Maybe Cooley didn't want to be part of an administration that implements a state property tax?
Now, that the Governor has shed himself of Cooley. It's time to fix the sagging high school graduation rates, by asking for Lana Seviers resignation and finding an Education Commissioner that will work for better results, not a decline, as Seviers has done.
It is good to know that you agree with Sexual Harrassment complaint files being shredded in the Governor's office.
It is good that you support the Deputy Governor having his ticket fixed and teh Deputy Governor telling Commissioner Phillips that Ms. Cooley is his Secretary. Nepotism reigns. But Bredesen promised to be a different Governor.
It is good to know that you support people paying for their promotions or employment instead of qualified applicants.
It isn't your fault that you are uneducated about these issues, because the News-Senseless doesn't cover these stories. You have to branch out into the Tennessean and other venues.
Good job Brian. I can verify that the News Sentinel has lazy reporters. Not all of them, but I do know one reporter who was approached with the information that started the entire THP scandal and was to lazy to check in to it. This info was passed along to a reporter in the print media and one TV reporter. Both of these reporters won media awards for their work.
I think Bredesen finally told Cooley it was time for him to go. He didn't want 4 more years of scandal's from Cooley, with more dirty laundry yet to be aired about Cooley and his fine upstanding wife yet to come. Of the four federal lawsuits filed against Cooley and his Gustapo underlings, one is being settled this month and the others will be settled early next month. The largest payout probably going to Bryan Farmer, which will cost the state around 1-2 million dollars. Of the 7 individuals named in Farmer's lawsuit 5 have been forced to resign, 1 has been fired and 1 has been demoted 2 ranks and is being forced to work in another district. As a juror and a taxpayer, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to look at what has happened to these crooks to figure out that Farmer was screwed royally.
Finally, Bredesen and Cooley can say what they want about Cooley's departure. The fact of the matter is, as big as Cooley's ego is, why would he give up the Deputy Governor's job ( the highest ranking non elected official in state government )? I have to say, good decision Phil!! There is a first time for everything!!
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