Hallerin thanked the Congressman and then had the Knoxville Mayor on the air. Most questions were softballs and he even asked what the first lady thought. Never mind that he ignored asking the Congressman what Kim Wamp thought. But he took one phone call for the Knoxville Mayor and lo and behold it was the same guy that attacked Wamp and proceeded to repeat his anti-Wamp speak and form it into a softball question for the Knoxville Mayor.
Now it has been pointed out to me that the major sponsor for Hallerin's Anything is Possible TV show is Pilot, a family owned business of the Knoxville Mayor. Can you say say Conflict of Interest and Bias, Hallerin?
I have been asked why are you currently supporting Zach Wamp over the Knoxville Mayor?
Here are a few.
Wamp has been an excellent Congressman for 12 years. Today he was sworn in for his final term and will leave Congress with 14 years of service when he becomes Tennessee's next Governor.
He is not a raise taxes kind of leader. Remember the Knoxville Mayor proposed and the City Council raised City Of Knoxville property taxes at least once during his term.
Wamp has not advocated or taken individuals private property for the growth of a city that has experienced suburban flight.
Wamp has not advocated or placed red light camera enforcements in order to provide revenue for a city.
Wamp has not advocated the control of what a citizen can do with their own personal property on their property. (parking your cars on your property where you need it to be located)
Wamp has represented his district well, which includes Oak Ridge. He delivered the Spallation Neutron Source project to Oak Ridge.
Wamp has chaired a Committee in Congress that has managed the tax payer dollars that exceeded over 70 billion.
Wamp will conclude his term of service before taking office as Governor. The Knoxville Mayor will be leaving the citizens of Knoxville for an entire year. Leaving the Vice Mayor to serve for a year or better yet cost the city taxpayers another special election for a one year term.
Wamp is a servant leader that the Republican party needs to reach out to the Republican grassroots, democrats and independents. We need someone from Main Street not Wall Street. The Knoxville Mayor and his family are from Wall Street, the very people that have our economy in the shape it is in today.
Interestings thoughts. But I wanted to correct something. Not sure Haslams are Wall Street. It is a private held company. They don't answer to stockholders. Correct me if that is not accurate.
Has Wamp ever run antyhing as a manager? Just curious -- not a loaded question, I really don't know his background.
Pamela Treacy
I appreciate your comment and yes he has a diverse background of business expertise.
It should be noted that the Knoxville Mayor left Pilot to lead Saxs Direct, it closed. The division of Pilot that he once ran is now closed.
I would contend that being one of 535 that lead our country is a tad more responsibilty than being the Mayor of a medium sized city.
The Knoxville Mayor is a good guy, but we need the very best Governor we can get and the Knoxville Mayor just is not the one.
He nearly lost his first election as Knoxville Mayor to a little unknown Democrat.
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