Saturday, July 05, 2008

Johnny Hunt - SBC President

I missed reporting it last month so better late than never. Last month, Pastor Johnny Hunt of First Baptist Church Woodstock, GA became the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. Pastor Johnny has been a guest evangelist at my home church of First Baptist Concord at least twice the past two years. Here is the news from the Baptist Press.

On my ipod every week I get the most recent sermon of Pastor Johnny's and so during the week in addition to sitting under the preaching ministry of Dr. Doug Sager. I also get to experience the preaching ministry of Johnny Hunt.

I am so blessed to be able to be led by these two great men of God. Both are Conservative, Bible Believing Pastors. Pastor Johnny is just what my Southern Baptist Convention needs today.

Pastor Johnny was saved Out of the Pool Room and that is the title of his testimony. You can view his testimony, here.

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