Saturday, September 01, 2012

Smith and Tindell Meet While Duncan is Out of Town

Trustee Duncan went to Tampa, Fl for the RNC on Tuesday. Rumors were circulating about his demise. On Wednesday while the boss was out of town, his delinquent tax attorney Chadwick B. Tindell was eating lunch with Commissioner Robert Lawrence Smith at Wright's Cafeteria.

Smith has been making sounds and moves that he wants to replace Duncan. One can only assume that Tinfell and Smith were working on transition plans.

1 comment:

Keeping them Honest said...

Chad and R. Larry--Birds of a feather--no loyalty to anyone or anythingbut their own political future.. In this case...both are losers..and Chad is worried about the pending Trustee office resignations and how his Tennessee Law Lic. will be impacted.