Check out the Real Marriage website. This is a single measure ballot committee of Family Action of Tennessee, Inc. The website is an information point in support of traditional marriage in Tennessee. This ballot initiative will be on the Tennessee ballot on November 7, 2006.
Mr. Hornback,
Sir, this is so GOTV.
Do you really think you're fooling anyone other than Republican base? Do you really think the Republican base needs fooling?
You are correct that this is GOTV (Get Out The Vote) for Christian and non-Christians that believe that marriage should only be recognized and honored by the state for one man and one woman.
Not, for Ed and Fred or for Ed, Louise, Fred and/or any other multiple mixed partnerships. Even if that combination may or may not be between humans with a combination that may or may not include animal(s).
This is not a Republican exclusive issue. There are many die hard Democrats that believe that Marriage should be protected for one man and one woman or one woman and one man, no more, no less.
It is interesting to note that neither Bredesen or Ford have signed on to support this MPA (Marriage Protection Ammendment) effort.
How about you, Steve? Are you for Adam and Eve or for Fred and Ed?
I am. Civil marriage and religious marriage are two completely separate things, and there's no reason to deny homosexuals the legal, medical and tax benefits that heterosexual couples get through the government. Mixed-race marriage used to be illegal too, and a lot of "die-hards" on both sides of the aisle opposed that too.
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