No reason for me to watch Fox at 10 or WATE for any reason after September 18th. Darn it.
Congratulations Adam. You have improved K-Town while you have been here. I don't know if the improvement will last. Look what has happened to the GOP just since I stepped out.
UPDATE: I have just remembered that Melissa Dipane is the lovely better half of one Adam Longo. With his departure to Orlando. Melissa is sure to follow creating not only a void on Fox News 10 p.m. newscast with Adam, but a void on the Good Morning Tennessee Weekends with Melissa. Good Luck to both.
So what does that leave Gene'o and Bo Williams with an occasional Don Dare as the only male on air talent?
So what gives? Who keeps running the good ones off? Is it Lori Tucker? I remember that she was the reason the guy before Gene had to leave. What was his name?
I would say that our friend Walker Johnson may have the answers to those questions. I don't.
In my humble opinion. I think it is a ratings problem with the shock journalism that they try to do.
Although I haven't talked with anybody at WATE about it.
Those calls for shock journalism would come from the news director and at WATE that job has been a revolving door.
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