In communication with some TN GOP SEC members, I am confident that the proposal to close Republican primaries will be tabled for 60-90 days and a committee of the SEC will begin investigating this proposal.
I initially supported the concept of closing the primaries. However, after discussing the matter in an open dialogue with
Moderately Marvelous on twitter. I am OPPOSED to closing the Republican primaries.
The reason is that when the primaries are closed, you could be excluded by voting if the Republican party determines that you are not a bona fide Republican. For someone like myself where 5 former of the 10 former living Knox County GOP Chairman publicly opposed my election as an SEC member, they could determine that I am not a bona fide Republican. The five are jealous of the success that the party achieved during my term. So, they're opposition was clearly a self serving. This type of activity should not remove my ability to cast a vote.
For the record in my SEC race, my opponent spent in excess of $15,000 while I spent ZERO dollars. I garnered 37.3% of the vote, very good results for the investment.