John Owings was selected by 16 County Commissioners on September 1, 2006 to serve as Knox County Law Director. John has served as the Senior Deputy Law Director since 2000, when Mike Moyers was elected by the Knox County voters as Law Director. Joh Owings had served as a deputy law director before that.
Mike Moyers was overwhelmingly elected to the post of Chancellor for retiring Sharon Bell on August 3, 2006. With all due respect to Dale Workman, Richard Beeler and Mike Moyers. The three men who served as Knox County's Law Director, two of whom have moved to Judicial positions and Beeler to a successful law practice, due to term limits. John Owings is head and shoulders the best, most qualified choice County Commision could select.
The law director position will be back on the ballot in 2008. John Owings deserves the confidence and support of the Knox County voters.
The photo is from the News-Sentinel as Law Director Owings defends the Knox County Charter to the Supreme Court.
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