Our "Consistent Conservative" Congressman defends us and the misuse of our tax dollars. Now we know why the TVA board had to raise our utility rates a month ago. We should all contact our "consistent Conservative" Congressman and thank him. We should contact Senator Alexander and Corker and ask for a Senate/Congressional investigation into the TVA's board.
October 31, 2008
Mr. William Sansom
Chairman of the Board
The Tennessee Valley Authority
400 W. Summit Hill Dr.
Knoxville, Tennessee 37902
Dear Chairman Sansom:
Each year an overwhelming majority of the people in this region become extremely upset about the millions of dollars in bonuses TVA gives to its top-level employees.
Now I am hearing an even stronger reaction to the salary and bonus package, totaling $3,270,000, given to Mr. Kilgore.
I have very great respect for you, Mr. Kilgore, and each member of the Board whom I know. However, this pay raise is excessive and very unnecessary.
Further, the timing could not be worse. Announcing this raise on the same day the Nation officially enters a recession, when many people are struggling to make ends meet, is just very unfortunate.
It becomes even worse when it follows a large rate increase that even Mr. Kilgore says may be able to be rescinded in a few months due to the decrease in fuel costs.
According to the Knoxville News-Sentinel, Mr. Kilgore says he did not request or seek a pay raise, but he was “overruled” by the Board.
As much as I admire and respect Mr. Kilgore, no one is indispensable or irreplaceable. I am convinced that many really outstanding people could be hired for half of this $3.27 million pay package.
I know the argument that other top executives in the utility industry are making more, and sometimes much more. However, just because someone else is making a ridiculous or unjustified salary does not mean that a public service agency like TVA should follow suit.
East Tennessee is one of the most popular places to live in this entire Country. TVA does not need to pay excessive salaries or bonuses to attract well-qualified people to fill its top-level positions.
I assume that the Board will not rescind this latest pay raise and will continue giving out huge bonuses, despite tremendous public opposition.
But I hope, at the very least, you will consider delaying this pay raise and any bonuses until this Nation comes out of recession or until TVA rescinds its recent rate increase.
With kindest regards, I am
Yours truly,
Member of Congress
Friday, October 31, 2008
Ken Yager Accepted What?
According to Lloyd Daugherty of the Tennessee Conservative Union. Guess who gave Ken Yager $1,000.00 out of his personal account? The same person gave Ken Yager $10,000.00 out of his PAC's account. Guess who? Former Tennessee Governor Don Sundquist. You remember the State Income Tax guy. Ken Yager. Clean it up!
Morgan County Executive Becky Ruppe has been endorsed by Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen. There is a contrast and compare for you.
Morgan County Executive Becky Ruppe has been endorsed by Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen. There is a contrast and compare for you.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
State Represntative District 36 - Faulkner is the Guy
In the State Representative District 36 race we are endorsing. This seat is the one that is open due to the retirement of Representative William Baird. Baird will be hard to replace but, we are endorsing Republican Chad Faulkner. Faulkner is running and running hard. The Democrats are spending all kinds of money in a smear campaign. But we believe the citizens of Campbell and Union Counties will see through the mud and the deceptions. Vote for and Elect Chad Faulkner.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ben Atchley - He Just Makes You Laugh
Driving down the road the other day I hear a radio commercial with Benny Atchley and Democrat Tommy Schumpert telling us why we should vote YES for Charter Amendment 3 & 4. It made me laugh. Let's review. Benny Atchley served 28 long years in the State Senate. He promised Lt. Governor John Wilder that he would be the seventeenth vote for a State Income Tax in the 1990's.
If Benny had any influence within the elective process in Knox County it hasn't proven to be a majority voting block. In May of 2006, he flooded the radio airwaves with commercials endorsing Chad Tindell for Knox County General Sessions Judge. It resulted in Tindell receiving less than 25% of the Republican primary vote. In August of 2006 he appeared in direct mail pieces for Gary Drinnen in challenging State Representative Stacey Campfield. Drinnen too received less than 25% of the Republican primary votes in Campfield's legislative district.
So when I hear Benny Atchley endorsing something or someone. It just makes me laugh.
If Benny had any influence within the elective process in Knox County it hasn't proven to be a majority voting block. In May of 2006, he flooded the radio airwaves with commercials endorsing Chad Tindell for Knox County General Sessions Judge. It resulted in Tindell receiving less than 25% of the Republican primary vote. In August of 2006 he appeared in direct mail pieces for Gary Drinnen in challenging State Representative Stacey Campfield. Drinnen too received less than 25% of the Republican primary votes in Campfield's legislative district.
So when I hear Benny Atchley endorsing something or someone. It just makes me laugh.
Barack "The Wealth Spreader" or "Redistributionist in Chief" Obama
Today, Vice President Elect Sarah Palin offered the name Barack "The Wealth Spreader" Obama. While President Elect John McCain offered the name Barack "Redistributionist in Chief" Obama. I say, keep it simple. Just Vote NO!
Ken Yager - Clean It Up!
O.k. the Republicans have been stressing and stressing about Brian's Blog and our coverage of the Becky Ruppe State Senate campaign. In the disclosure on this blog it says that this is not a blog of the Republican Party. Our mission statement is to report the news with a taste and flavor of political campaigns and to truth speak to the bias of news and spinners of news. We have been relatively quiet on the Becky Ruppe race out of respect for our friends Robin Smith and Bill Hobbs at the Tennessee Republican Party. However, Becky Ruppe is a friend of more than 8 years and she is a friend before she is a Democrat or we are Republican.
The most recent Becky Ruppe attack television commercial which we can not post because it has not been loaded on youtube as of this posting. In the commercial it states that Becky Ruppe while a member of the Morgan County School Board increased property taxes five times. Any body with a second grade Tennessee civics lesson understands that School Board members can not raise taxes. While as a school board member one may advocate for a pay raise for teachers. That is not increasing taxes. It is the decision of the County Mayor/County Commission to adjust the priorities in the county budget to give a raise to the teachers and support staff.
Our native Morgan County sources inform us that Morgan County has NOT raised property taxes while Becky Ruppe has been the Morgan County Executive. In another Ken Yager spot he brags about bringing 40 companies to Roane County from out of the state. The problem is the photograph that comes on screen when that claim is announced is H.T. Hackney Co. What state did Yager steal H.T. Hackney from? The state of Knox County, TN.
Here is the kind of political television spots we at Brian's Blog believe should be broadcast.
The most recent Becky Ruppe attack television commercial which we can not post because it has not been loaded on youtube as of this posting. In the commercial it states that Becky Ruppe while a member of the Morgan County School Board increased property taxes five times. Any body with a second grade Tennessee civics lesson understands that School Board members can not raise taxes. While as a school board member one may advocate for a pay raise for teachers. That is not increasing taxes. It is the decision of the County Mayor/County Commission to adjust the priorities in the county budget to give a raise to the teachers and support staff.
Our native Morgan County sources inform us that Morgan County has NOT raised property taxes while Becky Ruppe has been the Morgan County Executive. In another Ken Yager spot he brags about bringing 40 companies to Roane County from out of the state. The problem is the photograph that comes on screen when that claim is announced is H.T. Hackney Co. What state did Yager steal H.T. Hackney from? The state of Knox County, TN.
Here is the kind of political television spots we at Brian's Blog believe should be broadcast.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Audacity Of Deceit
This weekend I have read Brad O'Leary's book The Audacity of Deceit - Barack Obama's War on American Values. This should be a MUST read before you vote. However, I cast my vote on Thursday so it wouldn't be right to impose a mandate on you that I haven't imposed on myself. That would be like a liberal Democrat or a Barack Obama supporter.
If Barack Obama is elected on November 4, 2008 then it should be mandatory read. Each chapter deals with a major issue like Social Values, The Second Amendment, Voting Rights, War on Success, Bankrupting America, Starving America, Free Trade Free People, Changing Justice, American Health Care, America's Defense, The Barack Obama Test and Trust. It details Obama's plan and how it counters America's belief and in some cases how it is opposite Bill Clinton's record from 1993-2001.
You can go to the book's website and download one free chapter. I recommend that you download either The Barack Obama Test or the Chapter entitled Trust. So go to the website and check it out. Buy one or ten copies for your family and/or friends.
If Barack Obama is elected on November 4, 2008 then it should be mandatory read. Each chapter deals with a major issue like Social Values, The Second Amendment, Voting Rights, War on Success, Bankrupting America, Starving America, Free Trade Free People, Changing Justice, American Health Care, America's Defense, The Barack Obama Test and Trust. It details Obama's plan and how it counters America's belief and in some cases how it is opposite Bill Clinton's record from 1993-2001.
You can go to the book's website and download one free chapter. I recommend that you download either The Barack Obama Test or the Chapter entitled Trust. So go to the website and check it out. Buy one or ten copies for your family and/or friends.
Reaction to Saturday's TN-v-AL Game
My friend Logan Brummitt and I normally text one another several times during Tennessee football games. Last night we did not text each other at all. So, late this morning (11:45 ish) I text messaged him with a real simple text "Your thoughts are?" Hoping for some real insight to the lack of performance of the TN team last night. He immediately responded with "In the words of BHO.....change is coming" Now, I don't care who you are. That is Funny.
This is also posted on a Brian's Blog companion blog site. Link is here.
This is also posted on a Brian's Blog companion blog site. Link is here.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
How NOT to Win Votes and Influence Public Opinion
First this one, Link and then this one, Link. In addition is this one, Link.
When a reporter is coming into your headquarters to do a story about your campaign NEVER say. “You’re with the liberal media—that paper.” and then Fixing her visitor with the kind of arched-brow gaze usually reserved for Bowery bums malingering in a jewelry store,..
When a reporter is coming into your headquarters to do a story about your campaign NEVER say. “You’re with the liberal media—that paper.” and then Fixing her visitor with the kind of arched-brow gaze usually reserved for Bowery bums malingering in a jewelry store,..
Friday, October 24, 2008
Petersen Selects Our Next Chancellor from the University of Florida
First John Petersen comes to UT from UCONN. Now, he selects a Chancellor from the University of Florida. What does that say about UT, that our chief athletic competitors are now directing our academic direction?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Executive Power
Tonight I finished reading the next Vince Flynn book in the series. I have all paperback copies but, I am reading them in the order that they were published. First, it was Term Limits, Transfer of Power, The Third Option, Separation of Power and then Executive Power.
This book is an inside look into our hero character Mitch Rapp and continues into his marriage with Anna. It is a fast paced thriller. The next one in the series is Memorial Day. I anticipate starting it next week. Check out Vince Flynn's website here. There is a video of Vince talking about Protect and Defend the latest paperback. His newest only in hardback was released this week, Extreme Measures.
This weekend I plan to read Audacity of Deceit by Brad O'Leary.
This book is an inside look into our hero character Mitch Rapp and continues into his marriage with Anna. It is a fast paced thriller. The next one in the series is Memorial Day. I anticipate starting it next week. Check out Vince Flynn's website here. There is a video of Vince talking about Protect and Defend the latest paperback. His newest only in hardback was released this week, Extreme Measures.
This weekend I plan to read Audacity of Deceit by Brad O'Leary.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Jon Kerry Blackwood Strikes Again
This time it is poor ole' John Jay Hooker. It seems that the Special Judge has suspended the law license of John Jay Hooker for becoming "a nuisance for filing repeated frivolous lawsuits."
Well, excuse me but, the Special Judge spent a considerable amount of time listening to Herbert Monceir and he didn't find him a nuisance? All of those frivolous lawsuits on Sheriff Tim Hutchison and Knox County and Herbert doesn't have his law license suspended. Here's hoping John Jay Hooker files an appeal and uses Monceir as an example. Especially since Monceir can't darken the door of Federal Court for a while.
Well, excuse me but, the Special Judge spent a considerable amount of time listening to Herbert Monceir and he didn't find him a nuisance? All of those frivolous lawsuits on Sheriff Tim Hutchison and Knox County and Herbert doesn't have his law license suspended. Here's hoping John Jay Hooker files an appeal and uses Monceir as an example. Especially since Monceir can't darken the door of Federal Court for a while.
Obama's Citizenship Questions
Snopes says this about Obama's birth certificate. They say this about his citizenship. In this internet age world of 24/7/365, who can you believe?
Save our Right to Vote to Rally Tomorrow
The Knox County Republican Party put out an email invitation today that says. "We are having a "Save our Right to Vote Rally" on Thursday, October 23rd, 2008, 5:00p.m.-8:00p.m. at the Knoxville Expo Center. We will have Bar-B-Q and Entertainment. You are invited to attend and to bring a guest. All candidates will be able to speak. Thank you for your commitment to the Republican Party."
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Why o' Why?
Why do the Say NO to the Charter Amendments put out front three Black Wednesday appointees Sharon Cawood, Frank Leuthold and Jack Huddleston? The same Sharon Cawood that fleeced enough stationary from the taxpayers to cover all 19 commissioners. Also a former Superintendent of Schools that was Superintendent over two decades ago.
Now, there are a few good vocal supporters of the Say NO campaign like Former Sheriff Tim Hutchison. So far the controversial ones outweigh the good guys.
I plan to vote NO because of my opposition to reducing County Commission to 11 members and because I support voting for every position that I can. But, now I have to hold my nose to vote NO.
Now, there are a few good vocal supporters of the Say NO campaign like Former Sheriff Tim Hutchison. So far the controversial ones outweigh the good guys.
I plan to vote NO because of my opposition to reducing County Commission to 11 members and because I support voting for every position that I can. But, now I have to hold my nose to vote NO.
Monday, October 20, 2008
An Honest Shopper News Writer
Brian's Blog is happy to see there is one Shopper News writer that understands bias and will acknowledge their bias when they are writing about it. Jake Mabe's story about the News - Sentinel Best of East Tennessee and his views about why Robinella should have beat out Corryton's own Kenny Chesney.
What Jake is too humble to admit is that if you catch local performances of Robinella. She and Jake occasionally perform a song or two together on stage. You know like Conway & Loretta, George & Tammy, Keith & Lori, Porter & Dolly, Glen & Tanya. But for those of you that do not recognize those duos, how about Tim & Faith.
What Jake is too humble to admit is that if you catch local performances of Robinella. She and Jake occasionally perform a song or two together on stage. You know like Conway & Loretta, George & Tammy, Keith & Lori, Porter & Dolly, Glen & Tanya. But for those of you that do not recognize those duos, how about Tim & Faith.
Commissioner Hammond Supports Larry Smith's Ouster
In an article in today's News-Sentinel, Commissioner Mike Hammond said "If indeed someone committed perjury, then I believe they need to pay the price for that," So, Commissioner Mike Hammond supports the ouster of Larry Smith. This is one of those rare occasions where Commissioner Hammond and I agree with one another.
So, pack your bags R. Larry. You won't be coming around here no more, no more, no more.
So, pack your bags R. Larry. You won't be coming around here no more, no more, no more.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Larry Smith.The Next Commissioner to Be Removed From Office
Sources close to the term limits trial and the ouster trial have indicated to Brian's Blog that Commissioner R. Larry Smith is the next Commissioner to be ousted from office for the crime of perjury. It seems that he was asked the same identical question in his depositions in both trials. He gave two totally separate answers. Meaning that he either perjured himself in the term limits lawsuit or he perjured himself in the ouster suit. Either way he perjured himself.
Brian's Blog has already established that the R. doesn't stand for Republican. Now we know that it doesn't stand for Reliable.
Brian's Blog has already established that the R. doesn't stand for Republican. Now we know that it doesn't stand for Reliable.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Ashton Shepherd
The day that I heard Ashton Shepherd on Chattanooga's FM US 101, I knew that she would be the next greatest Country Music Star. Brian's Blog blogged about her, then. Brian's Blog blogged about her CD release in February. We are following her rise in country music. Here is the latest youtube video that we have discovered of her. This song is from her debut CD. "Old Memory" demonstrates her diverse and real talent.
There Was a Gang Related Crime Last Night and the Officers Did Nothing
There was a gang related crime last night in Ooltewah, TN. The enforcement officials let it go. The officer that the report references escorting the good guy off the field was our Farragut security officer. After all when you know that you are traveling into a crime infested area and the zebras do not call a fair game, you go with your own security.
At least the good guy waved good bye to the leaders of the the gang. He portrayed himself better than I would have. The Owls need to realize that they will see us again. If not in the playoffs this year, at least next year at Farragut.
At least the good guy waved good bye to the leaders of the the gang. He portrayed himself better than I would have. The Owls need to realize that they will see us again. If not in the playoffs this year, at least next year at Farragut.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Several Candidates Emerging for Moore's Replacement
In alphabetical order by last name.
Michelle Carringer - former 2003-2005 First Vice Chair of the Knox County GOP. During her term as First Vice Chair, she maintained her residence out of the country leaving Chad Tindell to run it all by himself. She is the daughter of current GOP Chair, Irene McCrary.
James McMillan - a farmer and 2006 failed County Commission candidate, he lost the Republican primary to R. Larry Smith.
Chuck Severance - the son of Former State Representative Charles Severance. His mother, Phyllis Severance worked in the administration of Former Knox County Executive Tommy Schumpert.
Lillian Williams - longtime successful business owner of Willow Bay Gallery in Powell. She is very active with the Powell, Halls and Karns Republican clubs. She was likely a candidate to pursue this seat in 2010 when Scott Moore would have been ineligible to run for reelection due to the term limits provision of the County Charter.
Michelle Carringer - former 2003-2005 First Vice Chair of the Knox County GOP. During her term as First Vice Chair, she maintained her residence out of the country leaving Chad Tindell to run it all by himself. She is the daughter of current GOP Chair, Irene McCrary.
James McMillan - a farmer and 2006 failed County Commission candidate, he lost the Republican primary to R. Larry Smith.
Chuck Severance - the son of Former State Representative Charles Severance. His mother, Phyllis Severance worked in the administration of Former Knox County Executive Tommy Schumpert.
Lillian Williams - longtime successful business owner of Willow Bay Gallery in Powell. She is very active with the Powell, Halls and Karns Republican clubs. She was likely a candidate to pursue this seat in 2010 when Scott Moore would have been ineligible to run for reelection due to the term limits provision of the County Charter.
Scott Moore Update
This morning, Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog talked with Scott Moore via telephone from his undisclosed location. Hornback relayed all the phone messages to Moore that have been communicated to him through us since Tuesday. Over 99.8% of the calls received for Moore by the Brian's blog team have been encouraging Moore to appeal the decision.
In addition, there have been several inquiries about Moore publishing a "tell all" book. All offers are being accumulated at the Brian's Blog office and will be forwarded to Mr. Moore after he returns from his Monceir/McElroy free zone.
Look for an official announcement of any appeal around the last week of October 2008.
In addition, there have been several inquiries about Moore publishing a "tell all" book. All offers are being accumulated at the Brian's Blog office and will be forwarded to Mr. Moore after he returns from his Monceir/McElroy free zone.
Look for an official announcement of any appeal around the last week of October 2008.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Attention Eighth District Voters
Alan Summers of the Eighth District has created a non partisan website with information about the three candidates running for Knox County Commission in the Eighth District. Republican Bud Armstrong, Democrat Leon Daugherty and Independent Russ Huckaba.
Check out the website here and compare the candidates.
If you, like Brian's Blog believe that our community could do without a small wannabe dictator by the name of Jack McElroy. Then you will want to look at the campaign brochure of Russ Huckaba. It appears that McElroy has already endorsed Huckaba.
Check out the website here and compare the candidates.
If you, like Brian's Blog believe that our community could do without a small wannabe dictator by the name of Jack McElroy. Then you will want to look at the campaign brochure of Russ Huckaba. It appears that McElroy has already endorsed Huckaba.
Knox County Law Director Bill Lockett Predicts Cold Winter
In this breaking news from the Sentinel, Bill Lockett desired a farm truck for his county issued vehicle. He ordered everything including heated bucket seats. He must be expecting a cold winter weather season. Now, he says he didn't ask for it. But, Hugh Holt confirms that Lockett visited Ted Russell Ford and Beaty Chevrolet and that Lockett asked for a 2008 or 2009 Silverado, four door. Why would the county lawyer need a pickup truck? Why were we paying his salary one day to vehicle shop? The public outrage will be enough to keep his rear end warm all winter long. No need for heated seats.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Joe the Plumber Exchange With The Other Guy
JOE WURZELBACHER, "JOE THE PLUMBER": Your new tax plan is going tax me more, isn't it?
OBAMA: It's not that I want to punish your success; I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you that they've got a chance to success, too. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.
OBAMA: It's not that I want to punish your success; I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you that they've got a chance to success, too. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.
I bet ole' Warren Buffet doesn't believe in spreading his wealth to Joe the plumber or Brian the blogger. This is leftist liberalism at it's best.
News Sentinel Get's It Wrong Again
Update: By 10:48 p.m. the headline was down. Good quick work by Jack Lail. We are thankful for screenshots.
Debate: 100% of McCain's ads are negative, Ohama says
BETH FOUHY, Associated Press Writer
Originally published 09:16 p.m., October 15, 2008
Updated 10:18 p.m., October 15, 2008
This is the headline on the Knoxnews website at 10:29 p.m. With Brian's Blog exposing it, it will be corrected quickly. However, according to McElroy/Hartmann and Crew the bumper stickers have a typo. Because according to them, his name is Ohama.
Debate: 100% of McCain's ads are negative, Ohama says
BETH FOUHY, Associated Press Writer
Originally published 09:16 p.m., October 15, 2008
Updated 10:18 p.m., October 15, 2008
This is the headline on the Knoxnews website at 10:29 p.m. With Brian's Blog exposing it, it will be corrected quickly. However, according to McElroy/Hartmann and Crew the bumper stickers have a typo. Because according to them, his name is Ohama.
BHO Admits that His Administration Will Hose Joe the Plumber
In tonight's debate McCain points out that the other candidate's plan was examined by Joe the Plumber in Ohio and the other guys plan will hose Joe the Plumber. The other guy says "well, Warren Buffet..." to which McCain says "we are talking about Joe the Plumber." Just another out of touch liberal Democrat. Wants to compare Joe the Plumber to Warren Buffet. We can't afford another President that believes that Warren Buffet is just like me and you.
Special Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood Interview
Nearly four years ago, Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood stepped down from the bench. A published interview in the Memphis Daily News gives us a little insight into the Judge and his views on the judiciary. Here is the link to the article.
Here is a quote from the first question. "..Day-to-day tragedies I have heard during this period have had a profound and dispiriting effect. I have felt myself becoming jaded and frustrated..."
And by the way, yesterday we asked the question if there were any relation to that of Senator John Kerry. In the interview, that was the last question asked and answered. Here is his answer to that question. Realize that he retired at the end of the year, 2004.
Q. What has it been like this year having a name so close to that of presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry?
My Democrat friends want tickets to the inauguration. My Republican friends ignore me.
Here is a quote from the first question. "..Day-to-day tragedies I have heard during this period have had a profound and dispiriting effect. I have felt myself becoming jaded and frustrated..."
And by the way, yesterday we asked the question if there were any relation to that of Senator John Kerry. In the interview, that was the last question asked and answered. Here is his answer to that question. Realize that he retired at the end of the year, 2004.
Q. What has it been like this year having a name so close to that of presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry?
My Democrat friends want tickets to the inauguration. My Republican friends ignore me.
Arnett Wasted Taxpayer Dollars
While the Knox County School Board held a three day retreat this weekend in Townsend, TN using taxpayer dollars. Rightfully so they were criticized on the knoxnews.com website for their use of our taxpayer dollars for this retreat.
What you haven't read in the News Sentinel is this. Sources within the City County Building informed us that on Monday Foster Arnett took the Knox County taxpayers County Clerk staff on a hike. A hike that would allow him get to know the taxpayers staff that currently work in the County Clerks office.
While Arnett will be quick to say that this trip cost no taxpayer money. It did. The taxpayer paid salaries for those employees are to conduct the business of the Clerk's office not to go out on a hike. Each employee that went on the hike should be required to reimburse the county for that days salary.
Arnett needs to understand and ensure that the taxpayer is boss. You will not read about this in the Sentinel. After all Arnett's work experience prior to being Clerk is that of President of the News Sentinel Charities.
What you haven't read in the News Sentinel is this. Sources within the City County Building informed us that on Monday Foster Arnett took the Knox County taxpayers County Clerk staff on a hike. A hike that would allow him get to know the taxpayers staff that currently work in the County Clerks office.
While Arnett will be quick to say that this trip cost no taxpayer money. It did. The taxpayer paid salaries for those employees are to conduct the business of the Clerk's office not to go out on a hike. Each employee that went on the hike should be required to reimburse the county for that days salary.
Arnett needs to understand and ensure that the taxpayer is boss. You will not read about this in the Sentinel. After all Arnett's work experience prior to being Clerk is that of President of the News Sentinel Charities.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Chancellor Allows "Special" Treatment for McElroy, Hartmann and Crew
While Commissioners Scott Moore and Paul Pinkston were required to testify in this new trial by the "Special" Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood. He gave "special" treatment to the McElroy/Hartmann employees in their not having to appear in court to testify. Why the "special" treatment for the daily press? Do you think the "Special Judge" is related in any way to Senator John Kerry?
R. Larry Smith Celebrates
While R. Larry Smith put on his best drama act on WNOX today at his reaction to the ruling of a out of area Chancellor. It was all an act. Word is that Larry Smith has already begun scheduling interviews with likely appointees to the seat of his district mate.
Not so fast Larry boi. An appeal could be in the future. Don't be lobbying your cronies, Mike Hammond and Tony Norman just yet!
Not so fast Larry boi. An appeal could be in the future. Don't be lobbying your cronies, Mike Hammond and Tony Norman just yet!
Tonight is the Duncan Family BBQ
Tonight from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. (Doors open at 5:00 p.m.) at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum is the Duncan Family BBQ - a tradition since 1968. They are held every two years in October, I have attended every one since 1980.
Two years ago, former Major League baseball player and Knoxville City Councilman Ed Bailey and I had an encounter with Democrat Congressman Harold Ford, Jr on the floor of the Coliseum. It was fun. After our exchange, an Associated Press reporter attempted to interview Mr. Bailey, he wouldn't talk to her. I did. Also, two years ago I had an exchange with Democrat Lincoln Davis. That was fun, as well. However, this year will be a little sad in that my friend and Congressman Duncan's buddy Ed Bailey will not be there. Since the last BBQ a battle with cancer took him on to Heaven.
Mr. Bailey and I shared a love of Republican politics and a love for the Duncan family. So, I will be there as always defending my good friend Jimmy Duncan and the Republicans. I am hoping that I make Mr. Bailey proud, tonight.
So, come on down tonight. Good Food (BBQ, Fried Chicken and Fixin's, Chips, Baked Beans, Drink, Moon Pie, Ice Cream and Popcorn) . Good Entertainment (CMA Award Winner and Capitol Recording Artist T. Graham Brown, the David West Bluegrass Band and the 200 voice Crown College Choir). Get a ticket, fill it out, drop it in the box and heck you may win one of the 10 free color televisions that they will be giving away.
Two years ago, former Major League baseball player and Knoxville City Councilman Ed Bailey and I had an encounter with Democrat Congressman Harold Ford, Jr on the floor of the Coliseum. It was fun. After our exchange, an Associated Press reporter attempted to interview Mr. Bailey, he wouldn't talk to her. I did. Also, two years ago I had an exchange with Democrat Lincoln Davis. That was fun, as well. However, this year will be a little sad in that my friend and Congressman Duncan's buddy Ed Bailey will not be there. Since the last BBQ a battle with cancer took him on to Heaven.
Mr. Bailey and I shared a love of Republican politics and a love for the Duncan family. So, I will be there as always defending my good friend Jimmy Duncan and the Republicans. I am hoping that I make Mr. Bailey proud, tonight.
So, come on down tonight. Good Food (BBQ, Fried Chicken and Fixin's, Chips, Baked Beans, Drink, Moon Pie, Ice Cream and Popcorn) . Good Entertainment (CMA Award Winner and Capitol Recording Artist T. Graham Brown, the David West Bluegrass Band and the 200 voice Crown College Choir). Get a ticket, fill it out, drop it in the box and heck you may win one of the 10 free color televisions that they will be giving away.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Is This Person Responsible for the Frannie Mae Collapse?

So, is the former Mayor to blame for this crisis? It looks like just another big empty building, you know just like the Knoxville Convention Center that he insisted that Knoxville build.
I remember when I was a young kid (about the seventh grade) we traveled over to Nashville on a school bus with the Carter High School band for the inauguration of Lamar Alexander as Governor of Tennessee.
At the age of 16 (1982), I volunteered in my first campaign. In every campaign where Lamar was a candidate, I have supported him. I still have an Alexander for President hat. So, yes. Even though Lamar had dropped out before it came to Tennessee. I supported Lamar for President.
Lamar doesn't say that he believes one way and votes the other way. He is Consistent. Now, Lamar isn't as Conservative as my Congressman Jimmy Duncan. But Lamar never said that he was. I support both Jimmy Duncan and the Senior Senator from Tennessee Lamar Alexander. Because Lamar will never tell you one thing and do something else.
At the age of 16 (1982), I volunteered in my first campaign. In every campaign where Lamar was a candidate, I have supported him. I still have an Alexander for President hat. So, yes. Even though Lamar had dropped out before it came to Tennessee. I supported Lamar for President.
Lamar doesn't say that he believes one way and votes the other way. He is Consistent. Now, Lamar isn't as Conservative as my Congressman Jimmy Duncan. But Lamar never said that he was. I support both Jimmy Duncan and the Senior Senator from Tennessee Lamar Alexander. Because Lamar will never tell you one thing and do something else.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Great Community Guest Column in Today's News Sentinel
Check it out here John Jessel's Guest Community Columnist Column found on the front page of the Perspective section in today's News Sentinel. While I at 21 was able to stop smoking cigarettes everyday and that was 21 years ago. While I have not had to wrestle with alcoholism. There are people that do.
John Jessel provides a view on the issue of alcoholism that I have never considered. It is through his column of his personal experience that we see the real issue of what the disease of alcoholism does to a person. What it ultimately does to those family members and friends that get left behind.
John Jessel provides a view on the issue of alcoholism that I have never considered. It is through his column of his personal experience that we see the real issue of what the disease of alcoholism does to a person. What it ultimately does to those family members and friends that get left behind.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
What Does Don Bosch Know? Not Much
This was what Don Bosch said in his own words to Lumpy Lambert about the incident where Lumpy pulled a gun on an individual that was attempting to rob him. It is discovered later that the same individual had shot and killed a Walgreens truck driver a few nights before the incident with Lumpy. So, while in the "wisdom" of Defense Attorney Don Bosch Lumpy may have risked himself he didn't and in hindsight (with this incident) Lumpy helped the community by getting this accused killer locked up early.
Don Bosch, can we believe anything he says? Recently, Bosch is or was the Commissions lawyer. Our tax dollars wasted on another defense attorney that doesn't believe in the ablity of the citizens of our country to keep and bear arms.
Don Bosch, can we believe anything he says? Recently, Bosch is or was the Commissions lawyer. Our tax dollars wasted on another defense attorney that doesn't believe in the ablity of the citizens of our country to keep and bear arms.
Saturday Silly
A candidate for United States Congress should have to prove themselves to be of sound mind and spirit. Any candidate that does something like this is not the type of person that should receive one vote. However, he will get more votes than he deserves. He should run for office in California. Where he would blend in with all the other fruits, nuts and flakes. I really hate to give this any attention, however it is so comical that he actually takes himself seriously.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
More Revolving Doors at the Knox County Clerk's office
I have been informed that the lady who held the position of Supervisor of Business Tax in the Clerk's office and was promoted to Chief Deputy under Foster Arnett resigned from the position of Chief Deputy this week. She still remains employed in the Clerk's office. No word on if a salary adjustment has been readjusted.
Sources from within the Clerk's office indicate that Foster has named Bruce Whiteaker, one of his campaign cronies that was a recipient of one of the political patronage positions that Foster created on September 2, 2008 as his Chief Deputy.
So, Knox County has a County Clerk and a Chief Deputy with NO experience prior to September 2, 2008 in the Clerk's office.
Sources from within the Clerk's office indicate that Foster has named Bruce Whiteaker, one of his campaign cronies that was a recipient of one of the political patronage positions that Foster created on September 2, 2008 as his Chief Deputy.
So, Knox County has a County Clerk and a Chief Deputy with NO experience prior to September 2, 2008 in the Clerk's office.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Tyler Harber on Fox and Friends This Morning and MSNBC in September
On September 18, 2008 he was on MSNBC. Here is the video from MSNBC.
Brad Hill Endorses Briggs for County Mayor
Brad Hill, organizer of the Charter Amendment petition drive and likely 2010 County Mayor candidate has obviously decided against running for County Mayor but is now supporting County Commissioner Richard Briggs for County Mayor. The Richard Briggs that has publically voiced his oppostion to the Republican Party's opposition to the Orange and White ballot intiatives. The Richard Briggs that voted for a DEMOCRAT instead of a Republican for an appointment to the Knox County General Sessions Judge position. The Richard Briggs that may be facing censure by the Knox County Republican Party for both of his actions.
So, with Hill's support of Briggs. What does that mean? Here is Hill's letter to the editor that appeared in the News Sentinel recently.
Briggs best person to lead Knox County
As the petition count continues and we await the November decisions of voters, one long-term issue of true leadership keeps dominating my optimistic thoughts for our county’s future.
Georgiana Vines’ recent column about a gathering of Republicans left me with exponentially greater hope in our progressive future with one man who has the resume’, proven leadership qualities and management experience of service to our country and our hometown like no other, considering the office of county mayor in 2010.
If a man can manage a hospital in a war zone, surely our City County Building offers little challenge. If a man can vow to heal others regardless of who they are and where they come from, surely the vows to uphold the highest ethical and moral standards in our county’s top leadership role is of little challenge.
Most of all, we cannot waste another two years doing little more than seeing who can win or lose politically, while teachers, students, parents, deputies, other county employees and taxpayers try to make sense of why we cannot move forward with steady progress over petty politics.
The bogeymen are fading away, it seems, and one man has the gifts of common sense and experience to not waste the next two years and take our county to considerable heights over the next decade, as voters see fit.
That man is Dr. Richard Briggs. Educate yourself about him, and let’s do whatever it takes to support him and his efforts on our behalf.
Brad Hill
So, with Hill's support of Briggs. What does that mean? Here is Hill's letter to the editor that appeared in the News Sentinel recently.
Briggs best person to lead Knox County
As the petition count continues and we await the November decisions of voters, one long-term issue of true leadership keeps dominating my optimistic thoughts for our county’s future.
Georgiana Vines’ recent column about a gathering of Republicans left me with exponentially greater hope in our progressive future with one man who has the resume’, proven leadership qualities and management experience of service to our country and our hometown like no other, considering the office of county mayor in 2010.
If a man can manage a hospital in a war zone, surely our City County Building offers little challenge. If a man can vow to heal others regardless of who they are and where they come from, surely the vows to uphold the highest ethical and moral standards in our county’s top leadership role is of little challenge.
Most of all, we cannot waste another two years doing little more than seeing who can win or lose politically, while teachers, students, parents, deputies, other county employees and taxpayers try to make sense of why we cannot move forward with steady progress over petty politics.
The bogeymen are fading away, it seems, and one man has the gifts of common sense and experience to not waste the next two years and take our county to considerable heights over the next decade, as voters see fit.
That man is Dr. Richard Briggs. Educate yourself about him, and let’s do whatever it takes to support him and his efforts on our behalf.
Brad Hill
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
What is Going On at the Knox County Clerk's Office
You may have seen the News Sentinel and the Knoxville television stations reporting how the new Knox County Clerk has refunded business taxes that had been over collected. Brian's Blog had been informed that the longtime Supervisor of the Clerk's Business Tax office had been promoted by the new Knox County Clerk to be his Chief Deputy. So, we emailed a question to the Knox County Clerk's Administrative Assistant and after a couple of days the Clerk emailed back a response that in fact the former Supervisor of business tax is his Chief Deputy. Now this lady has been the Supervisor of the business tax office under Clerk's Padgett, Tindell and Stooksbury.
This lady stood behind Mr. Arnett when he announced his candidacy at Market Square Mall. She was a avid supporter of Mr. Arnett. Although, Mr. Arnett during campaign speeches said that no current employee of the Clerk's office would be involved in his campaign. However, it appears that was the case with the exception of this lady and an inventory clerk at the Halls satellite office. The former inventory clerk at the Halls satellite station has been rumored to have been moved uptown to a new office and has the keys to the only vehicle assigned to the Clerk's office.
Now back to the issue of the over collection of business taxes that resulted in a photo op for the new County Clerk.
One, was the over collection ever brought to the attention of the previous Clerk's? If so I am certain that they too would have issued refunds. I know that George Stooksbury would have.
Two, is it possible that over the last year since Mr. Arnett began running for County Clerk that this was simply a plan to have a "little" good news after the bad news of terminating experienced public servants for the benefit of placing individuals connected to the new County Clerk for the benefit of political patronage?
We simply ask the questions. The answers may or may not surprise us or you.
This lady stood behind Mr. Arnett when he announced his candidacy at Market Square Mall. She was a avid supporter of Mr. Arnett. Although, Mr. Arnett during campaign speeches said that no current employee of the Clerk's office would be involved in his campaign. However, it appears that was the case with the exception of this lady and an inventory clerk at the Halls satellite office. The former inventory clerk at the Halls satellite station has been rumored to have been moved uptown to a new office and has the keys to the only vehicle assigned to the Clerk's office.
Now back to the issue of the over collection of business taxes that resulted in a photo op for the new County Clerk.
One, was the over collection ever brought to the attention of the previous Clerk's? If so I am certain that they too would have issued refunds. I know that George Stooksbury would have.
Two, is it possible that over the last year since Mr. Arnett began running for County Clerk that this was simply a plan to have a "little" good news after the bad news of terminating experienced public servants for the benefit of placing individuals connected to the new County Clerk for the benefit of political patronage?
We simply ask the questions. The answers may or may not surprise us or you.
Monday, October 06, 2008
The Consistent Conservative

During that conversation I labeled my friend and my Congressman as a "Consistent Conservative". You see so many "politicians" blow into Washington, DC and they label themselves as Compassionate Conservatives. When you examine their record, there is nothing conservative about them. Some professed conservatives go to Washington to vote against it on Monday before they vote for it on Friday. A Consistent Conservative votes against it on Monday and Friday, no matter how much pork is put into the bill. A Consistent Conservative doesn't flip flop with the sway of Washington, DC.
Now, I didn't agree with my friend and my Congressman when he voted against the funding for the Iraq war. But, do you realize that he was right when he talked way back then about what the ultimate price tag would be for the war. He was then and is now a Consistent Conservative.
I am proud of my friend, my Congressman Jimmy Duncan. He is the Consistent Conservative.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Sandra Clark on Chad Tindell
I am working about a week behind right now. But, I noticed the following items from Sandra Clark's column last week. With one item I simply raise a point and with a second item we may be in agreement.
First this one.
Who’s hacking whom?
Remember when Tyler Harber was accused of hacking into Chad Tindell’s computer and stealing his e-mail? Remember how those politically sensitive e-mails were printed out and mysteriously appeared in Mike Ragsdale’s office?
It happened and our Attorney General, Randy Nichols, said he had no intention of prosecuting Harber. Nichols said if a crime had been committed it was just a misdemeanor and Chad could go take out a warrant against Tyler and prosecute the case himself.
OK, but what is the difference between that case and that of the tousled haired kid, David Kernell, who appeared on the front page of last week’s paper. Kernell, mentioned in conjunction with the hacking into Sarah Palin’s e-mail account, was hounded by the FBI, the KPD, the TBI, the PTA and perhaps the MOUSE.
Guess it just matters who is hacking whom.
Sandra, if you haven't noticed Chad is simply a local Attorney that likes to be your anonymous "You didn't hear this from me" source. To compare him to Sarah Palin. Well, that is like comparing you to Jack McElroy. The experience and expertise just ain't there. Chad is a no body, Sarah will be the next Vice-President of the United States. McElroy is an Editor of a daily paper and has a future. While you are stuck at a weekly community paper that simply produces bird cage liner paper.
Second is this one.
Going for the long-haul
Kudos to our guy Larry Van Guilder. He just flat predicted the appointment of Patricia Hall Long (called “long-haul” by this writer) to the Sessions Court bench.
For the record, let me disagree with my pontificating colleague Frank Cagle. In last week’s Metro Pulse, Cagle said Chad Tindell threw his votes to long-haul to block the surging Mark Brown.
Hmmm. I’d be more apt to say that Tindell threw his votes to Brown in an effort to stop a surging long-haul.
Fact is, the appointment of Patricia Hall Long, following the election of Andrew Jackson VI, means the last two judges have come from the district attorney’s office. Call it partisan if you want, but it really comes down to the ins vs. the outs; the law enforcement establishment vs. the defense lawyers.
I agree with giving kudos to Larry Van Guilder on his prediction. When you have "real sources" that will talk to you, predictions are easier. Larry works hard and it pays off for him. I too agree that Tindell may have thrown his voted to benefit Brown. With the three likely voted for Tindell actually voting for Brown. It makes sense. This would open up Chad to inspection by the party as not being loyal and a possible censure / removal from the party.
First this one.
Who’s hacking whom?
Remember when Tyler Harber was accused of hacking into Chad Tindell’s computer and stealing his e-mail? Remember how those politically sensitive e-mails were printed out and mysteriously appeared in Mike Ragsdale’s office?
It happened and our Attorney General, Randy Nichols, said he had no intention of prosecuting Harber. Nichols said if a crime had been committed it was just a misdemeanor and Chad could go take out a warrant against Tyler and prosecute the case himself.
OK, but what is the difference between that case and that of the tousled haired kid, David Kernell, who appeared on the front page of last week’s paper. Kernell, mentioned in conjunction with the hacking into Sarah Palin’s e-mail account, was hounded by the FBI, the KPD, the TBI, the PTA and perhaps the MOUSE.
Guess it just matters who is hacking whom.
Sandra, if you haven't noticed Chad is simply a local Attorney that likes to be your anonymous "You didn't hear this from me" source. To compare him to Sarah Palin. Well, that is like comparing you to Jack McElroy. The experience and expertise just ain't there. Chad is a no body, Sarah will be the next Vice-President of the United States. McElroy is an Editor of a daily paper and has a future. While you are stuck at a weekly community paper that simply produces bird cage liner paper.
Second is this one.
Going for the long-haul
Kudos to our guy Larry Van Guilder. He just flat predicted the appointment of Patricia Hall Long (called “long-haul” by this writer) to the Sessions Court bench.
For the record, let me disagree with my pontificating colleague Frank Cagle. In last week’s Metro Pulse, Cagle said Chad Tindell threw his votes to long-haul to block the surging Mark Brown.
Hmmm. I’d be more apt to say that Tindell threw his votes to Brown in an effort to stop a surging long-haul.
Fact is, the appointment of Patricia Hall Long, following the election of Andrew Jackson VI, means the last two judges have come from the district attorney’s office. Call it partisan if you want, but it really comes down to the ins vs. the outs; the law enforcement establishment vs. the defense lawyers.
I agree with giving kudos to Larry Van Guilder on his prediction. When you have "real sources" that will talk to you, predictions are easier. Larry works hard and it pays off for him. I too agree that Tindell may have thrown his voted to benefit Brown. With the three likely voted for Tindell actually voting for Brown. It makes sense. This would open up Chad to inspection by the party as not being loyal and a possible censure / removal from the party.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Sarah Palin Schooled Joe Biden
Did you watch the Vice Presidential debate last night? Sarah Palin schooled Joe Biden. Having 35 years of experience in Washington, D.C. is not a positive there Joe. The political party of Joe and Barrack H Obama have a lower approval rating than our current President.
2008 is about returning the country to the people and cleaning up the mess that the Democrats have created on Wall Street.
2008 is about returning the country to the people and cleaning up the mess that the Democrats have created on Wall Street.
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