Third District Congressman Zach Wamp arrives at the Oak Ridge Municipal Building, a local Boy Scout troop working on their civic merit badge were in attendance. Congressman Wamp spent some time with time before the meeting.

Congressman Wamp makes his way into the Municipal Building. Right before the 7:00 p.m. meeting start all electricity went out in Oak Ridge. The only power in the courtroom where City Council meets was the emergency lighting. No public address system.

Congressman Wamp was asked to deliver the prayer prior to the start of the City Council Meeting.

Here Congressmnan Wamp speaks to the honor that the City Council bestowed on him, He said that if the City would like to honor him for them to keep on keeping on. Congressman Wamp also remarked that the comment was made that he would not leave Congress until they turned the lights off and evidently that was true. Everyone laughed in reaction to the lights were out in Oak Ridge.

Here Mayor Beehan and Mayor Pro Tem Ms. Miller present the key to the City of Oak Ridge. Congressman Wamp also received a pottery bowl.
I should receive a copy of the Resolution honoring Congressman Wamp's 16 year service tomorrow. I will post the verbage of the Resolution in it's entirity.
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