The Sentinel is attempting to blow it out proportion. They have this photograph in today's paper. So if their photographer was that close, then he/she heard the content of the meeting. Thus the meeting was held in the open.
As a matter of fact, Commissioner Scott Moore was appointed to chair the Committee on Committees meeting by Commission Chairman Tank Strickland. Moore said where everyone could hear it, everyone being commissioners, the citizens and county employees in attendance and the television audience. So you want us to go over here in the back of the room. And Strickland said Yes. Briggs did not object at the time.
Just an attempt to get different people to Chair Finance and Intergovernmental. If you don't win cry Sunshine foul. The real problem was no rollcall vote. That is just Chairman Strickland not knowing the Charter.
I wonder what constitutes a quorum of citizens present at an open meeting to make the rules valid to comply with the “sunshine law.”
If two commissioners lean over towards each other and talk with their mikes turned off during a meeting, are they breaking the sunshine law? They are in an open meeting, but could be saying anything to each other. No minutes are being recorded on these private conversations. Where does this madness end? Do we need to put them in sound proof booths? Where is Commissioner Briggs on this issue? He talks privately to commissioners during meetings, as do most commissioners. Who decides when to cry “foul”? Are the deciders just not happy with the vote ad want another chance to get their way?
Wow, didn't realize you were a News Sentinel blogger! Do you have the rights to publish that picture, Brian's Blog?
I cna't help but notice the glare from the glass in the picture. Is it possible (I think likely) that the photo was taken outside while the picture's subjects were inside?
Which brings up an interesting question: If you can see them but can't hear them - is that a violation?
I think you're going to start hearing alot more of these accusations everytime someone doesn't get their way. Accusations are cheap - anyone can make one. lawsuits on the other hand ... well, they're expensive (especially if you lose) so I wouldn't give accusations a whole lot of thought - unless, they start to sue. Which, of course in the vast majority of times they won't.
Word is that this is a false flag operation. Briggs supposedly was approach by a new Commissioner who allegedly was confused and asked if the Sunshine Law had been broken.
What really happened was that Briggs approached the new Commissioner and tried to trick him. It seems that Briggs wants to be Finance Chairman so he can be on the board of the Knox County Development Corporation. Briggs like the TIF's.
Brigg's wants Tony "Mayor's Man" Norman to be the Chair of Intergovernmental. Reason unknown.
KNS is supposed to run a story about the ouster suit that will never happen to two Commissioners. It is a Herb production that will never see the day in a court room. Look for the KNS to start the false flag op's on this Wednesday or Thursday according to mole's in the KNS.
Morale is bad at the daily paper and good people want desperately to see Jack Mac move on. Word also is that the PILOT money is endangered from Jack Mac's political maneuvers.
How long before we hear the truth of what is happening at the KNS?
Meanwhile, will Briggs pull off his operation? Anything is possible.
Mayor Briggs? Move the county forward?
I just saw this on the print copy. I will be posting about this sometime after the TN game today.
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