist Church the day following the Michigan Primary. |
With 93.79% of the statewide precincts reporting Rick Santorum received 37.34% to Mitt Romney's 27.91% to Newt Gingrich's 23.83% and finishing up with 9.13% is Ron Paul.
Oster Forces a Runoff, The $28,000 of Doug Harris Comes Up Short
In the Third District School Board race, Candidate Doug Harris spent $28,000 but all those thousands could not put away the door to door grassroots efforts by wife, mom and volunteer Gina Oster. Harris received 1,983 votes or 49.46%, Oster received 1,580 votes or 39.41%, a third candidate Bobby Edington received 446 votes or 11.12%. So, because no one received more than 50% of the vote. Harris and Oster live to fight another day. Another day in August 2012.
In the hotly contested school board race in the Eighth District Former County Commissioner Mike McMillan apparently squeaked out a victory by defeating Husband, Father, Small Business Owner Conley Underwood. With a slim 292 vote victory, McMillan owes Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett for the win, the photograph that tabloid news paper Publisher Steve Hunley ran of Burchett shaking McMillan's hand put him over the top.
In the contested race between Challenger wife and mother of three Elaine Davis against 8 year incumbent Karen Carson in the Fifth District School Board race. Carson was able to fend off the strong challenge with a 58.02% or 3,510 votes to Davis 41.98% or 2,540 votes.
In the race for Law Director, Richard "Bud" Armstrong was able to overcome a strong Early Vote victory by Joe Jarrett by winning more votes today. So, Armstrong wins 51.84% of the vote or 19,315 votes to Jarrett's 48.16% or 17,937 votes.
In the race for Property Assessor, incumbent Phil Ballard survived a challenge by John Whitehead. Ballard received 59.46% of the vote or 22,318 votes to Whitehead's 40.54% or 15,214.
Today, I received reports of two separate incidents on activities by Phil Ballard's campaign. The first one was the cell phone photo of Property Assessor employee Rodney Lane working the Halls Precinct. The source called the Property Assessors office and asked for Rodney Lane. The source was told that Lane was on the phone with a customer.
John Troyer "The Destroyer" Is Leaving Knox County
Breaking News: Sources at the Deathstar inform me that John Troyer "The Destroyer" is leaving Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett's administration to take another opportunity in an neighboring community. Troyer came to Knox County several years ago and served as Finance Director for the Mike Ragsdale and now Tim Burchett's administration. Troyer "the destroyer" will be missed. Good Luck John!
Newt In Knoxville, Yesterday!
Reported by Shock And Awe Corespondent Angry Patriot.
I arrived early to the Newt Gingrich event at the Airport Hilton in Blount County today, around 3:09pm. The parking lot was already getting packed and a lot of the other media personnel were unpacking just the same. No more than few feet outside of my vehicle I was approached by a man with a sign that read “DON'T BELIEVE THE LIBERAL MEDIA!”, I knew I was at the right place.
The crowd getting pumped for a visit by Former Speaker Newt Gingrich |
Newt speaking to an enthused Knoxville/East TN crowd |
Newt was running a little late, we were told it was because his plane was held up briefly for weather, OH and Sean Hannity refused to let him off the phone...Thanks Sean, not that I didn't enjoy my trip but it was amazingly hot standing up there smashed up with the other media people.
Rep. Tony Shipley decided to take the stage after we had some chanting and whistling in a failed attempt to summon The Newt, who had yet to actually land. He talked a little about Newts campaign and where he had been and was going, after leaving us he was headed straight to Chattanooga.
Rep. Shipley also made mention about a speech Obama recently gave where he was roughly quoted as saying that Republicans think the answer to the oil problem is to “Drill, Drill, Drill”, the crowd erupted in laughter when Rep. Shipley said, “Well Duh!”. Rep. Shipley decided it was time to turn the Podium over because Newt had at last arrived!
The crowd chanted “Newt, Newt, Newt!” and out came Callista Gingrich, Newt had to “freshen up” some. Callista was very pleasant to listen to, and talked some about Newts family dynamic. She also made note to mention that her husband is who we need to have as the next President of the United Stated of America, and stated “Our only opponent is Barack Obama”.
Callista Gingrich speaking to the energetic supportive crowd in Knoxville |
There was about three hundred or so people crammed into the conference room at the Airport Hilton at this point then suddenly there was music, the crowd applauded, Rep. Shipley took the Podium back, then coming from behind that big power T, was none other than Newt Gingrich himself! He took a quick sweep through the front of the buffer zone and shook some hands before taking the Podium. There were ton's of people holding up $2.50 Newt 2012 signs, referencing his promise to decrease gas costs to $2.50 as President. There were also several signs reading “DON'T BELIEVE THE LIBERAL MEDIA!” that were floating around.
Knoxville News Sentinel Political Reporter Georgiana Vines holding one of the rally signs. |
One of the rally signs, referring to Newt's pledge to have $2.50 per gallon of gas if he is elected. |
Below me I noticed an officer move through the crowd, he had spotted what a few of us had already seen but dismissed! A white guy probably in his early twenties with semi baggy pants, a white shirt and...Wait for it a Ron Paul hat! He had a handful of Ron Paul handouts and was generating a nice little buzz around himself as he tried to hand them. Anyway, said officer swept him to the side and then peacefully asked him to leave.
My attention was quickly directed back at Newt after I helped pull one of the national media girls back up onto the media riser from where she ran to tell a guy to move his sign, I was thankful she did, he was blocking all of my shots. Newt really pushed his $2.50 gas promise, and his general plans for ending our energy crisis. Newt injected fair bits of humor into his speech and got the crowd plenty riled up when he mentioned that his $2.50 promise is probably a little higher than gas will actually be during his administration, but $2.50 is what he was advised to promise. He also brought up a point which I completely agree with, and that was “We need fundamental rethinking in Washington”. He mentioned that fundamental rethinking, is even more important than just beating Obama (Of course if we have such rethinking, I would imagine Obama losing would be a given) . He brought up other points in stating that we do not need to be having debates about Syria and how to handle it, but we need to completely rethink our involvement.
Another view of the crowd prior to Newt and Callista's arrival |
He pulled Pakistan in too, saying they hid Osama Bin Laden for seven years, then got mad at us because we found him! He apparently was only a mile from their university of defense in that nice compound he had. Newt brought up some big points about leadership and not being timid or indecisive, saying that we have leaders now who are afraid of the truth. Really? We have leaders afraid of the truth! I thought with all their scandals, fraud, and tax issues that they loved the truth. Newt, I have to completely agree with you there, a good recently classic quote could sum up our officials in Washington “You can't handle the truth!”.
Newt scored another point specifically related to Tennessee when he mentioned that we had a great asset in Andrew Jackson, and referenced how he was a great leader who was not afraid of the truth, timid, or indecisive.
Being the Angry Patriot I am the next part of Newts speech got me riled up some. He said “I will never apologize” to those who hurt America, he then went into a spill about Obama apologizing to the radical Muslims. He then made a reference to Fort Hood and the Major that decided to go on a little rampage, he noted that the Major had in fact been contacting a Radical Cleric once a week, had converted over to being a Radical Muslim and carried a card on his body saying he was a Soldier of Allah, which is also apparently what he screamed when he started shooting our American troops, though I can't know that for fact. He made mention of how on the official report from the Army the fact that he had been carrying said card, converted to being a radical and had been in contact with aforementioned Cleric was left out, even though that could prove all of those things.
He went on talking about terrorist and the like for a bit before finally changing topics and making a statement I thought was worth quoting in reference to the politicians in Washington, he said “At some point the children's hour needs to end and adult supervision needs to begin” score another one for Newt.
He got back on the topic of energy and talked about how he plans to end our need for Middle Eastern oil. He quoted a his “Drill here, drill now, pay less” philosophy and went on to point out three points to end our dependence; 1 the Keystone Pipeline, 2 Drilling in Texas and Louisiana, 3 drilling in Alaska”
He talked briefly of how Obama was so proud of his natural gas, and the huge reserve they found that allowed them to bring down the prince of natural gas, he then asked the question “Do you think that maybe that natural gas was found by drilling?” and if it worked for natural gas why not oil!.
He half joked that he had invited President Obama to join him on a field trip to North Dakota where they found a HUGE well of oil on private land that he couldn't stop the drilling of, it in fact was twenty five times bigger than they originally thought and would be enough oil to over double the national reserve. He posed the question if we could find this much oil on private land in North Dakota what about Alaska, or off shore? He stated North Dakota has a 3.5% unemployment rate which he mostly attributed to the jobs created by such large oil wells being found. He talked about how North Dakota's government revenue was up and they were able to cut taxes seven times! Oh yeah they also have a multi-billion dollar “Rainy Day Fund” for a state that only cots a little over 2 billion to operate. He mentioned some numbers on barrels of oil we could produce if we used his three previously mentioned ideas and started drilling more. The numbers were large enough that if we became an exporter of oil we could make 14-16 trillion dollars collecting royalties and selling oil, while reducing our own fuel costs greatly.
He poked some fun at Obama and his algae plan to solve our oil problem, which could take years upon years. He made a great comment there “Presidents should focus on running the country today” I certainly agree! Newt said he had friends in the algae sector and it could become a viable solution in the future, but does little to help us now. He is no doubt referring to blue petroleum which is created using algae. He noted how when he was speaker gas was $1.13 a gallon and when Obama was sworn in it was $1.89 a gallon.
He plugged his online campaign at this point telling people to go to Facebook and post Newt = $2.50 as their status, and to do the same on Twitter #2.50gas. He then plugged his website and said if anyone wants to get involved they should check out, and noted that you could “give” a gallon of Newt gas. Which I must admit, is pretty amusing, and just fun enough in my opinion to get people to give.
A few of our local politicians were around, and some of our local candidates one of them being Gary Loe who is running for State House District 13, I took a bit and chatted with Gary, I happen to like him a lot so here is my shameless plug for Gary.
Over all the experience was good, Newt was good even if he was late and that is about that. This is the Angry Patriot singing off for Shock and Awe.
Sunday, March 04, 2012
"The Hermanator" Last Night at TCU Dinner
"The Hermanator" Herman Cain was the keynote speaker at the TN Conservative Union's Reagan Day Dinner. This annual fundraiser for the oldest conservative organization in Tennessee drew a huge crowd last night at Knoxville's Crown Plaza. TCU Chairman Lloyd Daugherty presented "The Hermanator" with a Tax Axe for the concept and promotion of his 9-9-9 plan.
Who Does the Governor Think He Is Violating School Policy
The Future of the TN GOP!
Excellent article here in today's News Sentinel concerning the power struggle between Santorum, Gingrich & Paul vs Romney backers.
Saturday, March 03, 2012
Why Romney Can Not Beat Obama
As Tennessee voters cast ballots on Tuesday as part of the ten state Super Tuesday primary. I want to "officially" post my reason for not supporting Mitt Romney. I have made the case to friends since early fall that the reason the liberal extremist spent the summer and fall with the "occupy" movement and the "corporate greed on Wall Street" movement is that they desired to run this next summer and fall against the "poster boy" of Corporate America.
Herman Cain who spent more time in corporate board rooms sacred the liberals to death. However, Romney doesn't scare them. As he has flip flopped on gay marriage, abortion, earmarks and every other position he previously has taken.
The picture below was posted this week on the forum for the liberal lunatics of East TN, "The Blab" which can be found here. This confirms my position that this part of the liberal strategy.
Hermanator Tonight, Romney Tomorrow & Gingrich on Monday
Thursday (the morning following the Michigan Primary) Rick Santorum nearly packed a 3,000 seat auditorium in Powell. Tonight, over 600 people will gather at Knoxville's Crowne Plaza as Herman "The Hermanator" Cain will keynote speak at the annual Reagan Day Dinner. A fundraiser for the oldest Conservative grassroots organization in Tennessee, the Tennessee Conservative Union
Tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. Mitt Romney will rally at West Hills Elementary School in Knoxville. A small 800 student elementary school near West Town Mall. Why such a small venue? Could it be like his rally in Detroit Michigan on February 12, where the venue was a tad bit too large? Check the story from the Washington Post here.
Tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. Mitt Romney will rally at West Hills Elementary School in Knoxville. A small 800 student elementary school near West Town Mall. Why such a small venue? Could it be like his rally in Detroit Michigan on February 12, where the venue was a tad bit too large? Check the story from the Washington Post here.
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On February 12, Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney announced his economic package and filled the end zone. |
On Monday Newt Gingrich will rally near Knoxville's McGhee Tyson Airport at 4:00 p.m. The rally will be held at the Airport Hilton.
Friday, March 02, 2012
Romney is Coming to Knoxville Sunday
Sources with the Romney campaign tell us that Mitt Romney will be in Knoxville Sunday afternoon, likely in a West Knoxville location. The local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has not been ruled out at this point. Stay tuned.
Thursday, March 01, 2012
Senator Santorum Knows Who Knox County's Go To Guy Is
Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett was unable to attend the rally at Crown College / Temple Baptist Church yesterday. He had a previously scheduled appointment in pursuing new economic development prospects. Senator Rick Santorum knows that Mayor Burchett and his Chief of Staff Dean Rice are the go to guys in the region. So, he hosted both men on his airplane. At 5:18 pm yesterday I tweeted the rumor (of the airplane meeting) here on my twitter feed. Now my sources have secured a photograph of the meeting. So, here's to our AWESOME Mayor for being a GREAT go to guy for us!
Next Up! Herman Cain will be in Knoxville Saturday
Yesterday was Rick Santorum's time in Knoxville. Next up on Saturday is my favorite Presidential Candidate Herman Cain. He is the keynote speaker for the annual Reagan Day Dinner of the Tennessee Conservative Union. The dinner will be held at the Crowne Plaza in Downtown Knoxville.
This is the biggest fundraiser for the TCU every year. If you want to attend, you better jump on getting tickets today, details here. I still consider myself a Cainiac and a proud member of the CainTrain. Go here to see what Herman Cain is working on now. Due to a previously scheduled personal matter, I will not be able to be in attendance. That should spike attendance!
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Herman Cain and I in July 2011 in Murfreesboro, TN |
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