Here is what may go down as the most bizarre announcement of TN political history. Just curious, is Mayor of Clarksville equal to Governor of TN? Obviously, it is more winnable for her. The TN Governors race will likely go to the winner of the GOP primary.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Not all of Halls Has It
In reviewing the voter rolls of Halls it has been discovered that the area where Seventh District Commissioner Robert Lawrence Smith lives is NOT in State Senate District 6. The State Senator representing that portion of Halls is Oak Ridger Randy McNally. So, in regards to representation of Halls, not all of Halls Has It.
Today's Good News, Faulkner to Run for the House

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Mayoral Primary Candidate Debate Set, Friday April 16, 2010
The East Tennessee Society of Professional Journalists and the League of Women Voters of Knoxville and Knox County will host a mayoral primary candidates forums on Friday April 16, 2010 in the West High School Auditorium. In each moderated forum candidates will briefly address and answer questions for about one hour. Republican candidates Tim Burchett and Tim Hutchison will take the stage at 7:00 p.m. Democrat candidates Ezra Maize and Michael McBath will follow at 8:00 p.m. Audience members will have the opportunity to submit questions.
What are the Strings Attached?
Great job winning this. But, the strings and unfunded mandates may well cause TN and Prince Phillip of Nashville to become the laughing stock of the United States.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Brian Hornback is being Challenged by a Hollywood Insider
Brian Hornback, Republican candidate for Republican State Executive Committeeman District Six has opposition from an insider of the Hollywood Elite. It is common knowledge that his opponent is a voting member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science. Brian Hornback said "I am a native Knox Countian, my wife and I have made the decision to raise and educate our three children here in this community. We haven't bounced around the country to promote an agenda. My 28 years of promoting Republican, Conservative, traditional family values is because that is the life I believe and live." Hornback said "I welcome a debate on where our party will continue to emerge. I believe the citizens of the Sixth District will stand with me for traditional family values not in the agenda of the Hollywood Elite."

Saturday, March 27, 2010
General Gibbons, Great Job.
Friday, March 26, 2010
If Only Political Candidates Took Risks.
Tennessee Mens Basketball make it for the first time EVER to the Elite Eight. If only politicians took risk and used Orange for their campaign signs. Oh wait former Knox County Property Assessor and Former State Representative Parkey Strader used Orange. State Representative Bill Dunn uses Orange and in the Eighth District Duane Bias uses Orange. What a good color choice at a time when "it's great to be a TN Vol."
The Local Liberal Blog Joins Us on Being the Truth Squad on Jack at News-Sentinel
As Brian's Blog has been the Truth Squad on the News-Sentinel, Jack McElroy and E.W. Scripps employees Sandra Clark and Betty Bean. Now it seems that the local liberal blog has joined us in the pursuit of the truth at the Big Metal Shed on the Hill. Check out their first truth detector post on Jack McElroy here .
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Candidate Meet & Greet Exposed Differences in the Seventh
Tonight the Candidate Meet & Greet was held at the Knoxville Expo Center. 50 candidates running for everything from Republican / Democrat State Executive Committee to Governor were set up. The biggest discussion came from the candidates for County Commission Seventh District, it seems that Larry Smith a former Republican Party Chairman from back in the 90's has informed individuals that he likes Second District Commission Democrat candidate Amy Broyles for election to that seat. While Michele Carringer another Seventh District Republican candidate was rumored to have attended Don Daugherty's Tuesday reception. Daugherty, a former Knox County Democrat Chairman is running as an Independent for the same seat that Broyles is seeking. All of this going on while Lillian Williams another Republican candidate for the Seventh District Commission seat just continued talking to the voters.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Brian Hornback Unites Larry Smith and Sandra Clark
Commissioner Larry Smith and E.W. Scripps employee Sandra Clark have come together to support one candidate to oppose Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog for the position of Republican State Executive Committeeman District Six. The candidate that they have chosen picked up his petition and named a Treasurer today. The candidates wife is an employee of Property Assessor Phil Ballard's office. Numerous phone calls were received today saying that his wife was taking the petition through the City County Building asking individuals to sign it while she was on the county payroll and while the employees were working on county time. Property Assessor Ballard contacted this evening said that this is not an activity that he condones and that he has been in Nashville the past couple of days on county business.
Republican State Executive Committeeman candidate Brian Hornback in responding to the reports of this particular candidate said, "I look forward to contrasting and comparing my record of success in leading the Knox County GOP along with my combined 28 plus years of grassroots involvement within our Knox County Republican Party to my potential opponents short stint of residency in Knox County." Hornback also said "I am humbled and value voter support from all across our district, however, I am NOT the candidate of the City County buildings good ole boy network as evidenced by my signed qualifying petition" Hornback's petition is signed from individuals all over the Sixth district. Hornback's campaign has a Facebook group page (here) that is already impressive in the number of members supporting his candidacy.
Republican State Executive Committeeman candidate Brian Hornback in responding to the reports of this particular candidate said, "I look forward to contrasting and comparing my record of success in leading the Knox County GOP along with my combined 28 plus years of grassroots involvement within our Knox County Republican Party to my potential opponents short stint of residency in Knox County." Hornback also said "I am humbled and value voter support from all across our district, however, I am NOT the candidate of the City County buildings good ole boy network as evidenced by my signed qualifying petition" Hornback's petition is signed from individuals all over the Sixth district. Hornback's campaign has a Facebook group page (here) that is already impressive in the number of members supporting his candidacy.
March 26
This is a great story in today's Knoxville News Sentinel. Three couples all friends celebrating 50 years of wedded bliss. This Friday March 26, 2010 Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog and his lovely wife will celebrate 22 years of wedded bliss as well. Also, on March 26, 2010 will be the 26th anniversary of Brian Hornback earning the Eagle Scout badge.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Knox County Commission to Conduct Hearing
UPDATE 8:00 p.m.: Scott Moore contacted Knox County Commission and asked for an earlier date for a hearing. They have reconsidered their motion and now the date is April 20, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. or immediately following the Intergovernmental Committee.
Original Post: Knox County Commission just set a hearing to consider throwing former County Commission Chairman and current Seventh District Board of Zoning Appeals member Scott Moore off the Board of Zoning Appeals. The date they set for the hearing? May 5, 2010. The day after the Knox County Primary election. Politics involved? Absolutely! Commissioners Greg Lambert and Larry Smith had recused themselves, which means they can not participate at any point in teh hearing on May 5th.
Original Post: Knox County Commission just set a hearing to consider throwing former County Commission Chairman and current Seventh District Board of Zoning Appeals member Scott Moore off the Board of Zoning Appeals. The date they set for the hearing? May 5, 2010. The day after the Knox County Primary election. Politics involved? Absolutely! Commissioners Greg Lambert and Larry Smith had recused themselves, which means they can not participate at any point in teh hearing on May 5th.
McElroy Responds Although His Response Is NOT Accurate
Here Jack McElroy responds to this Brian's Blog post from last night. He indicates that this is not an ethical conflict in that he does not directly oversee Sandra Clark. This is not completely accurate. In 2006, Bruce Hartmann, publisher of the E.W. Scripps at the time, Sandra Clark and Brian Hornback met to discuss an article that appeared in the Shopper News. Hartmann mandated to Clark at the time how she would handle news stories going forward. Hartmann and McElroy are equals. In addition, we have been informed that Bruce Hartmann's uncle has been and is on the Board of Directors of E. W. Scripps Co. Also, we have been informed by sources that Bruce Hartmann's wife is an employee of Moxley Carmichael, a PR shop with a contract to represent the Knoxville News Sentinel.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Nepotism at The Big Metal Shed on the Hill
In the Shopper News this week is a new writer that details the kickoff of Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett's campaign. The column is located on page A4 here, the writer is a young Isaac McElroy. The name rang a bell at first. But after some research I located a column that Jack McElroy authored and was printed on August 10, 2008 (located here) It appears that the young writer at the Shopper News is as Jack McElroy disclosed on 8/10/2008 is his youngest son. So, while Jack McElroy champions banning nepotism. It isn't a policy or procedure to be adhered to by Jack McElroy and crew at E.W. Scripps and the Big Metal Shed on the Hill. This is proof that with Jack McElroy and E.W. Scripps it is do as I say not as I do.
Knox Chamber Attacks Rep. Niceley

Niceley contends that Wagley and Edwards has NEVER contacted him about any legislation. The idea of opening up Chamber meetings to open meetings and open records law is a good idea. Especially with the Chamber partnership being a recipient of taxpayer dollars. The bill that would force LLC (limited liability corporations) to publicly expose the officers of an LLC that is accepting public dollars. The bill that would allow a county and the voters within the county to decide whether to appoint or elect the School Superintendent. The Chamber partnership has been active in recruiting and running candidates for School Board. Sources within the Chamber partnership have informed Brian's Blog that the private airplane that flew a former Superintendent candidate to Knoxville for his interview was arranged by the Chamber partnership.
Brian's Blog would encourage Niceley and Burchett to consider a nepotism and cronyism bill related to Chamber of Commerces and the counties that fund dollars to their budget. Back in 2002 Wagley's spouse (at the time) was employed in the County Mayor's office while Wagley was in his high profile position at the Chamber position.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Dan Murphy Caught Misusing County Computer

Knoxville media organizations should ask for a report showing the websites and online activity (including emails) of members of the school board during meeting times. It is possible that emails are being exchanged between members during the meeting which would be a violation of Tennessee's Open Meetings law.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Knox County Schools Career & Technical Education Found It's Voice Tonight

Tommy Milligan, the small engine repair teacher at Gibbs High School spoke about his 29.5 years as a teacher and Coach in the Knoxville and Knox County School System. His class page is located here. Before Milligan spoke two of his former students who are now middle age taxpaying citizens spoke about his impact on their lives. After Milligan spoke the classroom assistant that works with Milligan spoke.
Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog is an advocate of the Career and Technical Education. He attended the National Skills USA competition last June in Kansas City, KS. At the National Skills USA there are competitions from all 50 states in small engine, diesel mechanics, cosmetology, brick masonry, carpentry, all sorts of computer skill competition and thousands of others. Here is the link to Skills USA.
Not all students are able to attend, survive and graduate from an institute of higher learning. So, high school career and technical (vocational) education is that living laboratory of teaching a marketable job skill. Those students are our future. The continued cuts to career and technical education is the Knox County School Board leaving those students (children) behind.
Hutchison Files Response and Counter Sues CNB
Former Knox County Sheriff and current candidate for Knox County Mayor Tim Hutchison along with his wife have filed a response to and filed a counter suit on CNB of Athens, TN. The response and counter suit are located here. The counter suit begins at the bottom of page 3 and continues until it concludes on page 8. Will Jack McElroy and crew report this?
Thomas Deakins Exposes School Board Waste
Sixth district school board member Thomas Deakins this evening asked the right question to publicly expose that last year the Knox County School Board put $1.8 million in the City Teacher A retirement plan for 35 participants. This year, they anticipate putting in $1.2 million in for 30 participants. Five participants have indicated that they will retire this year. It was revealed that this pension plan was closed to new participants in 1974.
Bob Cross, the actuary for the City A teachers plan and Kim Bennet Knox County's Executive Director of Retirement and Pension Plan addressed some of Vice Chairman Deakins concerns. Ms. Bennet was rude and argumentative. It is amazing what bureaucrats do when they are asked questions in an open and transparent process.
Good job Mr. Deakins.
Bob Cross, the actuary for the City A teachers plan and Kim Bennet Knox County's Executive Director of Retirement and Pension Plan addressed some of Vice Chairman Deakins concerns. Ms. Bennet was rude and argumentative. It is amazing what bureaucrats do when they are asked questions in an open and transparent process.
Good job Mr. Deakins.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
7th District Commission Race is Getting Complicated
Three candidates Michele Carringer, Lillian Williams and Larry Smith for one Seventh district County Commission position. . Some locations have two or all three signs. Interesting. 
What Will The Carter People's Reaction Be To All This Gibbs Blue
Two candidates (one for County Commission and one for School Board) running in the Eighth district are utilizing Gibbs blue in their signs. The Eighth district includes Gibbs and Carter. Carter is Green, Gibbs is pale blue. So, will the Carter side of the River/District take notice? We think they will. It would be best in the eighth district to have a color that is neutral of Gibbs blue or Carter green.
This sign is on the Carter side at the corner of Midway Road and Thorngrove Pike.
This sign is on the Carter side at the corner of Midway Road and Thorngrove Pike.
This sign is on the Gibbs side of the district, while there is a neutral color the name is still in Gibbs blue.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Debbie Cole Cleared, Frith Under Investigation?
Debbie Cole, Republican candidate for Knox County Clerk announced last night at the Halls Republican Club that she was cleared by the Knox County DA's office in the dining card giveaway complaint. Sources have been unable to confirm or deny a false report filing investigation on Scott Frith, Deputy Administrator of Elections. Here, here, here and here are previous Brian's Blog posts on this issue.
September 1, 2010 Come Quick
This is disgusting. Knox County employees (including school employees) work hard for minimal pay and a small percentage raise. If an employee has more than 12 or 15 years, they no longer receive step raises. But then raises are handed out to the County Mayor and it takes three months for the media to find it.
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Next Homeless Facility Location Will Be .....
The City of Knoxville has pulled the plug on the second proposed homeless facility site (as reported here) So, now they will begin looking for another location. Sources close to the organizers indicate that the next location will be on the state owned Lakeshore property. This property is located at the corner of Northshore and Westland Dr. The Lakeshore property is the most popular parks and recreation location in the area. It is utilized by hundreds of persons every day for walking the 2.1 mile outside loop. In addition the ball parks are used by thousands every weekend during season. So, this is Bill Haslam's answer to his 10 year plan?
Haslam is Concerned about Pop's store
Word is that Gubernatorial candidate Bill Gibbons is proposing a reduction in the lottery ticket sales commission that stores earn for selling lottery tickets. Gubernatorial candidate Bill Haslam opposes it, because he says that he is worried about the Mom and Pop stores. But the truth test revealed that he is only worried about his Pop's Pilot stores.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Election Commission Files a Complaint Without a Complaint
Sources close to Republican Knox County Clerk candidate Debbie Cole's campaign informed us that Debbie Cole along with two other individuals went to the Knox County Election Commission to obtain a copy of the complaint that the Knoxville News-Sentinel reported (here and here) that Election Deputy Administrator Scott Frith filed. Our sources indicated that Administrator Greg MacKay went back to his office and then he came out and said there is NO written complaint. MacKay said that he spoke to Frith on the phone and no formal complaint was given to the DA's office. Frith simply carried the discount card to the DA's office and left it. MacKay was asked if a written complaint should have been filed, Mackay replied "not necessarily" They then asked if Frith took the card to the DA, then Frith would be the complainant. MacKay said you will have to take that up with the DA. The three individuals then went immediately to the DA's office. The DA's office was unable to produce any complaint. The three individuals were informed that Mr. John Gill was going to contact them later that day but he was doing interviews and would look into it Monday and would call Ms. Cole.
Today's question is how can the DA's office conduct an investigation without a properly filed complaint?
Here is a previous Brian's Blog post from March 1, 2010 concerning this issue.
Today's question is how can the DA's office conduct an investigation without a properly filed complaint?
Here is a previous Brian's Blog post from March 1, 2010 concerning this issue.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Planned Parenthood Targets Black Babies
For all of our constructive critiques of Jack McElroy and the E.W. Scripps crew at the BIG Metal Shed on the Hill and their less than stellar performance of reporting unbiased news. This story in today's paper is spot on. Planned Parenthood appears to target black babies for extermination. So, now they (Jack McElroy and crew) have accepted that the positions of Brian's Blog are the RIGHT way.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
WVLT Is Bringing In BIG New Talent
Current WVLT talent Heather Haley has been promoted to Senior news anchor/weekends. Taking over weekend weather duties will be current West Virginian Whitney Kent. Whitney is currently the morning and noon weather duties at WDTV-TV Clarksburg, WV. Whitney joins Senior Meteorologist Megan Campbell and soon to join the staff is Chief Meteorologist David Aldrich. Watch this interview with David. David will join the team March 22, 2010.
WVLT will also welcome a new multi-media video journalist Mario Boone. Boone KTAL-TV the NBC affiliate in Shreveport, LA. Boone has also freelanced for CNN in Atlanta and WNCF-TN in Montgomery, AL.
Of course we have reported here and here about the Michele Silva hire. Michele started on Monday as co-anchor of East TN this Morning with Bob Yarbrough. Of course it has to be noted that WVLT has as their chief cornerstones. Alan Williams, Lauren Davis and Allison Hunt-Kropff. Good job guys. Now let's go bust that #1 door down.
As we previously reported here, Brian Gregory is leaving WVLT as Executive Producer and is headed to the CBS affiliate in Sacramento, CA as Executive Producer. Brian you did good here, we will miss your mature, professional approach to news. Whoever steps into those big shoes, better be good.
WVLT will also welcome a new multi-media video journalist Mario Boone. Boone KTAL-TV the NBC affiliate in Shreveport, LA. Boone has also freelanced for CNN in Atlanta and WNCF-TN in Montgomery, AL.
Of course we have reported here and here about the Michele Silva hire. Michele started on Monday as co-anchor of East TN this Morning with Bob Yarbrough. Of course it has to be noted that WVLT has as their chief cornerstones. Alan Williams, Lauren Davis and Allison Hunt-Kropff. Good job guys. Now let's go bust that #1 door down.
As we previously reported here, Brian Gregory is leaving WVLT as Executive Producer and is headed to the CBS affiliate in Sacramento, CA as Executive Producer. Brian you did good here, we will miss your mature, professional approach to news. Whoever steps into those big shoes, better be good.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Fox 43 aka WATE News Fails To Disclose
Fox 43 News aka WATE had a story on the 10 p.m. newscast in which Reporter Erica Estep interviews Pam Trainor as a person on the street concerning the school system cuts. What the newsroom left out of the news story is that Trainor is a candidate for School Board Ninth District. So, School Board Member Robert Bratton and other candidates Tammy Sommer and Max Houser are due equal time.
Commissioner Wright Violates County Law

The Knox County Highway Department permits political signs to be placed temporarily at, near, or in the county right-of-way in accordance with Knox County Zoning Regulation 3.90.02(F) without securing a building permit. Signs that obstruct visibility, in any manner, will be removed. If there are questions, call 215-2325.
A candidate's temporary sign cannot be larger than 32 square feet in size, cannot be displayed for more than 30 days, and must be removed within 5 days following the election.
Temporary signs cannot be erected at the intersection of any street so as to obstruct free and clear vision, be confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal, or device, or be located in any required parking space.
A portable sign cannot be considered or utilized as a temporary sign.
At the conclusion of a primary, general or special election, candidates are responsible for the removal of any signs, posters, or placards advocating their candidacy that have been placed on highway right-of-ways or other publicly-owned property. The removal of such materials shall be accomplished within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed three (3) weeks.
A candidate in a primary election who will be a candidate in the following general election will not be required to remove any signs until the conclusion of the general or special election.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
CORRECTION: March 10, 2010 2:55 p.m. Oops, we messed up. Gordon Boyd is not suspended, has not been suspended and is a valued member of the WVLT newsroom and operations. Stephen McLamb is at WAFF in Huntsville, AL. Check out Stephen's bio on the WAFF website here. Our apologies to Boyd, McLamb, WVLT Management and Crew.
On January 31, 2010 we predicted (here) that Jim Freeman, Director of Weather Operations at WVLT would be leaving in 30-45 days. This past Friday March 5, 2010, Jim said goodbye. Earlier on Friday, Rebecca Solomon on returning from a live broadcast was informed that her services would no longer be needed. No specific reason was given. Michele Silva was celebrating on her Facebook Friday evening. On Saturday morning, Steve Crabtree announced the Michele Silva hiring on his Facebook. On Saturday morning Brian's Blog reported (here) the Silva announcement. We believed it then and believe now that Silva will help knock down the #1 door.
WVLT Executive Producer Brian Gregory has announced that he will be leaving in a couple of weeks for a similar position in Sacramento, CA. Our sources believe March 19, 2010 will be his last day.
Gordon Boyd, WVLT Anchor and Reporter was suspended indefinitely on March 4, 2010 following an on air incident that was was carried live on the six o'clock news. Boyd was reacting angrily at his own mistake.
WVLT reporters Mike McCarthy left for a similar position in Ohio. WVLT reporter Stephen McLamb was terminated a few weeks ago.
It was this time last year that Stacy McCloud and Scott Blalock left. The year before that Liz Tedone, Craig Edwards, Kim Bedford, Jessa Goodard and Kelli Parker left.
On January 31, 2010 we predicted (here) that Jim Freeman, Director of Weather Operations at WVLT would be leaving in 30-45 days. This past Friday March 5, 2010, Jim said goodbye. Earlier on Friday, Rebecca Solomon on returning from a live broadcast was informed that her services would no longer be needed. No specific reason was given. Michele Silva was celebrating on her Facebook Friday evening. On Saturday morning, Steve Crabtree announced the Michele Silva hiring on his Facebook. On Saturday morning Brian's Blog reported (here) the Silva announcement. We believed it then and believe now that Silva will help knock down the #1 door.
WVLT Executive Producer Brian Gregory has announced that he will be leaving in a couple of weeks for a similar position in Sacramento, CA. Our sources believe March 19, 2010 will be his last day.
Gordon Boyd, WVLT Anchor and Reporter was suspended indefinitely on March 4, 2010 following an on air incident that was was carried live on the six o'clock news. Boyd was reacting angrily at his own mistake.
WVLT reporters Mike McCarthy left for a similar position in Ohio. WVLT reporter Stephen McLamb was terminated a few weeks ago.
It was this time last year that Stacy McCloud and Scott Blalock left. The year before that Liz Tedone, Craig Edwards, Kim Bedford, Jessa Goodard and Kelli Parker left.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Frith & MacKay of Election Commission Fail To Do The Job
On the Tennessee This Week broadcast on WATE, Host Gene Patterson had Debbie Cole candidate for Knox County Clerk to discuss the Dining coupon that she had placed in the Knox County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner goodies bag. Brian's Blog detailed the contents of the goodies bag here immediately following the dinner on Saturday February 27, 2010.
On the broadcast Patterson asked Cole if MacKay and/or Frith discussed this with her before sending the findings to the Knox County District Attorney General Randy Nichols. She said NO that no one had contacted her. So, the question is how did MacKay investigate Frith's complaint without getting Cole's response? It appears that MacKay and Frith are failing to do their job appropriately. When MacKay was selected last year. Election Commission Chairman Chris Heagerty stated that the Election Commission would vote on the individual for Administrator each and every year. So, when will the Commission advertise for the job?
In addition, Brian's blog discussed here the appropriateness of Frith attending a partisan political event and that he being the one to file the complaint as detailed by the Knoxville News-Sentinel. We would hope that District Attorney General Nichols will look into this issue as well.
On the broadcast Patterson asked Cole if MacKay and/or Frith discussed this with her before sending the findings to the Knox County District Attorney General Randy Nichols. She said NO that no one had contacted her. So, the question is how did MacKay investigate Frith's complaint without getting Cole's response? It appears that MacKay and Frith are failing to do their job appropriately. When MacKay was selected last year. Election Commission Chairman Chris Heagerty stated that the Election Commission would vote on the individual for Administrator each and every year. So, when will the Commission advertise for the job?
In addition, Brian's blog discussed here the appropriateness of Frith attending a partisan political event and that he being the one to file the complaint as detailed by the Knoxville News-Sentinel. We would hope that District Attorney General Nichols will look into this issue as well.
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Mr. Roy (Ragsdale) Was a Good Man, RIP Mr. Roy!
Mr. Roy Ragsdale passed away early this morning as reported here by WVLT. Mr. Roy was a good man. Rest In Peace, Mr. Roy.
BREAKING NEWS: WVLT is Knocking Down the #1 Door

Friday, March 05, 2010
Chuck Ward is Supporting Paul Pinkston
Sources inform us that Chuck Ward the candidate that withdrew his name from being a candidate opposing Commissioner Paul Pinkston and Mike Brown in Knox County's Ninth district appeared at a recent Shoneys Friday breakfast in South Knoxville. While there he presented a campaign contribution to Commissioner Paul Pinkston.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
YES, Carter Deserves & Has Earned a NEW School
This letter in today's Knoxville News-Sentinel from Eighth District Community Leader Duane Bias is 100% on point. The Carter community deserves and has earned a NEW school. Not a renovated or slightly expanded school. When Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog was a Representative serving on the Knox County School Board he along with a majority of School Board members voted on and purchased land on Strawberry Plains Pike for a NEW Carter Elementary School. It was supposed to be built after Cedar Bluff Elementary was completed. It is TIME.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Haslam is Not Ready for Prime Time
Haslam says that he will NOT put his Pilot interest in a blind trust. This is yet another example of the arrogance of Haslam. He doesn't see the conflict of being Governor and his family business being one the most state regulated business. Fuel, Beer, lottery tickets just to name three. Come one Bill, do us all a favor go out there and "open truck stops, good ones" and leave the running of state government to the individuals without conflicts.
Monday, March 01, 2010
Did Election Administrator Violate the Spirit Of His Office?
Scott Frith the Deputy Administrator of Elections is quoted in this Knoxville News-Sentinel article today as the complainant about a giveaway card from Republican candidate for Knox County Clerk Debbie Cole. Greg Mackay, the only Supervisor that Frith answers to has launched an investigation according to the article written by Scott Barker.
Frith should NOT be attending partisan events whether they be Republican or Democrat. As his appearance and purchase of a ticket to the Republican fundraising dinner constitutes a contribution to the Knox County Republican Party. Now, if he received a free ticket from someone than that is a violation of the Knox County Ethics Policy. So, it is problematic that Frith who along with Mackay run and operate the election appears to be attacking a candidate that is challenging an incumbent Republican officeholder. Can Debbie Cole receive a fair election with the #2 person in the election commission launching questions of appropriateness?
Frith should NOT be attending partisan events whether they be Republican or Democrat. As his appearance and purchase of a ticket to the Republican fundraising dinner constitutes a contribution to the Knox County Republican Party. Now, if he received a free ticket from someone than that is a violation of the Knox County Ethics Policy. So, it is problematic that Frith who along with Mackay run and operate the election appears to be attacking a candidate that is challenging an incumbent Republican officeholder. Can Debbie Cole receive a fair election with the #2 person in the election commission launching questions of appropriateness?
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