It is Sunday afternoon. I am outside grilling hamburgers and fresh vegetables. In order to kill time I decide to look at the metro pulse. The Metro Pulse, you know owned by the Big Metal Shed on the Hill's parent company.
In the ear to the ground they are discussing the battle between Mayor Burchett and the Big Metal Shed on the Hill.
MP says the Burchett is in the midst of divorcing his wife. Hello! Allison filed first, she wanted out. Come on MP quit acting like your owners.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Hutchison at Today's Karns Community Fair
Republican State Representative Candidate Tim Hutchison along with his family and a few key supporters attended today's Karns Community Fair.
The Former Sheriff was warmly received by everyone there. Early Voting ends today. Election day is this Thursday August 3.
The Former Sheriff was warmly received by everyone there. Early Voting ends today. Election day is this Thursday August 3.
Bo Pierce Campaigned at Karns Community Fair
Bo Pierce, Republican candidate for State Representative in District 89 campaigned today at the Karns Community Fair. Pierce along with his wife and daughter visited with the members of the community that came to the fair.
KNS Bias Exposed Again
Yesterday, The Big Metal Shed on the Hill ran a story about a city finance specialist that embezzled $55,000 in grant money that was supposed to fund KPD's Crimes Against Children.
But, today no follow up. No details. They reported he was hired in 2000 Victor Ashe regime apparently stole from the taxpayers during the Bill Haslam regime. Of course current Mayor Madeline Rogero was a high level official during the Haslam regime. So who know what and when did they know it.
I mean McElroy & Birmingham have spent pages and pages about $15,000 in private contributions that our County Mayor's wife wrote & cashed to herself. However, just a brief mention of $55,000 in tax dollars and no follow up or no outrage. No former elected officials calling on any follow up investigation.
But, today no follow up. No details. They reported he was hired in 2000 Victor Ashe regime apparently stole from the taxpayers during the Bill Haslam regime. Of course current Mayor Madeline Rogero was a high level official during the Haslam regime. So who know what and when did they know it.
I mean McElroy & Birmingham have spent pages and pages about $15,000 in private contributions that our County Mayor's wife wrote & cashed to herself. However, just a brief mention of $55,000 in tax dollars and no follow up or no outrage. No former elected officials calling on any follow up investigation.
Ryan Haynes Kickoff Helped Hutchison
On Thursday night at Ryan Haynes kickoff. Republican State Representative candidate Tim Hutchison was given checks and cash from persons at the kickoff. Hutchison raised $1,000 on Thursday night.
In the last financial disclosures that were filed earlier this week, this period, Tim Hutchison raised $8,700, Bo Pierce raised $2,500, Roger Kane raised $2,400 and Joey Mcculley raised $50.
In the last financial disclosures that were filed earlier this week, this period, Tim Hutchison raised $8,700, Bo Pierce raised $2,500, Roger Kane raised $2,400 and Joey Mcculley raised $50.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Yes! I Am! Vote Kent Calfee
This afternoon I was honored to help my Republican friend Kent Calfee down in Kingston (Roane County) during early voting. Here I am with Kent's wife Marilyn! They are both good people! He will be an exceptional State Representative. So, yes I ask you to vote for my friend Kent Calfee.
Rep. Ryan Haynes Campaign Kickoff
A very large crowd turned out for the campaign kickoff of State Rep. Ryan Haynes last night. State Representative Richard Montgomery of Sevier County took a beak from his primary re-election to come down and introduce Haynes.
Any readers in Sevier County, Cast a Vote for Richard. Enjoy the sights
Any readers in Sevier County, Cast a Vote for Richard. Enjoy the sights
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Really?! You Have to do This?!
Senator Corker has over $12 million dollars for his re-election. He has the Republican establishment support. But his Knoxville supporters have to resort to this? Sad! Sad!
Hurley & Fleischmann Caught With A Camera
This picture was posted on a Facebook page. You see Rep. Hurley and Congressman Fleischmann with a Fleischmann campaign volunteer.
As you look at the fan the Fleischmann volunteer is holding you can see that it is a Kent Calfee fan with Chuck and Hurley stickers all over it,
Republican Kent Calfee is being opposed by Julia Hurley. Fleischmann is being opposed by Republican Weston Wamp and a former McMinn County Diary farmer.
So now we know that Hurley & Fleischmann volunteers are stealing Calfee & Wamp material.
As you look at the fan the Fleischmann volunteer is holding you can see that it is a Kent Calfee fan with Chuck and Hurley stickers all over it,
Republican Kent Calfee is being opposed by Julia Hurley. Fleischmann is being opposed by Republican Weston Wamp and a former McMinn County Diary farmer.
So now we know that Hurley & Fleischmann volunteers are stealing Calfee & Wamp material.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tensions are High at the Big Metal Shed on the Hill
According to sources near the Big Metal Shed on the Hill. Tensions have been rather intense since Saturday's Front Page Follies. It seems that at least one Executive level person is rather upset with Editor Jack McElroy appearing in a skit with Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett regarding a spoof on the newspapers and Mayor's strained relationship.
blog has a pretty good run down of Saturday's Front Page Follies event. Read it here. Moxley reports that the skit went to the tune of Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off.” (You know, the potato/po-tah-to song.) The verbiage between McElroy and Burchett went like this. McElroy: You say “subpoena” and I say “you schem’a!” Burchett: You say “disclosure” and I say “Who told ya?” Both: Subpoena! You schem’a! Disclosure! Who told ya? Let’s sort it out in court.
Emergency Meeting with TN Republican Chairman
Tomorrow, TN GOP Chairman Chris Devaney is meeting with the Rhea County and now Roane County Republicans. He is discussing TN's Open Primaries. No one cared when the campaigns of Republican Gubernatorial Candidates Ron Ramsey & Zach Wamp were raising the same issue two years ago.
The TN Republican State Executive Committee took up the issue and decided against proceeding with a closed primary.
With an open primary a voter can vote Democrat one primary election. The next election in the Republican primary. In a closed primary you declare your party and you must vote in that primary, solely.
What is funny about these emails. Is that Flo Charles the Roane County Republican email list, "all Roane County TRUE Republicans" if they are not true republicans why is she communicating with them. Also, who performs the true test?
The email chain is below.
From: "Flo Charles
Date: July 24, 2012 1:50:10 PM EDT
Subject: IMPORTANT! -PUT THIS ON YOUR CALENDAR! : THIS - THURSDAY JULY 26th 7 PM to MEET with: TN Republican Chairman Chris Devaney
All Roane County TRUE Republicans are invited to this meeting with Rhea County. Many counties are being bombarded with Democrats switching over to vote in the Republican Primary to defeat and take over the local Republican Party.
Please attend if possible,
IMPORTANT! -PUT THIS ON YOUR CALENDAR! : - THURSDAY JULY 26th 7 PM to MEET with: TN Republican Chairman Chris Devaney
Chairman Devaney is scheduled to meet with Rhea county Republicans
this Thursday July 26, 2012 7:00 P.M. at the RCRP Headquarters.
This is a very important election and we must get out the vote for our
Republican candidates.
Please come and bring a friend to hear a great statesman speak on
this crucial election and hear how we can help keep Rhea County,
the state of Tennessee and our Country in good hands with qualified
Ken Coppinger
Party chairman
The TN Republican State Executive Committee took up the issue and decided against proceeding with a closed primary.
With an open primary a voter can vote Democrat one primary election. The next election in the Republican primary. In a closed primary you declare your party and you must vote in that primary, solely.
What is funny about these emails. Is that Flo Charles the Roane County Republican email list, "all Roane County TRUE Republicans" if they are not true republicans why is she communicating with them. Also, who performs the true test?
The email chain is below.
From: "Flo Charles
Date: July 24, 2012 1:50:10 PM EDT
Subject: IMPORTANT! -PUT THIS ON YOUR CALENDAR! : THIS - THURSDAY JULY 26th 7 PM to MEET with: TN Republican Chairman Chris Devaney
All Roane County TRUE Republicans are invited to this meeting with Rhea County. Many counties are being bombarded with Democrats switching over to vote in the Republican Primary to defeat and take over the local Republican Party.
Please attend if possible,
IMPORTANT! -PUT THIS ON YOUR CALENDAR! : - THURSDAY JULY 26th 7 PM to MEET with: TN Republican Chairman Chris Devaney
Chairman Devaney is scheduled to meet with Rhea county Republicans
this Thursday July 26, 2012 7:00 P.M. at the RCRP Headquarters.
This is a very important election and we must get out the vote for our
Republican candidates.
Please come and bring a friend to hear a great statesman speak on
this crucial election and hear how we can help keep Rhea County,
the state of Tennessee and our Country in good hands with qualified
Ken Coppinger
Party chairman
Fear and a Spirit of Paranoia is not very nice to play on the Voters
The following email was sent yesterday just before 4:00 pm. If as a candidate you have to resort to the emotion of fear and a spirit of paranoia, you really ought not be running.
From: Julia C Hurley
Date: July 24, 2012 3:56:49 PM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Recent Poll
I am writing you today to let you know that a recent phone poll is
being conducted. I AM NOT conducting this poll. Please remember that
anyone that responds, whether it be for me or our challenger, is being
tracked by their phone number and address once a number has been
chosen. A computer program can track your selection back to your
Should you choose to partake in this polling process, I encourage you
to remember your vote can be used for further information.
I believe in the privacy of your vote, and thank you for casting one
in this election. Early Voting ends July 28th, so please, go vote!
From: Julia C Hurley
Date: July 24, 2012 3:56:49 PM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Recent Poll
I am writing you today to let you know that a recent phone poll is
being conducted. I AM NOT conducting this poll. Please remember that
anyone that responds, whether it be for me or our challenger, is being
tracked by their phone number and address once a number has been
chosen. A computer program can track your selection back to your
Should you choose to partake in this polling process, I encourage you
to remember your vote can be used for further information.
I believe in the privacy of your vote, and thank you for casting one
in this election. Early Voting ends July 28th, so please, go vote!
Hurley Places a Target on Covenant Health's Non Profit Status
As the drama continues to unfold with Julia Hurley of Lenoir City. Now her latest antic has Covenant Health is jeopardy of losing their non profit status. Read about it in today's News Sentinel here. On Sunday, I asked the question, here. I assumed then she didn't ask and now it has been announced that she didn not.
The NEW Target at Northshore Town Center Opened
Yesterday at 5 pm Knox Counties NEW Target opened. Located in the commercial development area of Northshore Town Center. It opened with Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett assisting with the ribbon cutting.
A great job by Northshore Town Center Commercial developer Budd Collum.
A great job by Northshore Town Center Commercial developer Budd Collum.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Hurley a Conservative? Not a Chance!
Julia C Hurley fails to receive endorsement of the Tennessee Right to Life! Tennessee Right to Life endorsed EVERY incumbent in the region- EXCEPT Hurley. Read it here.
Hurley fails to receive endorsement of the Tennessee- National Federation of Independent Business. NFIB endorsed EVERY incumbent in the region- EXCEPT Hurley. Read it here.
Republican Kent Calfee receives a higher rating than the current State Rep. Miss Hurley. Read it here.
If Hurley (as she and her supporters alege) is truly the Republican in this race then why has she failed to receive the support of the conservative groups?
Did You Know Jimmy Duncan is not a Member of Congress?
One of my sources sent me a picture that is in this weeks Knoxville Journal. It identifies Congresswoman Becky Duncan Massey as one of the four people in the picture.
The next family function should be interesting because I don't think anyone has told Congressman Jimmy Duncan and his wife Lynn, yet.
Well, I guess I just did. Oops, Sorry Jimmy and Lynn!
The next family function should be interesting because I don't think anyone has told Congressman Jimmy Duncan and his wife Lynn, yet.
Well, I guess I just did. Oops, Sorry Jimmy and Lynn!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Hurley TV Ad Has Non Profit Support?
Sources within the Julia Hurley campaign indicate that television commercials begin tomorrow.
In the commercials Hurley is seen with a hard hat at the Covenant Health Hospital that is under construction in Roane County. Covenant Health is a non profit. How odd, that a non profit would give permission for a political candidate to use their facility and property as a campaign background.
Knowing Hurey's tactics she probably did not ask for permission. If she did not hopefully Covenant will do the right thing and send a cease and desist order to Hurley and the television stations airing them.
Here is a still shot that was supplied by a Hurley volunteer.
In the commercials Hurley is seen with a hard hat at the Covenant Health Hospital that is under construction in Roane County. Covenant Health is a non profit. How odd, that a non profit would give permission for a political candidate to use their facility and property as a campaign background.
Knowing Hurey's tactics she probably did not ask for permission. If she did not hopefully Covenant will do the right thing and send a cease and desist order to Hurley and the television stations airing them.
Here is a still shot that was supplied by a Hurley volunteer.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
McElroy is Lighting the Fire on Burchett, However His Match is Wet With Bias & Personal Agenda
The smoke from the Great Knoxville Mulch Fire must have gotten to Jack McElroy. The smoke from the Great Knoxville Mulch Fire blew right into the path of the Big Metal Shed on the Hill and now 2-3 months later, we hear reports of McElroy angrily confronting a young legal employee trying to deliver a subpoena. (Read it here) Now my sources at the Big Metal Shed on the Hill indicate that the front page story tomorrow will be that Mayor Burchett is refusing to turn over his personal financial records.
It is none of McElroy or the public's business what his personal financial records are. Burchett was elected by 85% of the vote. Does the Big Metal Shed on the Hill have 85% of the population buying their papers? NO.
Why doesn't Jack McElroy release his personal financial records? Like how he paid his personal property taxes late a few of years ago. Why doesn't McElroy release the financial records of the operations of the Big Metal Shed on the Hill? Release how much money Pilot Travel Centers pays for Free Friday Newspapers.
Come on McElroy, it is time to end your Joe McCarthy hunt for your perceived enemies. McElroy should reveal how he obtained the campaign account records and canceled checks from Mayor Burchett's campaign account. Did he hack the account, or did he have someone hack the account? Because Mayor Burchett, nor his unemployed estranged wife have reported they did not release them. So, who hacked the account?
It is none of McElroy or the public's business what his personal financial records are. Burchett was elected by 85% of the vote. Does the Big Metal Shed on the Hill have 85% of the population buying their papers? NO.
Why doesn't Jack McElroy release his personal financial records? Like how he paid his personal property taxes late a few of years ago. Why doesn't McElroy release the financial records of the operations of the Big Metal Shed on the Hill? Release how much money Pilot Travel Centers pays for Free Friday Newspapers.
Come on McElroy, it is time to end your Joe McCarthy hunt for your perceived enemies. McElroy should reveal how he obtained the campaign account records and canceled checks from Mayor Burchett's campaign account. Did he hack the account, or did he have someone hack the account? Because Mayor Burchett, nor his unemployed estranged wife have reported they did not release them. So, who hacked the account?
Friday, July 20, 2012
Mayor Burchett's Cash Mob
Mayor Burchett and Knox County had another cash mob this afternoon this one at Koolioz! frozen yogurt in Hardin Valley. While the Mayor was there, he left his mark on the place.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Center City Republican Conservative Club Hosted Their First Spaghetti Dinner and Cake Auction
The Center City Republican Conservative Club held their first Spaghetti Supper & Cake Auction. The event was held at the Expo Center on Clinton Highway. The club's leadership team of President Bo Bennett and other club leaders Roberta Potter, Mia Brown and Bea Waters were instrumental in organizing the dinner.
Many officeholders & candidates attended the event. Mayor Tim Burchett, Register of Deeds Sherry Witt, State Senators Stacey Campfield and Becky Massey, State Representative Steve Hall, Commissioner Jeff Ownby (who again like at the West Knox Picnic a couple weeks ago was the most popular with a full table of friends and supporters sitting with him)
Candidates present were School Board Candidate Gina Oster, State Representative Candidate Tim Hutchison, Van Brabson and Gary Loe (Loe had representatives) Congressional Candidate Nick Ciparro.
Community Organizer Activist Walt Wojnar was the cake auctioneer. He was funny and got more money for the cakes than was expected.
Live music was also a part of the event. I will update with the band info later.
Many officeholders & candidates attended the event. Mayor Tim Burchett, Register of Deeds Sherry Witt, State Senators Stacey Campfield and Becky Massey, State Representative Steve Hall, Commissioner Jeff Ownby (who again like at the West Knox Picnic a couple weeks ago was the most popular with a full table of friends and supporters sitting with him)
Candidates present were School Board Candidate Gina Oster, State Representative Candidate Tim Hutchison, Van Brabson and Gary Loe (Loe had representatives) Congressional Candidate Nick Ciparro.
Community Organizer Activist Walt Wojnar was the cake auctioneer. He was funny and got more money for the cakes than was expected.
Live music was also a part of the event. I will update with the band info later.
State Representative Ryan Haynes Speaks in Powell
State Representative Ryan Haynes spoke to the Powell Republican Club tonight. The club meets at Shoney's in Powell. Other elected officials and candidates present tonight, included County Commissioner Robert Lawrence Smith, School Board member Kim Sepsi and State Representative Candidate Tim Hutchison.
Republican Jewish Coalition Anniversary
The Third Anniversary of the Republican Jewish Coalition was held this evening at Harby's Pizza off Broadway in North Knoxville.
Mayor Tim Burchett, State Rep Steve Hall, State Senator Stacey Campfield, and Former Knoxville Councilman Joe Bailey were in attendance.
Mayor Tim Burchett, State Rep Steve Hall, State Senator Stacey Campfield, and Former Knoxville Councilman Joe Bailey were in attendance.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Zach Poskevich Will Be on Hallerin at 9 AM
Zach Poskevich, Constitutional Conservative and Republican Candidate for US Senate will be on the Hallerin Hill at 9 AM in the morning, Thursday July 19. Hallerin's show can be found on 98.7 FM.
Last Friday early voting began and continues through the 28th of July. With the Republican Primary on August 2.
Last Friday early voting began and continues through the 28th of July. With the Republican Primary on August 2.
Zach Poskevich Speaking in East TN on Thursday
Constitutional Conservative Zach Poskevich who is a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate will be in East Tennessee tomorrow (July 19, 2012).
He will speaking at 6:00 PM to the Greeneville Tea Party at Olde Town Family Restaurant 1175 East Andrew Johnson Hwy., Greeneville, Tennessee 37745.
Poskevich has waged a statewide campaign for many months with last Friday's start to early voting. He has been extremely busy. You have until July 28 to cast your ballot early or on the Primary Election day of August 2.
He will speaking at 6:00 PM to the Greeneville Tea Party at Olde Town Family Restaurant 1175 East Andrew Johnson Hwy., Greeneville, Tennessee 37745.
Poskevich has waged a statewide campaign for many months with last Friday's start to early voting. He has been extremely busy. You have until July 28 to cast your ballot early or on the Primary Election day of August 2.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Jack McElroy Explains After Shock And Awe Asked
Yesterday's column (here) from Jack McElroy at the Big Metal Shed on the Hill is interesting when you consider this post from Shock And Awe (aka Brian's Blog) last Thursday July 12th. McElroy has never explained to the readership how or why he/they endorse. Something compelled him to explain it and Shock And Awe is the only one to brought the matter up.
Trustee Duncan Is Getting Married...Again
Sources contacted me this morning that the girl friend of Trustee John Duncan, III posted on her Facebook page that she is now engaged to the Trustee.
Last year, Trustee Duncan's 7 year marriage to Lindsay Hammill ended with a finalized divorce.
Last year, Trustee Duncan's 7 year marriage to Lindsay Hammill ended with a finalized divorce.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
BREAKING NEWS: Scottie Mayfield "coal is clean"
I attended the Roane County TEA Party meeting last month when Third District Congressional Candidate Scottie Mayfield spoke and answered a few questions. A question came up about global warming and alternative energy sources. In his answer, Mayfield said "coal is clean, just like here in Kingston".
How out of touch is he, you surely remember that on December 22, 2008 (3 years and 7 months ago) when Roane County was awash in coal ash by the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) one of the largest man made disasters by a government agency. Here is the knoxnews aerial video of the damage a day later on December 23, 2008. Do you believe from this video that coal is clean? Evidently, Scottie Mayfield does.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Kent Calfee's Opponent Failed In Winning Friends and Influencing People
Do you remember the Dale Carnegie book How to win friends and influence people? Two years ago, Kent Calffee's opponent won a very close election that left a lot of people in Roane County bruising and licking their wounds.
It was her opportunity to mend the wounds and be the next 20 year incumbent legislator. But no! She started out with embarrassing incident after embarrassing incident. In addition, when redistricting the legislative seats came up, she allowed Roane County to be split.
So when Republican Kent Calfee became a candidate and all the upset folk began helping Calfee both with his knowledge and without his knowledge. I just discovered this website. It is obviously happening without his knowledge. Because Mr. Calfee would not allow it. The website is clearly in it's development stage. Check back often, I am sure it will not disappoint.
It was her opportunity to mend the wounds and be the next 20 year incumbent legislator. But no! She started out with embarrassing incident after embarrassing incident. In addition, when redistricting the legislative seats came up, she allowed Roane County to be split.
So when Republican Kent Calfee became a candidate and all the upset folk began helping Calfee both with his knowledge and without his knowledge. I just discovered this website. It is obviously happening without his knowledge. Because Mr. Calfee would not allow it. The website is clearly in it's development stage. Check back often, I am sure it will not disappoint.
A Vote for Kent Calfee's Opponent is.....
On one of Facebook pages of Republican Kent Calfee's opponent is a picture of a young man at the Kingston July 4th Smokin the River event. Mr. Calfee's opponent posted the picture.
The young man is wearing a Dennis Ferguson t-shirt and it appears that he has placed a sticker for Republican Calfee for State Representative on his shirt.
Calfee's opponent says a vote for Calfee is a vote for Ferguson. Now wait. Calfee is running for State Representative and Ferguson for Road Superintendent.
But from his opponents same Facebook page is a picture of the early vote activity for her campaign and it would appear that a vote for Calfee's opponent is a vote for Brian Mullins for Road Superintendent, Chuck Fleischmann for Congress and Robinette for Property Assessor. I am sure that incumbent Roane County Property Assessor Teresa Kirkham and/or the other Property Assessor candidate David Morgan are thrilled to know that Calfee's opponent is promoting one of their opponents.
The supporters of Weston Wamp and Scottie Mayfield should take notice and cast their votes for Kent Calfee and correct the mistake that Roane County made two years ago.
The young man is wearing a Dennis Ferguson t-shirt and it appears that he has placed a sticker for Republican Calfee for State Representative on his shirt.
Calfee's opponent says a vote for Calfee is a vote for Ferguson. Now wait. Calfee is running for State Representative and Ferguson for Road Superintendent.
But from his opponents same Facebook page is a picture of the early vote activity for her campaign and it would appear that a vote for Calfee's opponent is a vote for Brian Mullins for Road Superintendent, Chuck Fleischmann for Congress and Robinette for Property Assessor. I am sure that incumbent Roane County Property Assessor Teresa Kirkham and/or the other Property Assessor candidate David Morgan are thrilled to know that Calfee's opponent is promoting one of their opponents.
The supporters of Weston Wamp and Scottie Mayfield should take notice and cast their votes for Kent Calfee and correct the mistake that Roane County made two years ago.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Knox News Sentinel Conflicted on Bo Pierce Endorsement
Today the News Sentinel endorsed Bo Pierce for the Republican Primary for the TN State House District 89. Was the endorsement a payback?
You see one of my sources has informed me that KCDC Knoxville Community Development Corporation obtained the bond for the $50 million plus press for the Big Metal Shed on the Hill.
Pierce retired as Vice President of KCDC. Also, seeking the Republican nomination are Former Sheriff Tim Hutchison, Roger Kane and Joey McCulley.
You see one of my sources has informed me that KCDC Knoxville Community Development Corporation obtained the bond for the $50 million plus press for the Big Metal Shed on the Hill.
Pierce retired as Vice President of KCDC. Also, seeking the Republican nomination are Former Sheriff Tim Hutchison, Roger Kane and Joey McCulley.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Chancellor Fansler Did The Right Thing
Chancellor Fansler stepped aside from the divorce proceedings of Mayor Burchett and his estranged wife. The Chancellor's recusal allowed the News Sentinel delay it's release of the visitors log and video tapes of the lobby area of the Big Metal Shed.
I have to wonder if the move to recuse himself from the divorce had anything to do with the fact that Mayor Burchett's campaign checking account is with First Tennessee Bank and the Chancellor's wife Pam is President and East TN Market Manager for First Tennessee Bank.
Surely, First Tennessee Bank is as interested in who the anonymous source is that obtained canceled bank checks and provided them to the newspaper. As a bank customer you should know that your bank records are not subject to being obtained by anyone other than the persons you designate.
Again, great move by Chancellor Fansler!
I have to wonder if the move to recuse himself from the divorce had anything to do with the fact that Mayor Burchett's campaign checking account is with First Tennessee Bank and the Chancellor's wife Pam is President and East TN Market Manager for First Tennessee Bank.
Surely, First Tennessee Bank is as interested in who the anonymous source is that obtained canceled bank checks and provided them to the newspaper. As a bank customer you should know that your bank records are not subject to being obtained by anyone other than the persons you designate.
Again, great move by Chancellor Fansler!
Hurley's Pattern of Destructive Behavior Revealed
An anonymous source has provided me with copies of 5 traffic tickets and an archived copy of the court activities from the Maryville Daily Times with regard to Republican Julia Hurley.
On November 22, 1999 she was ticketed for driving 80 mph in 55 mph zone. Fourteen days later on December 6, 1999 she received a ticket for driving 69 mph in a 40 mph zone. Three months later on February 14, 2000 she received a ticket for driving 82 mph in a 55 mph zone.
Three years later, The Daily Times in Maryville, TN on August 5, 2003 in the court activity records listed Julia Cheyanne Hurley as arrested for contempt of court.
Fourteen months later on November 10, 2004 she received a ticket for driving 85 mph in a 60 mph zone. She was also cited for her registration having expired on June 2004 (5 months earlier) In addition, she failed to produce her drivers license and failed to produce her car insurance proof.
Finally, on January 22, 2011 (as the elected State Representative) she was cited for driving 77 mph in a 50 mph zone. That traffic stop was recorded by the State Troopers dashboard camera and we have all seen the replay of that lack of respect for law enforcement personnel by the elected Representative.
On June 19, 2012 I asked the question, can Hurley end the dumb missteps? That was the blog post with her dog Pepper being held outside the car as she video taped it while driving her car. On June 24, 2012 I posted an email that she sent that rehashed her January 2011 traffic stop and several of her other dumb missteps.
Hurley is in a hotly contested race against Republican Kent Calfee. Early voting begins this Friday July 13 and ends on July 28. Election day is August 2.
A vote for Kent Calfee is a vote to end the career of a person that has a record of continual self destructive behavior. The self destructive behavior reflects poorly on the good people of the counties of Roane, Loudon and Lenior City.
On November 22, 1999 she was ticketed for driving 80 mph in 55 mph zone. Fourteen days later on December 6, 1999 she received a ticket for driving 69 mph in a 40 mph zone. Three months later on February 14, 2000 she received a ticket for driving 82 mph in a 55 mph zone.
Three years later, The Daily Times in Maryville, TN on August 5, 2003 in the court activity records listed Julia Cheyanne Hurley as arrested for contempt of court.
Fourteen months later on November 10, 2004 she received a ticket for driving 85 mph in a 60 mph zone. She was also cited for her registration having expired on June 2004 (5 months earlier) In addition, she failed to produce her drivers license and failed to produce her car insurance proof.
Finally, on January 22, 2011 (as the elected State Representative) she was cited for driving 77 mph in a 50 mph zone. That traffic stop was recorded by the State Troopers dashboard camera and we have all seen the replay of that lack of respect for law enforcement personnel by the elected Representative.
On June 19, 2012 I asked the question, can Hurley end the dumb missteps? That was the blog post with her dog Pepper being held outside the car as she video taped it while driving her car. On June 24, 2012 I posted an email that she sent that rehashed her January 2011 traffic stop and several of her other dumb missteps.
Hurley is in a hotly contested race against Republican Kent Calfee. Early voting begins this Friday July 13 and ends on July 28. Election day is August 2.
A vote for Kent Calfee is a vote to end the career of a person that has a record of continual self destructive behavior. The self destructive behavior reflects poorly on the good people of the counties of Roane, Loudon and Lenior City.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Hutchison Gains Key Endorsement
Republican State Representative Candidate Tim Hutchison received the endorsement of the Tennessee State Employees Association (TSEA) today. This key endorsement is from the very organization that works with and is impacted most by actions of the legislature. Former Knox County Sheeriff Hutchison is is a four way contest for Knox County's NEW District 89. The district takes in Hardin Valley, Solway, Karns and portions of Northwest Knox County. Hutchison's website is located here.
Monday, July 09, 2012
Republicans Have a Choice in State House District 89
Knox County picked up a new State House seat. District 89 which is in Northwest Knox County. Hardin Valley, Solway, Karns area.
There has been a lot of attention on the Anderson County Democrat that can not run and given the fact that the Knox County Democrat Party had additional time could not recruit a candidate to run for the Democrat nomination.
So barring a bizarre turn of events, the successful Republican nominee should be the State Representative Elect for District 89. The Republicans have four choices to select from.
Former Republican Sheriff Tim Hutchison, Former Failed 2006 Republican Candidate for Trustee Roger Kane, Joey McCulley and Retired Knox Co Housing Authority Director William "Bo" Pierce.
The campaign has been relatively quiet. Former Sheriff Hutchison has just finished knocking on doors in 67 subdivisions. Kane has not been seen very often with the exception of signs in the right of ways. Rumor has it that Kane recently hired an employee of Property Assessor Phillip Ballard's office to manage his campaign. McCulley has a presence of signs but little other activity . Pierce recently appeared in the Farragut Fourth of July parade and has a good number of signs.
Republicans in District 89, you have a choice. Cast a vote for the person with the ability to ensure you receive the level of service that you have grown accustomed to. Early Voting begins this Friday July 13 and runs through the 28th, concluding with Election Day on August 2.
There has been a lot of attention on the Anderson County Democrat that can not run and given the fact that the Knox County Democrat Party had additional time could not recruit a candidate to run for the Democrat nomination.
So barring a bizarre turn of events, the successful Republican nominee should be the State Representative Elect for District 89. The Republicans have four choices to select from.
Former Republican Sheriff Tim Hutchison, Former Failed 2006 Republican Candidate for Trustee Roger Kane, Joey McCulley and Retired Knox Co Housing Authority Director William "Bo" Pierce.
The campaign has been relatively quiet. Former Sheriff Hutchison has just finished knocking on doors in 67 subdivisions. Kane has not been seen very often with the exception of signs in the right of ways. Rumor has it that Kane recently hired an employee of Property Assessor Phillip Ballard's office to manage his campaign. McCulley has a presence of signs but little other activity . Pierce recently appeared in the Farragut Fourth of July parade and has a good number of signs.
Republicans in District 89, you have a choice. Cast a vote for the person with the ability to ensure you receive the level of service that you have grown accustomed to. Early Voting begins this Friday July 13 and runs through the 28th, concluding with Election Day on August 2.
West Knox Republican Club Picnic & Cake Auction
Tonight the West Knox Republican Club held their annual picnic and cake auction. For as long as anyone can remember (and maybe for the entire history of the picnic) it has reserved, rented and hosted it at the City of Knoxville Deane Hill Rec Center. However, the past three years the center has failed to have air conditioning. So this year it was held at Rothchild Catering and Conference Center.
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The crowd at the West Knox Republican Club Picnic. |
The usual cast of characters were present. The usual meal of hamburgers and hot dogs and all the fixins were served.
The best part is the cake auction with Circuit Judge Dale Workman being the auctioneer. The officeholders and potential officeholders donate cakes and the money raised go back to the club.
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Circuit Court Judge Dale Workman auctioning the dessert he donated which came with a Dale Workman Circuit Court Judge scratch pad. |
Some notable activity was that County Clerk Foster Arnett donated a Fresh Market cake. This from the guy that asked the question two years ago (when expected to contribute and run as part of the countywide GOP ticket) What has the Republican Party done for me?
Then a Ham and Goody's cake was auctioned as being donated by Congressman Jimmy Duncan. It wasn't until the bidding got to $60 that it was revealed that it was not from Congressman Duncan but by Trustee Duncan. It sold for $60 and not anymore. That was interesting because two years ago, Trustee Duncan donated a homemade Hershey Cake that was made by his now former wife Lindsay Hammill and it brought over $100. My how things change, a store bought and sold as if it were donated by the Congressman.
County Commissioner R. Larry Smith was present and bought a cake. I was reminded by a club member that about a month or so ago out at the Halls Republican Club meeting Commissioner Smith in talking about all the comments he had received during the budget process. That he only responded to the calls, emails and messages from his 7th district. Because he didn't care what Farragut and Cedar Bluff think. Because he don't represent them. But it didn't bother the Commissioner to eat free food from Cedar Bluff and Farragut.
Commissioner Jeff Ownby was present and as the event was held in his district, more folks sat at the table he was at than Commissioner Smith.
I stood and observed and of course I bought a cake. I bought the cake donated by Former Knox County Sheriff and current Republican State Representative candidate in District 89 Tim Hutchison. The cake was baked by the Village Bakery and after having eaten the one piece tonight when I got home. It is/was good.
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The first slice of Red Velvet Cake that I purchased, which was donated by Former Sheriff Tim Hutchison. |
Sunday, July 08, 2012
Republicans Have a Choice on August 2 (early voting July 13-28, 2012) Zach Poskevich!
Nationally Syndicated Conservative Radio Talk Show Host Mark Levin called Bob Corker "a damn weasel, a COWARD." As Republicans, we have another choice on August 02, 2012 (early Voting July 13-28, 2012). A Constitution Conservative Zach Poskevich. His website is located here. Check Zach out and cast an informed vote.
Mark Levin: Bob Corker is a Coward by therightscoop
A special note to Ray Jenkins, I plan to be at the West Knox Republican Club Picnic tomorrow night (Monday July 9, 2012) you can hand me another threatening letter for not supporting the establishment candidate, right before you leave the meeting, like you have in the past at the West Knox Club.
A Great July 4, 2012
This past week as we celebrated Independence Day was a fun time. For me it started on Tuesday evening July 3, 2012 when I walked in the Kingston, TN parade with former Third District Congressman Zach Wamp and his wonderful wife Kim. We were walking and campaigning for his son Weston Wamp.
The next morning found me walking in the Farragut, TN parade. I live in Southwest Knox County (between the City of Knoxville and the Town of Farragut) But I consider Farragut my home town. I walked and campaigned for Republican State Representative Ryan Haynes.
Both events were fun and the crowds were very responsive to both candidates.
On Tuesday afternoon, I watched the movie Act of Valor. It provided perspective for what the men and women have done and continue to do to allow folks like me to have the freedom to post here on Shock And Awe without penalty of imprisonment or punishment. God Bless the Troops.
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Of course that is me on the far left (of the picture) Roane County Commissioner Randy Ellis (in the blue shirt) and former Congressman Zach Wamp on the far right . |
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Of course that is me replenishing State Representative Ryan Haynes with more ice cold waters to hand out to the thousands of spectators at the Farragut parade. |
Hubert Smith Beats News Sentinel
This story first revealed by Hubert Smith of One on One with Hubert Smith and the Hubert Smith Radio Show on Friday on his Facebook page. The next day the News Sentinel had the story right here on Saturday. Be sure and follow Hubert Smith's Facebook page for all the breaking news.
Why Do Liberals Always Assume it is Republicans
Randy Neal over at KnoxViews posted this and asked What is Wrong With People? And true to the liberal loony wing of the Democrat Party the second commenter blamed Republicans. A predictable response. But I digres. Back to this issue of the litterers
Good raising ain't a Republican -vs- Democrat thing. It ain't a Liberal -vs- Conservative thing. It is a lack of respect and dignity issue. This act of littering is despicable and they should be ashamed of themselves, sadly however they probably ain't.
Saturday, July 07, 2012
Weston Wamp for Congress
Ignorance = Mayfield
Stupid = Fleischmann
Best Candidate to represent TN's Third Congressional District = Weston Wamp
Stupid = Fleischmann
Best Candidate to represent TN's Third Congressional District = Weston Wamp
Friday, July 06, 2012
Kent Calfee Responds to Hurley Lies
Today Republican State Representative Kent Calfee responded from his website located here to the constant barrage of lies being spread by his opponent Julia Hurley. Calfee obviously has information that her lies are going to get worse in forthcoming mailings and advertisements.
Calfee's statement in part read, "A sad day in Tennessee Republican Politics. Today is a sad day."
"For weeks my primary opponent has been launching one personal attack after another. These are just flat out lies."
"She has said I donated $1,000 to Al Gore…"
"She said I supported Obama…."
"She said I raised taxes over 300%…"
"She has even followed myself, my family and supporters around taking photos of us speaking with fellow candidates; recently posting a photo of me on her personal face book page!"
"Now we have heard that my primary opponent is getting ready to launch vicious, personal attack ads against me in the next few days."
"You want to campaign on facts and real life issues, that’s fine. But there is no place in the Republican Primary for sophomoric antics and this type of campaigning. It is shame that some people will do what ever it takes to hold on to power. Tennessee deserves better than that!"
"Please help us watch out for these personal attacks. We have heard they will be in the form of mailings and tv ads. You can also help us fight her vicious attacks by signing up to help or by making a contribution. Working together we can restore some respect back to OUR STATE HOUSE!"
I give Calfee credit for being more respectful than necessary, he gave her credit for sophomoric antics. Her antics are more like third grade. But I digress.
NEA Can't All Be Bad! Can They?
The picture below is the NEA (National Education Association) President Dennis Van Roekel addressing the Republican Leadership Conference of the NEA.
Local Sevier County School Educator Michelle Bowman has been elected National Corresponding Secretary of the NEA Republican Caucus.
This is a glimmer of bright light that the NEA is not all bleeding heart liberals.
Local Sevier County School Educator Michelle Bowman has been elected National Corresponding Secretary of the NEA Republican Caucus.
This is a glimmer of bright light that the NEA is not all bleeding heart liberals.
When the Liberal Loonies Wing of the Democrat Party Endorse Republicans RUN!
No one should be surprised when Randy Neal over at KnoxViews posted this request for the liberal loonies of the Democrat Party to volunteer and contribute dollars to Democrat candidates. But when he took it to another level (endorsing Republicans in contested Republican Primaries) you gotta look at the other Republican candidates. In three races, a Republican primary is being held with no Democrat challenging them in the November General Election.
So, you should really consider Scott Hughes in Senate District 2 Website Donate. You should consider Tim Hutchison in State Representative District 89 Website Contact. You should consider Tona Monroe in TN House District 20. Website Donate
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
As a Favor to News Sentinel Editor Jack McElroy, Arnett Attacks Burchett Plan
This story about extending the additional week of vacation for county employees in today's Knoxville News Sentinel pits County Clerk Foster Arnett against Mayor Tim Burchett. You ask why would Arnett oppose an added benefit to assist morale for county employees that haven't been compensated because of the effort to reduce the county debt. Because Arnett served as Chairman of the News Sentinel Charity Board. So, when McElroy wanted another story to turn against Mayor Burchett. Arnett immediately obliged.
Now you know the rest of the story.
Save Our Schools missed the Memo
Today at the Farragut parade was a large truck with the Save Our Schools signs and a couple people walking behind the truck in the yellow SOS shirts. Evidently, they missed the memo that County Commission already voted on the Schools budget and their campaign has ended. (at least till next budget cycle, April 2013)
The Letter is Misplaced in the Newspaper
The letter to the editor which is printed in today's Knoxville News Sentinel is misplaced by being printed in the daily paper. It is a letter written to Mayor Burchett not the Editor or the general public. The tone of arrogance by the writer proclaiming his position with a state run school is nothing more than a self serving ploy. The letter is an attempt by Jack McElroy to justify his careless actions of publishing private financial bank records without revealing how they were obtained.
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Another Scripps Publication Is Put To Rest
Sources near the Big Metal Shed on the Hill report that SKIRT magazine has been eliminated from the Scripps portfolio and 33 persons laid off. Bruce Hartmann left Patrick Birmingham and Jack McElroy a publication they couldn't maintain. What is going on in the shed?
Betty Bean was Right! Pam Strickland is Wrong!
The comments on this KnoxViews story about Jack McElroy's meltdown had Scripps writers Betty Bean and Pam Strickland at odds over whether the incident occurred on Friday or Monday. Bean said her source said it occurred Friday, Pam in her typical arrogant tone replied back check your facts, it happened today. This morning, enter this Mike Donila's story. It states the incident occurred on Friday. I checked the comments again, Strickland has yet to apologize and credit Bean with having the correct 411.
Monday, July 02, 2012
Is That How You Want Your Son Treated, Jack McElroy
Here is a post from Randy Neal at KnoxViews about Jack McElroy acting like a very little person. It seems a young adult (20ish) went to the News Sentinel to serve legal papers that I would or could only assume is to help determine the anonymous source that provided private bank records of Mayor Tim Burchett's campaign account.
McElroy apparently came running down the stairs at the Big Metal Shed on the Hill with a video camera and was asking the young man "who do you think you are". Now, since Jack video taped it, he can post it on youtube to see if my sources are accurate. That would be must see video.
I wonder if Jack would like for his son (who worked for Sandra Clark at Scripps owned Shopper News) to be treated like that.
I would think that the bank (First Tennessee Bank in this case) would be very intrigued who obtained the private bank records at the News Sentinel.
Sunday, July 01, 2012
Knox Daily Sun Picks Up on one of our Posts
A Thought and a Question about Last Weeks "Pride" Coverage
Last weekend in Knoxville apparently was "Pride Week", Pride Week is apparently an organized celebration of the "alternative" lifestyle. Metro Pulse had a cover story titled "How Gay are We". In the Metro Pulse was an ad that detailed all the Pride Week activities by day. I found it interesting that all the restaurant events did not include the Bistro at the Bijou. You remember the restaurant that got a lot of publicity for refusing service to Knoxville's own State Senator Stacey Campfield because of what the owner of the restaurant termed his bigoted view against homosexuals. You would think that the folks with Pride Week would have wanted to honor the restaurant that "stood up for them". Instead of a West Knoxville restaurant like Big Fatty's. But evidently NOT!
Secondly, the City of Knoxville contingent that walked in the Pride Parade (apparently this was the first time any city official had walked in the parade) were Councilman Nick Pavlis and Finbarr Saunders, Mayor Madeline Rogero and the two gentleman that are Deputies to the Mayor, Dr. Bill Lyons and Eddie Mannis. Now, with regard to Saunders, Rogero, Lyons and Mannis there is no doubt they are supportive of folks from all parts of our community. They each have some record of being supportive of liberal causes and for that I respect them (while I may not agree with them, I do respect their record of taking a stand) However, what has Nick Pavlis done to support the alternative lifestyle? Pavlis is a guy that has always been associated with the Republican Party (a party that has taken positions against the alternative lifestyle). Many folks in the community have asked, what and why was Pavlis involved? I don't know the answer to that.
Below is the picture that appeared in the Knoxville News Sentinel. From right to left are Councilman Nick Pavlis, Dr. Bill Lyons Deputy to the Mayor, Mayor Madeline Rogero, Eddie Mannis Deputy to the Mayor and Coucilman Finbarr Saunders.
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