These are the positions on the ballot that need 5% in order to appear on the August General Election ballot. All other write-in's, must beat the incumbent on the Tuesday May 2nd ballot. I am breaking this down by Democrat and Republican, because you can not mix your votes (in other words vote for County Mayor and write-in your favorite Demo.) You must chose Republican or Democrat.
On the Republican ballot 5%(if it's a district race than 5% of the district's Republican votes cast. If it is a county-wide position, than 5% of the Republican vote cast county-wide) is needed for a particular write-in to be successful.
County Clerk: The only candidate to be counted will be Kelvin Moxley.
County Commission 1A: The only candidate's to be counted will be Nick Della Volpe, Albert Baah, Clarence Cash and Mark Saroff
County Commission 2B: The only candidate to be counted will be Deborah Porter.
On the Democrat ballot 5%(if it's a district 5% of the district's Democrat votes cast. If it is a county-wide position, than 5% of the Democrat vote cast county-wide) is needed for a particular write-in to be successful with the following positions:
Chancellor Div. III Demo The only write-in to be counted will be Jim Andrews.
Sheriff Demo The only write-in to be counted will be Randy Tyree.
County Commission 3B Demo The only candidate to be counted will be Colvin Idol.
County Commission 4A Demo The only candidate to be counted will be Joan Wagner.
County Commission 4B Demo The only candidate to be counted will be Elaine Davis.
County Commission 5C Demo The only candidate to be counted will be Tom Salter.
County Commission 8A Demo The only candidate to be counted will be Brian Pirtle.
County Commission 8B Demo The only candidate to be counted will be Thomas Pressley.
County Commission 9A Demo The only candidate to be counted will be Steve McGill.
With this explanation, I am attempting to clear up the questions. You may have more questions, if you do post it in the comments, I will try to answer it or you may call the Knox County Election Commission at 865-215-2480.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Redneck Nation How the South Really Won The War

I have just finished reading this book written by Michael Graham. Michael Graham spent 6 years on the national comedy club circuit opening for Jerry Seinfield and Robin Williams, then spent 6 years as a Republican political consultant. He has been a frequent guest on Politically Incorrect and Hardball with Chris Matthews.
I purchased this book on a hunch that it would be a good book to relieve stress and because I am not a avid reader of fiction. Not much to fiction, in my view, but I digress.
This book is funny, does relieve some stress, takes your mind in another direction and has some interesting insight to it.
It discusses Joe Lieberman, How the South Really won the War, Where is the South?, North -vs- South, Rednecks and White Whine, Nothing gets this bad except on purpose: Redneck Education, B.J.U.S.A (which is Bob Jones University), Without Merit, Darwin is Dead, It's a ______ thing. You wouldn't understand, Mario Brothers, Submit, Hell (my favorite chapter), Taken to the Extreme, Blowed up real good (my second favorite chapter), Hee Haw and finally the Epilogue: Confessions of a Reluctant Southerner.
If you have spent most of your life in the South, this is a good book to take you back to your childhood memories and allows you an opportunity to laugh at yourself and your kin.
Michael Graham has a blog with podcast available and can be found here.
Michael Graham may just become one of my favorites.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Get Well Wishes to Jake

Jake Mabe of Musings of Mabe has been ill for the last couple of days. Suffering with kidney stones. Go over to his blog and send him good well wishes.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Sheriff Tim Hutchison and Friends BBQ

Last evening from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Sheriff Tim Hutchison & Friends held a BBQ at the I-75 Expo Center. I am pleased to say that the Brian Hornback name was listed on the invitation as a friend. I have been an active supporter of Sheriff Hutchison's since the first Hutchison race in 1990, when we defeated Joe Fowler a democrat Sheriff.
I am sure that you were at the BBQ, everyone in Knox County was there. I made my intial appearance at the BBQ 30 minutes after it started, even with my position with the Republican Party, I had to park nearly on Clinton Highway. Which means that when I left at the conclusion of the BBQ, I had to walk back to Clinton Highway. Keep in mind this is the former site of a Lowes Home Improvement Warehouse, they have big parking lots. I am not complaining, I needed the exercise.
I waited to post this on Brian's Blog until I received the phone call about the attendance numbers. The Expo Center has reported to my sources that 1200 were in attendance. Did you hear me on this? One Thousand Two Hundred. I am sure the Expo Center and/or caterer came up with that number by the number of plates given out. That doesn't take into consideration someone like me, I didn't take a plate and eat the food. I grabbed my addictive beverage of choice and talked to most of my Republican and Democrat friends. Yes, there were many Democrats in attendance.
BTW (by the way) my addictive beverage of choice, Coffee. I drink nearly six cups a day. I have seen another blog post that reported some good news about Coffee and I will be posting about it soon.
Promise Keepers UNLEASHED 2006
Promise Keepers 2006 Unleashed Conference link is to your right. Register for a conference near you. The conference locations near Knoxville are:
Columbus, OH July 14 - 15, 2006
Jacksonville, FL July 21 - 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA July 28 - 29, 2006
Louisville, KY September 22 - 23, 2006
Check out the Promise Keepers website, here.
Columbus, OH July 14 - 15, 2006
Jacksonville, FL July 21 - 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA July 28 - 29, 2006
Louisville, KY September 22 - 23, 2006
Check out the Promise Keepers website, here.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Brian Hornback Earns Free Media Today
Brian Hornback earned free media today. Four different posts (from the same one - three people)were posted on a web based guestbook of a local radio talk show.
2. Looks like Hornback might go for the Griess's seat. He will have a surprise in committee if he tries this. People are trying to explain to Hornback that you cannot do a backroom deal like this. I hope he understands. He can be replaced. Some of the stuff on his blog is an embarrassment to the GOP.
From Hornback's blog today:
In the TN Supreme Court's unanimous decision, there were no comments about Knox County or specifically, John Griess. So, the comment John Griess has been determined by the Tennessee Supreme Court to be ineligible as a candidate for the District 5 seat. is inaccurate. This person really should do some research and read the TN Supreme Court decision Bailey -v- Shelby in order to be accurate.
I find this conspiracy stuff funny. I find it sad that a few individuals are so consumed with paranoia and conspiracy theories that they would spread such rumor and gossip anonymously. I know who these people are. I just wish them the self confidence to be able to stop hiding in an anonymous phone in system and/or anonymous blogs. Come on out into the sunlight. That dark room of being anonymous that you are living in, isn't good for you. Take a deep breathe, gain some self confidence in yourself and come on out.
I am just thankful that the Farragut Press staff spells the name Brian Hornback correctly.
Have a Nice Day. 2006-04-27 08:32:49,
5. Brian H ,come on out of the bunker ,take a free breath,and declare your rump candidacy for the seat held by "HELL NO I WON'T GREISS".It is just that simple.Show leadership for once.If you want the GREISS seat,then just announce.You must resign and pass the mantle to the vice chair.If you don't want the"GREISS SEAT"then just say so. GEN Patton said,"leadership means courage and sacrifice...".It is not too late for you to show both.YOU CAN CHANGE. YOU CAN DO THIS. Don't NON-RESPONSE the citizens again. 2006-04-27 07:06:00, j r maynard, knoxville
Brian's Blog note: Should a vacancy occur, the by-laws do not allow for the vice-chair to take over.
7. In the Farragut Press this morning:
I want to make this perfectly clear: a vote for John Griess is a vote for Brian Hornback. Support your write-in candidate.
[Knox County Commission-er] John Griess has been determined by the Tennessee Supreme Court to be ineligible as a candidate for the District 5 seat [includes all similar incumbents having served two consecutive terms]. He cannot serve. If you vote for him, your vote is an unknown vote. The worst-case scenario would be someone that we don’t want as our candidate or as our representative, like Brian Hornback. If you’re not sure, select a write-in candidate. Do a little research, and pick someone that’ll represent Farragut.
Did Hornback ever say whether he would seek to be the replacement candidate for Griess? The election is next Tuesday. 2006-04-27 04:50:50, Jim, Farragut
11. Over at Brian Hornback's blog is a story about history will be made this weekend. Bill Haslam will be going door to door for Mike Ragsdale.
Here is what was written, "My sources informed me today (Tuesday April 25, 2006) that this weekend two current Mayors will be canvassing neighborhoods, in a GOTV (Get Out The Vote) effort. My sources asked if this has ever occurred in the history of the community or state. I feel certain that it has never occurred in this community and unlikely that it has occurred in the state.
So, if your neighborhood is the one. You will have the two decision makers within a football field distance from one another. One will be at your door, while the other is at your neighbors door."
Ragsdale's campaign must be in SERIOUS TROUBLE. It is a history making event to have to ask help from the Mayor of Knoxville to help you win an election. So with all of the money Ragsdale has, the great Jobs Now, and reading to school children, Ragsdale is so afraid he has to ask for help from Bill Haslam. Well, don't let them in your house.
You can smell the Metro from here. 2006-04-26 11:59:20, No Metro need apply, Knox County
Thanks to the three anonymous conspiracy theorist for keeping the Brian Hornback name out there.
One reminder for you about Brian's Blog, the permanent reminder is to your right just below the links.
I began my personal blog in August of 2004 for the purpose of providing information and thoughts on a multitude of issues and any news of the day for the benefit of family, friends and supporters. I realize that of the hundreds of people that read this blog, many of you do not fall in any of the three categories. That is Ok, your welcome to partake of my personal thoughts and beliefs. If you are here for the purpose of information related to the Knox County Republican Party, you are in the wrong place. Visit the KnoxBlog of the KnoxGOP. The link for the Knox County Republican Party is located below for your use.
2. Looks like Hornback might go for the Griess's seat. He will have a surprise in committee if he tries this. People are trying to explain to Hornback that you cannot do a backroom deal like this. I hope he understands. He can be replaced. Some of the stuff on his blog is an embarrassment to the GOP.
From Hornback's blog today:
In the TN Supreme Court's unanimous decision, there were no comments about Knox County or specifically, John Griess. So, the comment John Griess has been determined by the Tennessee Supreme Court to be ineligible as a candidate for the District 5 seat. is inaccurate. This person really should do some research and read the TN Supreme Court decision Bailey -v- Shelby in order to be accurate.
I find this conspiracy stuff funny. I find it sad that a few individuals are so consumed with paranoia and conspiracy theories that they would spread such rumor and gossip anonymously. I know who these people are. I just wish them the self confidence to be able to stop hiding in an anonymous phone in system and/or anonymous blogs. Come on out into the sunlight. That dark room of being anonymous that you are living in, isn't good for you. Take a deep breathe, gain some self confidence in yourself and come on out.
I am just thankful that the Farragut Press staff spells the name Brian Hornback correctly.
Have a Nice Day. 2006-04-27 08:32:49,
5. Brian H ,come on out of the bunker ,take a free breath,and declare your rump candidacy for the seat held by "HELL NO I WON'T GREISS".It is just that simple.Show leadership for once.If you want the GREISS seat,then just announce.You must resign and pass the mantle to the vice chair.If you don't want the"GREISS SEAT"then just say so. GEN Patton said,"leadership means courage and sacrifice...".It is not too late for you to show both.YOU CAN CHANGE. YOU CAN DO THIS. Don't NON-RESPONSE the citizens again. 2006-04-27 07:06:00, j r maynard, knoxville
Brian's Blog note: Should a vacancy occur, the by-laws do not allow for the vice-chair to take over.
7. In the Farragut Press this morning:
I want to make this perfectly clear: a vote for John Griess is a vote for Brian Hornback. Support your write-in candidate.
[Knox County Commission-er] John Griess has been determined by the Tennessee Supreme Court to be ineligible as a candidate for the District 5 seat [includes all similar incumbents having served two consecutive terms]. He cannot serve. If you vote for him, your vote is an unknown vote. The worst-case scenario would be someone that we don’t want as our candidate or as our representative, like Brian Hornback. If you’re not sure, select a write-in candidate. Do a little research, and pick someone that’ll represent Farragut.
Did Hornback ever say whether he would seek to be the replacement candidate for Griess? The election is next Tuesday. 2006-04-27 04:50:50, Jim, Farragut
11. Over at Brian Hornback's blog is a story about history will be made this weekend. Bill Haslam will be going door to door for Mike Ragsdale.
Here is what was written, "My sources informed me today (Tuesday April 25, 2006) that this weekend two current Mayors will be canvassing neighborhoods, in a GOTV (Get Out The Vote) effort. My sources asked if this has ever occurred in the history of the community or state. I feel certain that it has never occurred in this community and unlikely that it has occurred in the state.
So, if your neighborhood is the one. You will have the two decision makers within a football field distance from one another. One will be at your door, while the other is at your neighbors door."
Ragsdale's campaign must be in SERIOUS TROUBLE. It is a history making event to have to ask help from the Mayor of Knoxville to help you win an election. So with all of the money Ragsdale has, the great Jobs Now, and reading to school children, Ragsdale is so afraid he has to ask for help from Bill Haslam. Well, don't let them in your house.
You can smell the Metro from here. 2006-04-26 11:59:20, No Metro need apply, Knox County
Thanks to the three anonymous conspiracy theorist for keeping the Brian Hornback name out there.
One reminder for you about Brian's Blog, the permanent reminder is to your right just below the links.
I began my personal blog in August of 2004 for the purpose of providing information and thoughts on a multitude of issues and any news of the day for the benefit of family, friends and supporters. I realize that of the hundreds of people that read this blog, many of you do not fall in any of the three categories. That is Ok, your welcome to partake of my personal thoughts and beliefs. If you are here for the purpose of information related to the Knox County Republican Party, you are in the wrong place. Visit the KnoxBlog of the KnoxGOP. The link for the Knox County Republican Party is located below for your use.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I Voted..
Well, this afternoon was the time. I met my family at a Early Voting location. My oldest son was not able to attend this afternoon. It is the first election he has missed in his 15 plus years of existence.
We have always taken our children into the voting booths with us every time, including when they were infants. However, I met Brian'sBlog wife and the two younger Brian'sBlog children and we cast our ballots. The youngest went with me and the middle child went with the Brian'sBlog wife.
We performed our civic duty as a family. Our votes are in the house and waiting to be counted at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday May 2, 2006.
You can still vote early this evening until 8:00 p.m. or tomorrow Thursday April 27, 2006 from 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., if you do not vote early by tomorrow, you must vote on Tuesday May 2, 2006 from 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Early Voting locations are: Farragut Town Hall, 11408 municipal Center Drive, Farragut, TN; Downtown West 1645 Downtown West Blvd; Knox County Old Courthouse 1st Floor, 300 Main Street; Knoxville Center Mall County Clerks Office; Chapman Ford Center 6510 B Chapman Hwy, (next to Goodys); Love Kitchen 2418 Martin Luther King Boulevard; Halls Center 7028 Maynardville Highway, County Clerks Office.
Do not NOT vote. If you do NOT vote, you can not complain for the next 4 years. Make your vote, count.
We have always taken our children into the voting booths with us every time, including when they were infants. However, I met Brian'sBlog wife and the two younger Brian'sBlog children and we cast our ballots. The youngest went with me and the middle child went with the Brian'sBlog wife.
We performed our civic duty as a family. Our votes are in the house and waiting to be counted at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday May 2, 2006.
You can still vote early this evening until 8:00 p.m. or tomorrow Thursday April 27, 2006 from 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., if you do not vote early by tomorrow, you must vote on Tuesday May 2, 2006 from 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Early Voting locations are: Farragut Town Hall, 11408 municipal Center Drive, Farragut, TN; Downtown West 1645 Downtown West Blvd; Knox County Old Courthouse 1st Floor, 300 Main Street; Knoxville Center Mall County Clerks Office; Chapman Ford Center 6510 B Chapman Hwy, (next to Goodys); Love Kitchen 2418 Martin Luther King Boulevard; Halls Center 7028 Maynardville Highway, County Clerks Office.
Do not NOT vote. If you do NOT vote, you can not complain for the next 4 years. Make your vote, count.
This is funny.....
Two presstalk call in's from the new Farragut Press (4-27-06)and can be located here. They are
• I want to make this perfectly clear: a vote for John Griess is a vote for Brian Hornback. Support your write-in candidate.
• [Knox County Commission-er] John Griess has been determined by the Tennessee Supreme Court to be ineligible as a candidate for the District 5 seat [includes all similar incumbents having served two consecutive terms]. He cannot serve. If you vote for him, your vote is an unknown vote. The worst-case scenario would be someone that we don’t want as our candidate or as our representative, like Brian Hornback. If you’re not sure, select a write-in candidate. Do a little research, and pick someone that’ll represent Farragut.
In the TN Supreme Court's unanimous decision, there were no comments about Knox County or specifically, John Griess. So, the comment John Griess has been determined by the Tennessee Supreme Court to be ineligible as a candidate for the District 5 seat. is inaccurate. This person really should do some research and read the TN Supreme Court decision Bailey -v- Shelby in order to be accurate.
I find this conspiracy stuff funny. I find it sad that a few individuals are so consumed with paranoia and conspiracy theories that they would spread such rumor and gossip anonymously. I know who these people are. I just wish them the self confidence to be able to stop hiding in an anonymous phone in system and/or anonymous blogs. Come on out into the sunlight. That dark room of being anonymous that you are living in, isn't good for you. Take a deep breathe, gain some self confidence in yourself and come on out.
I am just thankful that the Farragut Press staff spells the name Brian Hornback correctly.
Have a Nice Day.
• I want to make this perfectly clear: a vote for John Griess is a vote for Brian Hornback. Support your write-in candidate.
• [Knox County Commission-er] John Griess has been determined by the Tennessee Supreme Court to be ineligible as a candidate for the District 5 seat [includes all similar incumbents having served two consecutive terms]. He cannot serve. If you vote for him, your vote is an unknown vote. The worst-case scenario would be someone that we don’t want as our candidate or as our representative, like Brian Hornback. If you’re not sure, select a write-in candidate. Do a little research, and pick someone that’ll represent Farragut.
In the TN Supreme Court's unanimous decision, there were no comments about Knox County or specifically, John Griess. So, the comment John Griess has been determined by the Tennessee Supreme Court to be ineligible as a candidate for the District 5 seat. is inaccurate. This person really should do some research and read the TN Supreme Court decision Bailey -v- Shelby in order to be accurate.
I find this conspiracy stuff funny. I find it sad that a few individuals are so consumed with paranoia and conspiracy theories that they would spread such rumor and gossip anonymously. I know who these people are. I just wish them the self confidence to be able to stop hiding in an anonymous phone in system and/or anonymous blogs. Come on out into the sunlight. That dark room of being anonymous that you are living in, isn't good for you. Take a deep breathe, gain some self confidence in yourself and come on out.
I am just thankful that the Farragut Press staff spells the name Brian Hornback correctly.
Have a Nice Day.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
My Sources Indicate That History Will Be Made This Weekend

My sources informed me today (Tuesday April 25, 2006) that this weekend two current Mayors will be canvassing neighborhoods, in a GOTV (Get Out The Vote) effort. My sources asked if this has ever occurred in the history of the community or state. I feel certain that it has never occurred in this community and unlikely that it has occurred in the state.
So, if your neighborhood is the one. You will have the two decision makers within a football field distance from one another. One will be at your door, while the other is at your neighbors door.
Early Voting ends Thursday April 27, 2006, the early voting locations are open until 8:00 p.m. Wednesday April 26 and Thursday April 27.
Herbert Moncier Continues to Lose
This from, Herbert Moncier the attorney that has filed suit upon suit upon suit against our Republican Knox County Sheriff didn't find any friends at the TN Supreme Court, within the last few weeks.
His latest filings before the court are 9 suits representing 4 individuals which includes Knox County Democrat Chairman and employee of Democrat Knox County Clerk Mike Padgett, Jim Gray. These 9 suits were thorn out of the Supreme Court, not just thrown out in essences shredded. Actually, the suits will be heard through the regular court proceedings. So, Herb has the opportunity to clean them up and maybe his antics as well, however, his antics play well in front of cameras especially on TV.
Here are excerpts from the ruling decision of the TN Supreme Court.
"Deciphering these voluminous filings has been difficult, because the filings are incomplete, contain inaccurate citations, discuss matters irrelevant to the issues that are before the court,"
some of the filings "fail to comply with the Tennessee Rules of Appellate Procedure in several respects."
Way to go, Herb.
His latest filings before the court are 9 suits representing 4 individuals which includes Knox County Democrat Chairman and employee of Democrat Knox County Clerk Mike Padgett, Jim Gray. These 9 suits were thorn out of the Supreme Court, not just thrown out in essences shredded. Actually, the suits will be heard through the regular court proceedings. So, Herb has the opportunity to clean them up and maybe his antics as well, however, his antics play well in front of cameras especially on TV.
Here are excerpts from the ruling decision of the TN Supreme Court.
"Deciphering these voluminous filings has been difficult, because the filings are incomplete, contain inaccurate citations, discuss matters irrelevant to the issues that are before the court,"
some of the filings "fail to comply with the Tennessee Rules of Appellate Procedure in several respects."
Way to go, Herb.
This Just Doesn't Seem Right

This from In The Pink Texas. This just doesn't seem right. I don't see John Travolta as J.R. Ewing. I grew up watching Dallas (1978-1991) nearly every week and had visions of being the next big Texas oil man and living on a huge ranch in Texas. I was 12 years old when the series started and 25 years old and married for 3 years when it ended. I mean J.R. was a man's man and Travolta was Grease (1978), which I saw I can't remember how many times the summer that I was 12. I digress.
J.R. Ewing played by John Travolta and Sue Ellen plyed by Jo Lo. Brad Pitt as Ray Krebbs?
For the record, In The Pink Texas and I would disagree, her favorite was Bobby Ewing, my favorite, you guessed it J.R., now, you probably understand more about me than ever.

It's About Time.........Now, Let's Deal With The Gas Prices
This from this morning and has already been discussed on CBS National News this morning. President Bush in an expected speech today will announce that he will instruct the Federal Energy and Justice departments to begin an investigation into the high gas prices.
The President will instruct the Federal Trade Commission and the Attorney General to send letters to the 50 state attorney generals to remind them of their primary authority over price gouging and to offer federal assistance.
The best news is that the President's actions will be part of a four-part plan to address gas prices in the short- and long-term. The steps are:
—Making sure consumers and taxpayers are treated fairly.
—Promoting greater fuel efficiency.
—Boosting gasoline supply at home.
—Aggressive long-term investment in alternative fuels.
The President will instruct the Federal Trade Commission and the Attorney General to send letters to the 50 state attorney generals to remind them of their primary authority over price gouging and to offer federal assistance.
The best news is that the President's actions will be part of a four-part plan to address gas prices in the short- and long-term. The steps are:
—Making sure consumers and taxpayers are treated fairly.
—Promoting greater fuel efficiency.
—Boosting gasoline supply at home.
—Aggressive long-term investment in alternative fuels.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Knox County May 2, 2006 Ballot - With Term Limited Commissioners and Write-Ins Noted
Updated with Knoxville News-Sentinel endorsements noted.
County Mayor
(R) Steve Hall
(R) Mayor Mike Ragsdale KNS Endorsed
Knox County Commission Candidates
1A (D) Commissioner Diane JordanTerm Limited
1A (D) Stacey Diamond Write-In
1A (D) Stephen Dupree Write-In
1A (D) Jim Garland Write-In
1A (D) John B. Foster, Jr Write-In
1A (D) Charles Frazier Write-In
1A (D) Stan Johnson Write-In
1A (D) Helen Diane Lewis Write-In KNS Endorsed
1A (R) Albert O. Baah Write-In
1A (R) Clarence Cash Write-In
1A (R) Nick Della Volpe Write-In KNS Endorsed
1A (R) Mark Saroff Write-In
1A (I) Pete Drew
1B (R) Ann Dingus
1B (D) Commissioner Thomas "Tank" Strickland
2A (R) Commissioner David Collins Term Limited KNS Endorsed
2A (D) Mark Harmon
2A (D) George Steffaniak Write-In
2B (D) Commissioner Billy Tindell Term Limited
2B (D) Amy Broyles Write-In
2B (D) Johnathon Wimmer Write-In KNS Endorsed
2B (R) Deborah W. Porter Write-In
3A (R) Commissioner Wanda Moody Term Limited
3A (R) Rex Norman KNS Endorsed
3A (D) Michael Daugherty
3A (D) Brenda J. Riley Write-In
3B (R) Commissioner Ivan Harmon
3B (D) Clovin Idol Write-In
4A (R) Commissioner John Schmid Term Limited KNS Endorsed
4A (R) Mike Alford
4A (D) Joan M. Wagner Write-In
4B (R) Commissioner Phil Guthe Term Limited
4B (R) Lisa Bogaty Write-In
4B (R) Archie Ellis Write-In KNS Endorsed
4B (R) William Sherrod Write-In
4B (R) Ed Shouse Write-In
4B (R) Holly Foutch Wolfe Write-In
4B (D) Elaine Davis Write-In
5A (R) Commissioner Mike Hammond
5A (I) John R. Sadler
5B (R) Commissioner Craig Leuthold KNS Endorsed
5B (R) Kyle H. Phillips
5C (R) Commissioner John C. Griess Term Limited
5C (R) Leonard Brown Write-In KNS Endorsed
5C (R) Alexander Crain Write-In
5C (R) Larry Danner Write-In
5C (R) Garry Strand Write-In Note: Garry Strand is not listed in the online Voters Guide II on the knoxnews website, located here. I checked the Election Commission website, here to see if he had dropped out. He is still listed as a write-in candidate. Garry was involved in CCRGD, located here.
5C (D) Tom Salter Write-In
6A (R) Chuck James KNS Endorsed
6A (R) Scott Russell
6A (D) Commissioner Stephen M. Cawood Term Limited
6B (R) Mike Corum KNS Endorsed
6B (R) Greg "Lumpy" Lambert
6B (R) Jimmie Shelton
6B (D) Margaret Massey Cox KNS Endorsed
6B (D) Jamie Price Payne
7A (R) David Amburn Write-In
7A (R) Commissioner Mary Lou Horner Term Limited
7A (R) James McMillian
7A (R) R. Larry Smith KNS Endorsed
7A (R) Steve M. Rogers Write-In
7B (R) Leo J. Cooper KNS Endorsed
7B (R) Commission Chairman Scott Moore
8A (R) Phil Ballard KNS Endorsed
8A (R) Commissioner Mike McMillian Term Limited
8A (R) James C. Eubanks Write-In
8A (D) James Brian Pirtle Write-In
8B (R) Kay Frazier
8B (R) Commissioner John Mills Term Limited KNS Endorsed
8B (R) Gary Sellers
8B (R) Roger William Bates Write-In
8B (D) Thomas Michael Pressley Write-In
9A (R) Commissioner Larry Clark Term Limited
9A (R) Johnny Chamberlain Write-In
9A (R) Peggy S. Lofin Write-In KNS Endorsed
9A (D) Steve McGill II Write-In
9B (R) David Kiger KNS Endorsed
9B (R) Commissioner Paul Pinkston
9B (I) Martin Pleasant
(R) Sheriff Tim Hutchison
(R) Carl R. Seider Write-In
(D) Randy Tyree Write-In
Register of Deeds
(R) Register of Deeds Steve Hall
(R) Charles Tetstone
(D) Scott Emge
Circuit Court Judge
Div.IV (R) David Lee
Div. IV (R) Judge Bill Swann KNS Endorsed
Criminal Court Judges
Div. II (R) Judge Ray L. Jenkins
Div. II (D) Ken Irvine
General Sessions Court Judge
Div. IV (R) Jimmy Kyle Davis
Div. IV (R) Andrew Jackson, VI KNS Endorsed
Div. IV (R) Chadwick B. Tindell
Div. IV (D) Ursula Bailey
Criminal Court Clerk
(R) Gail Jarvis KNS Endorsed
(R) Clerk Martha Phillips
Knox County School Board - These seats are non-partisan, but candidates typically lean one way or the other, I will post their known party preferences later.
District 6 - Thomas A. Deakins
District 6 - Fred Dillon
District 6 - H. Lee Martin KNS Endorsed
District 7 - Joyce Collins
District 7 - Diane Dozier Term Limited
District 7 - Rex Stooksbury
District 9 - Robert Bratton KNS Endorsed
District 9 - Jim McClain
The following races are unopposed and will face no opponent.
(R) Trustee Mike Lowe
Public Defender
(R) Public Defender Mark Stephens
District Attorney General
(D) Randy Nichols
Div. I (R) Chancellor John Weaver
Div. II (D) Chancellor Daryl Fansler
Div. III (R) Mike Moyers
Div. III (D)Jim Andrews Write-In
Circuit Court Clerk
(R) Circuit Court Clerk Cathy Quist
Circuit Court Judges
Div. I (R) Judge Dale Workman
Div. II (D) Judge Harold Wimberly, Jr.
Div. III (R) Judge Wheeler Rosenbalm
Criminal Court Judges
Div. I (D) Judge Richard Baumgartner
Div. III (D) Judge Mary Beth Leibowitz
General Sessions Judges
Div. I (R) Judge Chuck Cerny
Div. II (R) Judge Geoff Emery
Div. III (R) Judge Bob R. McGee
Div. V (R) Judge Tony Stansberry
Juvenile Court Judge
(R) Judge Tim Irwin
County Clerk
(D) Wm. Mike Padgett
(R) Kelvin Moxley Write-In
Knox County School Board
District 1 - Sam Anderson Term Limited
District 4 - Dan Murphy
County Mayor
(R) Steve Hall
(R) Mayor Mike Ragsdale KNS Endorsed
Knox County Commission Candidates
1A (D) Commissioner Diane JordanTerm Limited
1A (D) Stacey Diamond Write-In
1A (D) Stephen Dupree Write-In
1A (D) Jim Garland Write-In
1A (D) John B. Foster, Jr Write-In
1A (D) Charles Frazier Write-In
1A (D) Stan Johnson Write-In
1A (D) Helen Diane Lewis Write-In KNS Endorsed
1A (R) Albert O. Baah Write-In
1A (R) Clarence Cash Write-In
1A (R) Nick Della Volpe Write-In KNS Endorsed
1A (R) Mark Saroff Write-In
1A (I) Pete Drew
1B (R) Ann Dingus
1B (D) Commissioner Thomas "Tank" Strickland
2A (R) Commissioner David Collins Term Limited KNS Endorsed
2A (D) Mark Harmon
2A (D) George Steffaniak Write-In
2B (D) Commissioner Billy Tindell Term Limited
2B (D) Amy Broyles Write-In
2B (D) Johnathon Wimmer Write-In KNS Endorsed
2B (R) Deborah W. Porter Write-In
3A (R) Commissioner Wanda Moody Term Limited
3A (R) Rex Norman KNS Endorsed
3A (D) Michael Daugherty
3A (D) Brenda J. Riley Write-In
3B (R) Commissioner Ivan Harmon
3B (D) Clovin Idol Write-In
4A (R) Commissioner John Schmid Term Limited KNS Endorsed
4A (R) Mike Alford
4A (D) Joan M. Wagner Write-In
4B (R) Commissioner Phil Guthe Term Limited
4B (R) Lisa Bogaty Write-In
4B (R) Archie Ellis Write-In KNS Endorsed
4B (R) William Sherrod Write-In
4B (R) Ed Shouse Write-In
4B (R) Holly Foutch Wolfe Write-In
4B (D) Elaine Davis Write-In
5A (R) Commissioner Mike Hammond
5A (I) John R. Sadler
5B (R) Commissioner Craig Leuthold KNS Endorsed
5B (R) Kyle H. Phillips
5C (R) Commissioner John C. Griess Term Limited
5C (R) Leonard Brown Write-In KNS Endorsed
5C (R) Alexander Crain Write-In
5C (R) Larry Danner Write-In
5C (R) Garry Strand Write-In Note: Garry Strand is not listed in the online Voters Guide II on the knoxnews website, located here. I checked the Election Commission website, here to see if he had dropped out. He is still listed as a write-in candidate. Garry was involved in CCRGD, located here.
5C (D) Tom Salter Write-In
6A (R) Chuck James KNS Endorsed
6A (R) Scott Russell
6A (D) Commissioner Stephen M. Cawood Term Limited
6B (R) Mike Corum KNS Endorsed
6B (R) Greg "Lumpy" Lambert
6B (R) Jimmie Shelton
6B (D) Margaret Massey Cox KNS Endorsed
6B (D) Jamie Price Payne
7A (R) David Amburn Write-In
7A (R) Commissioner Mary Lou Horner Term Limited
7A (R) James McMillian
7A (R) R. Larry Smith KNS Endorsed
7A (R) Steve M. Rogers Write-In
7B (R) Leo J. Cooper KNS Endorsed
7B (R) Commission Chairman Scott Moore
8A (R) Phil Ballard KNS Endorsed
8A (R) Commissioner Mike McMillian Term Limited
8A (R) James C. Eubanks Write-In
8A (D) James Brian Pirtle Write-In
8B (R) Kay Frazier
8B (R) Commissioner John Mills Term Limited KNS Endorsed
8B (R) Gary Sellers
8B (R) Roger William Bates Write-In
8B (D) Thomas Michael Pressley Write-In
9A (R) Commissioner Larry Clark Term Limited
9A (R) Johnny Chamberlain Write-In
9A (R) Peggy S. Lofin Write-In KNS Endorsed
9A (D) Steve McGill II Write-In
9B (R) David Kiger KNS Endorsed
9B (R) Commissioner Paul Pinkston
9B (I) Martin Pleasant
(R) Sheriff Tim Hutchison
(R) Carl R. Seider Write-In
(D) Randy Tyree Write-In
Register of Deeds
(R) Register of Deeds Steve Hall
(R) Charles Tetstone
(D) Scott Emge
Circuit Court Judge
Div.IV (R) David Lee
Div. IV (R) Judge Bill Swann KNS Endorsed
Criminal Court Judges
Div. II (R) Judge Ray L. Jenkins
Div. II (D) Ken Irvine
General Sessions Court Judge
Div. IV (R) Jimmy Kyle Davis
Div. IV (R) Andrew Jackson, VI KNS Endorsed
Div. IV (R) Chadwick B. Tindell
Div. IV (D) Ursula Bailey
Criminal Court Clerk
(R) Gail Jarvis KNS Endorsed
(R) Clerk Martha Phillips
Knox County School Board - These seats are non-partisan, but candidates typically lean one way or the other, I will post their known party preferences later.
District 6 - Thomas A. Deakins
District 6 - Fred Dillon
District 6 - H. Lee Martin KNS Endorsed
District 7 - Joyce Collins
District 7 - Diane Dozier Term Limited
District 7 - Rex Stooksbury
District 9 - Robert Bratton KNS Endorsed
District 9 - Jim McClain
The following races are unopposed and will face no opponent.
(R) Trustee Mike Lowe
Public Defender
(R) Public Defender Mark Stephens
District Attorney General
(D) Randy Nichols
Div. I (R) Chancellor John Weaver
Div. II (D) Chancellor Daryl Fansler
Div. III (R) Mike Moyers
Div. III (D)Jim Andrews Write-In
Circuit Court Clerk
(R) Circuit Court Clerk Cathy Quist
Circuit Court Judges
Div. I (R) Judge Dale Workman
Div. II (D) Judge Harold Wimberly, Jr.
Div. III (R) Judge Wheeler Rosenbalm
Criminal Court Judges
Div. I (D) Judge Richard Baumgartner
Div. III (D) Judge Mary Beth Leibowitz
General Sessions Judges
Div. I (R) Judge Chuck Cerny
Div. II (R) Judge Geoff Emery
Div. III (R) Judge Bob R. McGee
Div. V (R) Judge Tony Stansberry
Juvenile Court Judge
(R) Judge Tim Irwin
County Clerk
(D) Wm. Mike Padgett
(R) Kelvin Moxley Write-In
Knox County School Board
District 1 - Sam Anderson Term Limited
District 4 - Dan Murphy
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Equal Time On Community Television, Now On The World Wide Web
I discovered today that Knoxville's Community Television Channel 12 has a website. It is located here. The Great thing I found is the Equal Time page. For those of us that have been around a few years, every candidate is given 5 minutes to make a statement to the voters through Community Television's airwaves. Now its on the world wide web. Today, you don't have to watch the same 6 5 minutes to see the one you want to see that you missed beacuse you dozed off into a nap. Here is the link, to watch the ones, you want.
Great job David Vogel and Community Channel 12 staff.
Great job David Vogel and Community Channel 12 staff.
I received this in an email, this morning and do not normally post things I receive like this on Brian's Blog, however, I felt that it is worthy to post and certainly something for us all to consider.
From a strictly mathematical viewpoint . . . What Equals 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been in situations where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 101%? What equals 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
AND, look how far the love of God will take you
L- O- V - E-O-F-G-O-D
12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:
While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close,
and Attitude will get you there,
it's the Love of God that will put you over the top!
From a strictly mathematical viewpoint . . . What Equals 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been in situations where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 101%? What equals 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
AND, look how far the love of God will take you
L- O- V - E-O-F-G-O-D
12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:
While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close,
and Attitude will get you there,
it's the Love of God that will put you over the top!
Inaccurate Story
In the April 3rd edition of the Halls Shopper, local alternative publication writer Betty Bean in her column wrote the following paragraph.
Local party bosses like county Mayor Mike Ragsdale - not the voters - will choose most of the new candidates. GOP party chair and Ragsdale loyalist Brian Hornback, for example, spent the weekend boasting that he will be rewarded with the plum political office of his choice.
On the eve of this story going to press, I filed a compliant with the writer's editor and publisher. On Wednesday April 5, 2006, the editor and I had a professional and civil conversation about this line.
spent the weekend boasting that he will be rewarded with the plum political office of his choice
On Monday April 3, 2006 as a guest on The Voice, Lloyd Daugherty asked about this paragraph, I said I was as shocked as anyone that this reporter would print such a thing and that it was a lie and fabrication. At the Fountain City Republican Club on Monday April 3, 2006, I re-iterated to many in attendance that this is a lie. On Tuesday April 4, 2006 at the Karns Republican Club and the Powell High School PTA candidate forum, I informed many of the people that this story is a lie. At the taping of Inside Tennessee on Thursday April 6, 2006 at the conclusion of the taping WBIR anchor Bill Williams asked me about it and I told him it was a lie.
This writer doesn't like me for some reason, and has verbally expressed that to me.
Many people that dislike me, the party or are conspiracy theorist want to believe that the story is true. The story is not true.
My philosophy in life is you can get bitter or better, instead of getting upset about it and disliking the reporter like she does me, I chose to set the record straight and live a better life, instead of a bitter life.
Local party bosses like county Mayor Mike Ragsdale - not the voters - will choose most of the new candidates. GOP party chair and Ragsdale loyalist Brian Hornback, for example, spent the weekend boasting that he will be rewarded with the plum political office of his choice.
On the eve of this story going to press, I filed a compliant with the writer's editor and publisher. On Wednesday April 5, 2006, the editor and I had a professional and civil conversation about this line.
spent the weekend boasting that he will be rewarded with the plum political office of his choice
On Monday April 3, 2006 as a guest on The Voice, Lloyd Daugherty asked about this paragraph, I said I was as shocked as anyone that this reporter would print such a thing and that it was a lie and fabrication. At the Fountain City Republican Club on Monday April 3, 2006, I re-iterated to many in attendance that this is a lie. On Tuesday April 4, 2006 at the Karns Republican Club and the Powell High School PTA candidate forum, I informed many of the people that this story is a lie. At the taping of Inside Tennessee on Thursday April 6, 2006 at the conclusion of the taping WBIR anchor Bill Williams asked me about it and I told him it was a lie.
This writer doesn't like me for some reason, and has verbally expressed that to me.
Many people that dislike me, the party or are conspiracy theorist want to believe that the story is true. The story is not true.
My philosophy in life is you can get bitter or better, instead of getting upset about it and disliking the reporter like she does me, I chose to set the record straight and live a better life, instead of a bitter life.
Dr. Maxwell Maltz "Crisis Situations" Quote
"Close scrutiny will show that most "crisis situations" are opportunities to either advance, or stay where you are."
"You Came Into This World to Succeed, Not to Fail"
- Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of 30 million copy best-seller Psycho-Cybernetics
"You Came Into This World to Succeed, Not to Fail"
- Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of 30 million copy best-seller Psycho-Cybernetics
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Clean Out The Governors Mansion, Conte Style
Andre' Conte the wife of Phillip Bredesen and mother of Ben Bredesen but prefers to be called anything other than Bredesen. (yes, I am old fashioned that way, my 21st century version says that it would have been o.k. for Bredesen to take the name Conte. They both should be on the same page name wise either way)
Back to Conte's antics, (detailed on the Tennessean website, here) she is placing items up for sale on the internet. Are they her personal items, NO they are items that were given as gifts to the former residents of the Governor's mansion. These articles belong to the state, not to Andre Conte, she is having this yard sale to raise money to fix up the Governor's mansion. It apparently is lacking her kind of style.
Never mind that she could donate it to Habitat For Humanity or any deserving organization that serves the poor. No. Let's take the Conte high brow approach.
Back to Conte's antics, (detailed on the Tennessean website, here) she is placing items up for sale on the internet. Are they her personal items, NO they are items that were given as gifts to the former residents of the Governor's mansion. These articles belong to the state, not to Andre Conte, she is having this yard sale to raise money to fix up the Governor's mansion. It apparently is lacking her kind of style.
Never mind that she could donate it to Habitat For Humanity or any deserving organization that serves the poor. No. Let's take the Conte high brow approach.
Well the State Senate finally did the right thing in a bi-partisan way I might add. But, then again sometimes it's hard to distinguish a Republican from a Democrat in the General Assembly (Senate) (aka as the good ole boys club). I digress.
In a vote of 26-6 the Senate voted to void the election of Ophelia. The 6 pack is Kathryn Bowers, Memphis;(of TN Waltz fame)Steve Cohen, Memphis; Ward Crutchfield, Chattanooga; (of TN Waltz fame) Ophelia Ford, Memphis; Thelma Harper, Nashville; Joe Haynes, Nashville. The worst is this Senator John Wilder, Mason (also known as Lt. Governor) who decided to not cast a vote. If I were his constituent, I would be mad, no courage or no respect for the position to actually cast a vote.
On the knoxnews website this morning, Senator Tommy Kilby and Senator Charlotte Burks are in the photo with Ophelia. Burks hugging her and Kilby waiting in the wings. I am sure Ophelia appreciated their sympathy since they voted to void her election. It can be assumed that they were just going for the photo op.
Ok. It may be over. Unless another federal judge intervenes today. Stay tuned.
In a vote of 26-6 the Senate voted to void the election of Ophelia. The 6 pack is Kathryn Bowers, Memphis;(of TN Waltz fame)Steve Cohen, Memphis; Ward Crutchfield, Chattanooga; (of TN Waltz fame) Ophelia Ford, Memphis; Thelma Harper, Nashville; Joe Haynes, Nashville. The worst is this Senator John Wilder, Mason (also known as Lt. Governor) who decided to not cast a vote. If I were his constituent, I would be mad, no courage or no respect for the position to actually cast a vote.
On the knoxnews website this morning, Senator Tommy Kilby and Senator Charlotte Burks are in the photo with Ophelia. Burks hugging her and Kilby waiting in the wings. I am sure Ophelia appreciated their sympathy since they voted to void her election. It can be assumed that they were just going for the photo op.
Ok. It may be over. Unless another federal judge intervenes today. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Come On Ophelia....Give It Up.

This from todays Tennessean, Ophelia Ford is going back to the federal judge that her brother recommended to the bench to try and stay in her seat and not allow her colleagues to perform their constitutional duties.
I don't know what to think about this one........
From the Tennessean website this afternoon, the black bear that the park rangers lured into a trap with doughnuts and honey buns and then found himself dead. Does not appear at first testing to be the perpetrator of the crime.
No additional suspect bears were retrieved from the forest, No line up was conducted, No legal counsel for the bear to give his side. Now the real bear could be in lock up as we speak or he could be out lingering in the woods looking for the next victim.
I am not intending to make light of this situation. I am the father of three and husband of one. If that had been my daughter, son and wife, I would have a hard time living right now. But, the forestry service needs to get its act together. They are paid with our tax dollars and just killing the first bear, just doesn't seem right to me.
The initial report is the bear that attacked the family was 350 - 400 lbs. This bear was 203 lbs. Now excuse me but put a 203 lb human out there and they won't look like a 350 - 400 lb one, would they?
No additional suspect bears were retrieved from the forest, No line up was conducted, No legal counsel for the bear to give his side. Now the real bear could be in lock up as we speak or he could be out lingering in the woods looking for the next victim.
I am not intending to make light of this situation. I am the father of three and husband of one. If that had been my daughter, son and wife, I would have a hard time living right now. But, the forestry service needs to get its act together. They are paid with our tax dollars and just killing the first bear, just doesn't seem right to me.
The initial report is the bear that attacked the family was 350 - 400 lbs. This bear was 203 lbs. Now excuse me but put a 203 lb human out there and they won't look like a 350 - 400 lb one, would they?
Monday, April 17, 2006
An Insult On Talk Radio
This morning a local regular co-host on a local talk show made an egregious error is saying that "Brian Hornback had given a speech at Chilhowee Park for Students for Mondale." This would have been in 1984.
I called in and corrected this mis-information immediately upon learning that it was said. There are few insults that motivate me to respond. Call me a Mondale supporter and I will respond, that is simply not true. When the local regular co-host was confronted by me on the talk show, he said, "I had heard it and was going to look into it." Before going public with such a completely false story, he should have called me that is how you "look into it" Go to the source.
In 1984, I spent many hours at the Reagan 1984 headquarters, which was a small log cabin type building where the new Kimballs Jewelers building is now on Bearden Hill on Kingston Pike. My political mentor, former Republican State Representative and former Knox County Republican Party Chairman Loy Smith was a leader for the 84 Reagan campaign.
I turned 18 in August 1984, my first vote was cast in November 1984, I voted for Ronald Reagan. I have NEVER voted in a democrat race, ever.
I called in and corrected this mis-information immediately upon learning that it was said. There are few insults that motivate me to respond. Call me a Mondale supporter and I will respond, that is simply not true. When the local regular co-host was confronted by me on the talk show, he said, "I had heard it and was going to look into it." Before going public with such a completely false story, he should have called me that is how you "look into it" Go to the source.
In 1984, I spent many hours at the Reagan 1984 headquarters, which was a small log cabin type building where the new Kimballs Jewelers building is now on Bearden Hill on Kingston Pike. My political mentor, former Republican State Representative and former Knox County Republican Party Chairman Loy Smith was a leader for the 84 Reagan campaign.
I turned 18 in August 1984, my first vote was cast in November 1984, I voted for Ronald Reagan. I have NEVER voted in a democrat race, ever.

Sunday, April 16, 2006
Turn Your Speakers On and UP
Yesterday, I installed a music video to Brian's Blog, Thanks to, found here. The first music video is Bon Jovi's Have A Nice Day. I will periodically change the music, however, the songs will have a message that means something to me. I have installed it in a prominent position on the right side under my complete profile link, for easy viewing.
Bon Jovi is a group that I enjoyed in the early 1980's and into the 1990's. I attended several Bon Jovi concerts during those years. The most memorable was at Stokley Athletic Center on the UT Knoxville campus. Bon Jovi with their recent project from the same title of this song have returned to their previous sound. In addition to this cut, the song with Jennifer Nettles of the country group Sugarland "Who Says You Can't Go Home" is worth the purchase price of the CD.
Bon Jovi is a group that I enjoyed in the early 1980's and into the 1990's. I attended several Bon Jovi concerts during those years. The most memorable was at Stokley Athletic Center on the UT Knoxville campus. Bon Jovi with their recent project from the same title of this song have returned to their previous sound. In addition to this cut, the song with Jennifer Nettles of the country group Sugarland "Who Says You Can't Go Home" is worth the purchase price of the CD.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Albert Einstein and Mark Twain on the Income Tax
Candidates, the Public and the Press: A Town Hall Meeting.
On Wednesday April 19th 7 P.M. to 9 p.m. the East Tennessee Society of Professional Journalists will host Candidates, the Public and the Press: A Town Hall Meeting.This event will be held at the East Tennessee History Center located at 600 Market Street in Downtown Knoxville, TN.
An unprecedented number of new candidates are on area ballots and more have qualified. What does the public need to know about these men and women? What records are available to the public and journalists to learn more about them? How deep should reporters dig and what is appropriate to report?
All these questions plus the latest information on the term limit developments and write-in candidacies will be offered by a top-notch panel of area political experts including Robin Wilhoit, WBIR-TV; Gene Patterson,WATE-TV; Hallerin Hill, WNOX-FM; Hubert Smith of The Hubert Smith Radio Show from AM 850 WKVL; Lloyd Daugherty of The Voice on AM 1180 WVLZ; and Georgiana Vines, The Knoxville News Sentinel. Dean Rice, a government relations specialist who is a lecturer in communications studies at UT, will lead the panel.
The public is invited to attend and participate in the Town Hall Meeting.
An unprecedented number of new candidates are on area ballots and more have qualified. What does the public need to know about these men and women? What records are available to the public and journalists to learn more about them? How deep should reporters dig and what is appropriate to report?
All these questions plus the latest information on the term limit developments and write-in candidacies will be offered by a top-notch panel of area political experts including Robin Wilhoit, WBIR-TV; Gene Patterson,WATE-TV; Hallerin Hill, WNOX-FM; Hubert Smith of The Hubert Smith Radio Show from AM 850 WKVL; Lloyd Daugherty of The Voice on AM 1180 WVLZ; and Georgiana Vines, The Knoxville News Sentinel. Dean Rice, a government relations specialist who is a lecturer in communications studies at UT, will lead the panel.
The public is invited to attend and participate in the Town Hall Meeting.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Withdrawal Deadline Takes Two Off the Primary Ballot
Yesterday was the withdrawal deadline for the State Primary Election ballot and two Democrats are no longer candidates. Ron Rudder had filed the necessary paperwork to run for the Democrat State Executive Committee in the 7th State Senate district and would challenge William Owen. Mr Rudder's departure from the race leaves Owen as uncontested for the position.
In the 14th district Democrat candidate Cindy McGill had filed the paperwork to challenge Republican incumbent Parkey Strader. Her departure from the race leaves Representative Strader without a primary or general election opponent. Parkey is my State Representative and my friend. I am proud of his work in the legislature last year and this year and I look forward to calling him my Representative for the next two years.
Good job, Parkey.
In the 14th district Democrat candidate Cindy McGill had filed the paperwork to challenge Republican incumbent Parkey Strader. Her departure from the race leaves Representative Strader without a primary or general election opponent. Parkey is my State Representative and my friend. I am proud of his work in the legislature last year and this year and I look forward to calling him my Representative for the next two years.
Good job, Parkey.

Knox County State Primary Ballot is Set - Primary Election Day August 3, 2006
U.S. House of Representative District 2
(R) John J. Duncan, Jr.
(R) Ralph McGill
(D) Robert R. Scott
5th District State Senate
(R) State Senator James R. McNally, III
7th District State Senate
(R) State Senator Tim Burchett
13th District State House Representative
(D) Representative Harry Tindell
(R) James R. Parker
14th District State House Representative
(R) Representative Park M. "Parkey" Strader
15th District State House Representative
(D) Representative Joseph Armstrong
(I) Pete Drew
16th District State House Representative
(R) House Republican Caucus Chairman Bill Dunn
17th District State House Representative
(R) State Representative Frank Nicely
(R) Jim Bletner
18th District State House Representative
(R) State Representative Stacey Campfield
(R) Gary Drinnen
(R) George Dodson
(D) Schree Pettigrew
(I) David Garrett, Jr.
19th District State House Representative
(R) Representative Harry Brooks
5th District Republican State Executive Committeewoman
(R) June Landrum
(R) Johnnie Myers
5th District Republican State Executive Committeeman
(R) Rick Chinn, Jr.
(R) Bill Landrum
5th District Democrat State Executive Committeewoman
(D) Jacqueline Holloway
5th District Democrat State Excutive Committeeman
(D) Michael Toomey
6th District Republican State Executive Committeewoman
(R) Angela R. Huddleston
6th District Republican State Executive Committeeman
(R) John Dance
6th District Democrat State Executive Committeewoman
(D) Sylvia S. Woods
6th Distrcit Democrat State Executive Committeeman
(D) Harold G. Woods
7th District Republican State Executive Committeman
(R) Steven Buttry
7th District Republican State Executive Committeewoman
(R) State Executive Committeewoman Karen J. Brown
7th District Democrat State Executive Committeewoman
(D) Gayle Alley
7th District Democrat State Executive Committeeman
(D) William Owen
(R) John J. Duncan, Jr.
(R) Ralph McGill
(D) Robert R. Scott
5th District State Senate
(R) State Senator James R. McNally, III
7th District State Senate
(R) State Senator Tim Burchett
13th District State House Representative
(D) Representative Harry Tindell
(R) James R. Parker
14th District State House Representative
(R) Representative Park M. "Parkey" Strader
15th District State House Representative
(D) Representative Joseph Armstrong
(I) Pete Drew
16th District State House Representative
(R) House Republican Caucus Chairman Bill Dunn
17th District State House Representative
(R) State Representative Frank Nicely
(R) Jim Bletner
18th District State House Representative
(R) State Representative Stacey Campfield
(R) Gary Drinnen
(R) George Dodson
(D) Schree Pettigrew
(I) David Garrett, Jr.
19th District State House Representative
(R) Representative Harry Brooks
5th District Republican State Executive Committeewoman
(R) June Landrum
(R) Johnnie Myers
5th District Republican State Executive Committeeman
(R) Rick Chinn, Jr.
(R) Bill Landrum
5th District Democrat State Executive Committeewoman
(D) Jacqueline Holloway
5th District Democrat State Excutive Committeeman
(D) Michael Toomey
6th District Republican State Executive Committeewoman
(R) Angela R. Huddleston
6th District Republican State Executive Committeeman
(R) John Dance
6th District Democrat State Executive Committeewoman
(D) Sylvia S. Woods
6th Distrcit Democrat State Executive Committeeman
(D) Harold G. Woods
7th District Republican State Executive Committeman
(R) Steven Buttry
7th District Republican State Executive Committeewoman
(R) State Executive Committeewoman Karen J. Brown
7th District Democrat State Executive Committeewoman
(D) Gayle Alley
7th District Democrat State Executive Committeeman
(D) William Owen
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Term Limits for Knox County School Board

If you have followed the drama that is the Knox County Term Limits issue and the TN Supreme Court decision. The correct legal argument is that the term limits apply to every position written in the Home Rule Charter. Those positions are: County Executive (Mayor), County Commission, Knox County Law Director and the Knox County School Board.
Herb Moncier has argued that the Sheriff is written in the Charter, he is legally incorrect, in that the Sheriff's mention is vague and not clear. The Charter does not speak to the Sheriff's duties or qualifications. The Property Assessor is the only other position mentioned in the Charter, that is to say that 4 school board members will stand for election at the same time as the Property Assessor.
No other position in County Government is in the Charter, thus the referendum will apply to only these positions.
In May 2006 there are 5 school board seats up for grabs. The 1st district held by Sam Anderson, 4th held by Dan Murphy, 6th held by Chuck James (he is running for election to the County Commission), 7th held by Diane Dozier and the 9th district held by my friend Robert Bratton.
Now in the 4th and 9th both of these gentlemen were elected in 2002 and are eligible for another 4 years, the 6th will be occupied by the districts choice of Thomas Deakins, Fred Dillon or Lee Martin. However, in the 1st and 7th these incumbents are clearly term-limited. Diane Dozier is being challenged by Rex Stooksbury and Joyce Collins, if she were to win as a term-limited incumbent either of them would have standing to file a legal challenge to have her removed from the ballot. No one is challenging Sam Anderson at this time, so no one would have legal standing to file suit to contest his ability to be on the general election ballot.
It is believed, by legal experts, that if either is sworn into office on September 1, 2006 an ouster suit could and would be filed and they would be removed from office. The School Board being a non partisan elected position would provide that any vacancy occurring before or after September 1 would be filled by the Knox County Commission.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee

"It's when ordinary people rise above the expectations and seize the opportunity that milestones truly are reached."
"I liked gravy poured on top of a big glob of mashed potatoes, I like biscuits a lot, and a lot of them. I liked going to the state fair and having a fried Twinkie. They were my choices. They were bad choices.
Write-In's on the Knox County Ballot
UPDATE: This afternoon April 12, 2006 at 1:56 PM, the Knox County Election Commission has updated the information on Jim Andrews and he is running as a Democrat.
The last two days have been a busy time for the Knox County Election Commission. They have been entertaining hoards of people filing a Write-In proclamation.
A couple of interesting ones, Kelvin Moxley has filed as a Republican candidate for County Clerk, Jim Andrews has filed for Chancellor Div.III, this is the position that Knox County's Republican Law Director Mike Moyers is running for. Interestingly, Mr. Andrews has failed (in the records of the Knox County Election Commission) to indicate if he is running as a Demo or as a Republican.
I am assuming that this is the same Jim Andrews that ran as the Democrat nominee for Sheriff in 2002 and while at "his victory party" at a west Knoxville establishment, he began to blame the media for not covering the many allegations against the Sheriff, who by the way was re-elected that evening overwhelmingly. It was presumed by many spectators in attendance and watching via the television that with his launch he wasn't drinking the Phil Keith adult beverage of choice.
So, if Andrews wants to run as a Demo again, that is wonderful, however when the returns come in, the television stations may want to wait until the next morning.
The last two days have been a busy time for the Knox County Election Commission. They have been entertaining hoards of people filing a Write-In proclamation.
A couple of interesting ones, Kelvin Moxley has filed as a Republican candidate for County Clerk, Jim Andrews has filed for Chancellor Div.III, this is the position that Knox County's Republican Law Director Mike Moyers is running for. Interestingly, Mr. Andrews has failed (in the records of the Knox County Election Commission) to indicate if he is running as a Demo or as a Republican.
I am assuming that this is the same Jim Andrews that ran as the Democrat nominee for Sheriff in 2002 and while at "his victory party" at a west Knoxville establishment, he began to blame the media for not covering the many allegations against the Sheriff, who by the way was re-elected that evening overwhelmingly. It was presumed by many spectators in attendance and watching via the television that with his launch he wasn't drinking the Phil Keith adult beverage of choice.
So, if Andrews wants to run as a Demo again, that is wonderful, however when the returns come in, the television stations may want to wait until the next morning.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
County Commissioner Mary Lou Horner Suspends Campaign For Re-election

I received the following statement last night and have confirmed it is accurate and true.
To Voters in the Seventh District:
Serving you has been my life for 28 years. Together, we have accomplished great things.
Now the state Supreme Court has declared me and 11 others ineligible to serve another term. On March 30, the Election Commission determined that it cannot remove us from the May 2 ballot because state law forbids a ballot change within 40 days of an election.
Therefore, the 12 of us are on a ballot but cannot serve.
I believe in following the law, so in view of the Court's ruling, I am suspending my campaign.
I will not endorse either of the individuals running for Seat A, but I encourage you to look for a candidate with integrity and honesty.
Don't forget, Early Voting starts this Wednesday. You can vote at the Clerk's office in Halls Center. Again, thank you for the privilege of serving you. I will remain involved.
Sincerely Yours,
Mary Lou Horner
Indya Kincannon in Knox Calling
Todays Knoxville News-Sentinel in the Knox Calling cloumn located in the Perspective section has the following. It is also located on the Knoxnews website, here.
If you think the Knox County school system has it tough building one new high school, look at Loudoun County, Va. That's what school board member Indya Kincannon told her colleagues at a meeting Monday.
Kincannon, who graduated from high school in Loudoun County in 1989, visited her old stomping grounds over spring break. When she was in school there, the district had four high schools. Now it has 10. The district's student population has more than tripled over the last decade to about 47,000.
"I don't think I'd want to be on the school board in that county right now," Kincannon said.
Another astounding number, she said: Loudoun County spends more than $11,000 per student. Knox County spent $6,846 in 2004-05, which is below the state and national average, according to the Tennessee Department of Education.
I am not sure what the real point in her sharing this with the board was, (is she
glad that she is not back in her hometown or is she glad that Knox County's School System is not growing so that tough decisions do not have to be made.) Knox County has the same number of students (52,000) that they have had for the last 20 years.
Actually if Knox County Schools population were increasing in the numbers of Loudon County, Va it would be easy for the school district to sell its capital plan to the Mayor and County Commission, because the need would be there, the student numbers would speak for themselves. It is a much harder sell today, that is why Kincannon's comments are confusing.
If you think the Knox County school system has it tough building one new high school, look at Loudoun County, Va. That's what school board member Indya Kincannon told her colleagues at a meeting Monday.
Kincannon, who graduated from high school in Loudoun County in 1989, visited her old stomping grounds over spring break. When she was in school there, the district had four high schools. Now it has 10. The district's student population has more than tripled over the last decade to about 47,000.
"I don't think I'd want to be on the school board in that county right now," Kincannon said.
Another astounding number, she said: Loudoun County spends more than $11,000 per student. Knox County spent $6,846 in 2004-05, which is below the state and national average, according to the Tennessee Department of Education.
I am not sure what the real point in her sharing this with the board was, (is she
glad that she is not back in her hometown or is she glad that Knox County's School System is not growing so that tough decisions do not have to be made.) Knox County has the same number of students (52,000) that they have had for the last 20 years.
Actually if Knox County Schools population were increasing in the numbers of Loudon County, Va it would be easy for the school district to sell its capital plan to the Mayor and County Commission, because the need would be there, the student numbers would speak for themselves. It is a much harder sell today, that is why Kincannon's comments are confusing.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Historic Preservation (This Post Can Be Dangerous To Our Health)
Somebody call Kim Trent and tell her to sit down, before you or she read any further.
This story from the WATE website caused me to take notice. I have not been a fan of historic preservation, ask Kim. While on the school board, I came on a different side of Ms. Trent and her group regarding the Old South High School.
Now I find myself finding a building that I can stand with the historic preservationist. I believed and continue to believe the Smith house once owned by Cherokee Country Club. That the club should have been able to tear it down, without litigation or government control. I believe the school board should have been able to tear down Old South High and give the community some much needed green space.
I am fundamently opposed to the government or any group of people telling me what I can or will do to property that I own. I will now say that this property Elliot Hotel should be preserved and Monday Realty should correct the building to make it fit for occupancy.
If Monday does not want to correct it or can not correct it, then please sell it to someone that can and will.
At this time, I am not in favor of the historic zoning overlay, but I have now found some common ground with Knox Heritage and Kim Trent. If Kim Trent is now passed out on the floor, please help her back up.
(This post in regard to Kim Trent, is meant in humor, no intent to harm Mrs. Trent's feelings or the feelings of Knox Heritage were intended)
This story from the WATE website caused me to take notice. I have not been a fan of historic preservation, ask Kim. While on the school board, I came on a different side of Ms. Trent and her group regarding the Old South High School.
Now I find myself finding a building that I can stand with the historic preservationist. I believed and continue to believe the Smith house once owned by Cherokee Country Club. That the club should have been able to tear it down, without litigation or government control. I believe the school board should have been able to tear down Old South High and give the community some much needed green space.
I am fundamently opposed to the government or any group of people telling me what I can or will do to property that I own. I will now say that this property Elliot Hotel should be preserved and Monday Realty should correct the building to make it fit for occupancy.
If Monday does not want to correct it or can not correct it, then please sell it to someone that can and will.
At this time, I am not in favor of the historic zoning overlay, but I have now found some common ground with Knox Heritage and Kim Trent. If Kim Trent is now passed out on the floor, please help her back up.
(This post in regard to Kim Trent, is meant in humor, no intent to harm Mrs. Trent's feelings or the feelings of Knox Heritage were intended)
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Barn In Hancock County

I travel throughout East Tennessee with my business, I was traveling into Hancock County off the beaten path, heading to Sneedville, TN and out of the clear blue is a barn that is not unusal. The scenery on the barn was unusal I thought. I share it with you, now.
This is not the first installment in a barn blogging venture, I just thought it was neat and snapped a picture.
Hope you enjoy it.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Tennessee Governor Jim Bryson

State Senator Jim Bryson has announced his candidacy to take on Phillip Bredesen. Senator Bryson has a campaign website, located here.
To my friend David Oatney, We have lift off.
Knox County Schools and Mold
This from today's Knoxnews website, in astory written by Ericka Mellon, mold has been located at Carter Elementary School. Carter Elementary School was on the Capital improvement Plan for a new school in the past two years. The current school board in its infinite wisdom pulled the project. It is now moldy, get ready for another community school project to get pulled.
Here's the word from the company conducting the tests. "It is not possible to determine ‘safer’ or ‘unsafe’ levels of exposure for people in general," the report says in part. "It is not the intent of this report to make any suggestions or associations concerning potential health effects or risks to building occupants."
According to MactecÂ’s report, it is difficult to determine whether the mold levels would cause students and others to get sick.
The story went on to say, In February, Mactec found "small amounts" of mold at West Valley Middle School. If in fact it was "small amounts", it sickened some students very badly and had it not been for a concerned mother exposing it to WATE TV 6, WVMS would still be moldy and sick kids would be everywhere.
Does this sound like good news? I don't think so, however Russ Oaks PR flak for the schools said, "All in all this is a very positive report,"
Positive for who? Reporter Mellon should have asked Oaks how this report "is a very positive report?"
Here's the word from the company conducting the tests. "It is not possible to determine ‘safer’ or ‘unsafe’ levels of exposure for people in general," the report says in part. "It is not the intent of this report to make any suggestions or associations concerning potential health effects or risks to building occupants."
According to MactecÂ’s report, it is difficult to determine whether the mold levels would cause students and others to get sick.
The story went on to say, In February, Mactec found "small amounts" of mold at West Valley Middle School. If in fact it was "small amounts", it sickened some students very badly and had it not been for a concerned mother exposing it to WATE TV 6, WVMS would still be moldy and sick kids would be everywhere.
Does this sound like good news? I don't think so, however Russ Oaks PR flak for the schools said, "All in all this is a very positive report,"
Positive for who? Reporter Mellon should have asked Oaks how this report "is a very positive report?"
Monday, April 03, 2006
Michael English and a note to the Brian's Blog Prayer Warriors
UPDATE:I received an email from Michael this evening at 6:55 p.m., he wanted all the prayer warriors to know. "that the afternoon deal today could not have gone better. Even better than I could've ever expected." "I am overwhelmed with what our God is doing in my life and how merciful he is to us all." "Keep up your work and together we'll tell the world what a great God we serve and that he loves us so much." "I know that the prayers of those wonderful people last night and the reminder you sent out was the difference in what happened today."
In Christ Alone,
Michael English

This evening, Michael English was in concert at my home church, First Baptist Church, Concord.
More than 20 years ago I first witnessed Michael English as he appeared with the Singing Americans a southern gospel group from Maiden, N.C. at the then WNOX Auditorium (which today houses a church, it is located on Whittle Springs Road)
Michael testimony and concert tonight was a very moving experience, the voice hasn't changed, the passion and the peace are strong and vibrant. As Michael acknowledges the whole world understands his stumblings and his failures. We have all failed, but when you are in the public eye, its seems worse.
When Michael first stumbled and Christian radio took his music off the air, I had a conversation with John Hanna, the General Manager then of Love 89. John has sent gone to be with the Lord. I explained to John how I was upset that Christian radio took Michael's music off the air. Michael's music was created for the praise and worship of God and not for the praise and worship of Michael. He told me he was following the industry standard. I explained that I expected this precedent for every other artist that stumbles. He assured me they would. They didn't for Sandy Patty, Amy Grant or any others. I am getting over that, I didn't feel Sandy or Amy should have been pulled nor should Michael's have been pulled.
Michael honored The Happy Goodman Family and in particular Rusty Goodman and his rendition of "Look For Me" was magnificent. His new version of "Gospel Ship", His new song "Baby King" were toe tapper's. The last song of the evening is the trademark Michael English "I Bowed On My Knees and Cried Holy" Michael performed this song with the First Baptist, Concord choir. It brought the congregation to its feet.
I had the opportunity to talk with Michael and let him know that I have followed him for more than 20 years, always purchasing the next new project. There is a new project due out in June 2006, Michael is working on a book and then another CD project. I have followed his career through it all. His website link is in the music section. Check it out.
To all my prayer warriors, Michael shared the following with us tonight. Tomorrow April 3, 2006 at 12:00 noon Nashville time (1:00 p.m. our time) He will be singing at a luncheon as GMA week begins. Pray for Michael through the night, into the morning and through lunch tomorrow, this will be the first time in 12 years for Michael to return. Ask God to give him what to share and bless Michael.
Michael is proof positive that God is Good, All the time God is Good. God can heal sin and sickness and Michael is proof of that. God Bless Michael English.
In Christ Alone,
Michael English

This evening, Michael English was in concert at my home church, First Baptist Church, Concord.
More than 20 years ago I first witnessed Michael English as he appeared with the Singing Americans a southern gospel group from Maiden, N.C. at the then WNOX Auditorium (which today houses a church, it is located on Whittle Springs Road)
Michael testimony and concert tonight was a very moving experience, the voice hasn't changed, the passion and the peace are strong and vibrant. As Michael acknowledges the whole world understands his stumblings and his failures. We have all failed, but when you are in the public eye, its seems worse.
When Michael first stumbled and Christian radio took his music off the air, I had a conversation with John Hanna, the General Manager then of Love 89. John has sent gone to be with the Lord. I explained to John how I was upset that Christian radio took Michael's music off the air. Michael's music was created for the praise and worship of God and not for the praise and worship of Michael. He told me he was following the industry standard. I explained that I expected this precedent for every other artist that stumbles. He assured me they would. They didn't for Sandy Patty, Amy Grant or any others. I am getting over that, I didn't feel Sandy or Amy should have been pulled nor should Michael's have been pulled.
Michael honored The Happy Goodman Family and in particular Rusty Goodman and his rendition of "Look For Me" was magnificent. His new version of "Gospel Ship", His new song "Baby King" were toe tapper's. The last song of the evening is the trademark Michael English "I Bowed On My Knees and Cried Holy" Michael performed this song with the First Baptist, Concord choir. It brought the congregation to its feet.
I had the opportunity to talk with Michael and let him know that I have followed him for more than 20 years, always purchasing the next new project. There is a new project due out in June 2006, Michael is working on a book and then another CD project. I have followed his career through it all. His website link is in the music section. Check it out.
To all my prayer warriors, Michael shared the following with us tonight. Tomorrow April 3, 2006 at 12:00 noon Nashville time (1:00 p.m. our time) He will be singing at a luncheon as GMA week begins. Pray for Michael through the night, into the morning and through lunch tomorrow, this will be the first time in 12 years for Michael to return. Ask God to give him what to share and bless Michael.
Michael is proof positive that God is Good, All the time God is Good. God can heal sin and sickness and Michael is proof of that. God Bless Michael English.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Jim Gray, Knox County Democrat Party Chairman on Term Limits
In an earlier post, I noted that Herbert Moncier was in Chancery Court on Friday March 31, 2006. In that hearing Moncier noted that the Deselm case had been consolidated with Gray, Jim Gray, the head of the Knox County Democrat Party. Jim was sitting at the table with Moncier.
It is interesting to note that if Moncier in his representation of Deselm and Gray is fortunate enough to be successful in Term Limiting the Sheriff it would then apply as well to Mike Padgett the Democrat Knox County Clerk.
I wonder what Mr. Padgett thinks and feels about his party chairman and his office employee(Gray is the computer lab manager)litigating an attempt to shortening his term and forcing him to be removed from office and/or the ballot.
The court hearing was held at 1:30 p.m. on a Friday afternoon while most Knox County employees were busy working.
It is interesting to note that if Moncier in his representation of Deselm and Gray is fortunate enough to be successful in Term Limiting the Sheriff it would then apply as well to Mike Padgett the Democrat Knox County Clerk.
I wonder what Mr. Padgett thinks and feels about his party chairman and his office employee(Gray is the computer lab manager)litigating an attempt to shortening his term and forcing him to be removed from office and/or the ballot.
The court hearing was held at 1:30 p.m. on a Friday afternoon while most Knox County employees were busy working.
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