UPDATE 9/3/07 11:11 a.m.: Commissioner Lambert has called this morning and wanted to know why he was not allowed to comment prior to this post. I have offered him an opportunity to respond. I told him to submit a response in email form and I will post it. I feel confident that the Brian's Blog team member captured this story as accurately as possible. The team member discussed this incident with several eyewitness sources. Commissioner Lambert asked who the team member and witnesses were. As with all posts, they remain protected as sources and contributors to the blog. I had to cut my conversation with the Commissioner short as I was out exercising at the time. More information as it develops.
Original Post 9/3/07 6:27 a.m.: According to several sources who personally witnessed the incident, Commissioner Lumpy Lambert’s behavior was totally inappropriate last Friday night after the taping of Politics Knox, a weekly program which airs on CTV, Channel 12. Lambert, who was present in the studios as a part of the behind the scenes crew for the show, which is hosted by City Councilman, Steve Hall, remained in the building after others on that crew had left. The commissioner approached Jamie Rowe, a local citizen as she was about to appear on DTV to speak about the issue of the Storm Water Ordinance and became very argumentative.
Mrs. Rowe was invited to be a guest on the show by Mark Harmon, the show’s often controversial host, who has followed the issue closely. At several times in the conversation, witnesses reported that they heard the commissioner raise his voice, and speak disrespectfully to the unsuspecting citizen.
"Commissioner Lambert was not involved in the DTV Show," said one source. "It was unclear as to why he continued to hang around. Mrs. Rowe was there as a service to the community, not to talk to Mr. Lambert."
Mrs. Rowe was sitting in the waiting room, when Mr. Lambert came into the room, waving his finger at her, telling her she was wrong, and he had the correct information. Others in the room asked Lumpy to calm down, as he was backing Jamie Rowe into a corner, both in words and physically. Mrs. Rowe was reportedly so upset she could not think straight. She was blind-sided by the over the top behavior of Lumpy.
Someone needs to tell the former used car salesman that he is not the be all and end all of this world.
OK, let me see if I have this right... First Lumpy makes a scene about a community TV show that very few people view and then he makes another one over a blog that very few people view...
Lumpy obviously needs another hobby.
Does this shock anyone? Greg Lambert joined Sharon Cawood in
laughing at the 6th district citizens who were in attendance at the last commission meeting trying to have a voice in what happens in their community. Is the power of a commissioner so great that basic respect for a person's opinion, or in this case personal space (backing someone into a corner), is simply an option. Don't worry Mr. Lambert, the people are watching, and I can't even count the number of times I have heard people say
"I can't believe I voted for him".
hey anonymous,
you can post as betty, sandra, sharon or better yet, mark. Have a good time and use your real name. Thanks for reading and posting. Being in the dark is not good for you.
To all the 6th district voters who put Sharon and Lumpy in office - you had your chance and now the best are sitting at home - Chuck and Margaret have got to be wondering why you are complaining. All I can say is next election - Can Cawood and Dump the Lump
Old Republican in Karns
I thought you as Knox Co. GOP chairman were singlehandedly responsible for the election of Lumpy and all other Republicans who ran. Whats it gonna be? Do you support Lumpy are you doing dirty work for the Mikes again? By the way, your other post where you criticize Harbor is very amusing. He takes credit for winning races he wasn't involved in...sound familiar?
As Chairman I did do everyting in my power to elect every Republican nominee that was selected in the Republican Primary. In the incident of Mr. Lmabert, we were successful. I have never said that I did this single handedly. I was the coach of a BIG team.
As for this post. It is not doing a dirty works. I have talked with Commissioner Lambert several times since this post went up. Last evening we were together at the Karns Republican Club. Our friendly relationship still continues.
DA BEAN takes a shot back..
"Bbeanster on Wed, 2007/09/05 - 5:56pm.
Not that I love defending Lumpy, but Hornback obviously didn't call Jamie Rowe (or Lumpy) about this.
She says that his account grossly exaggerates what happened, and she is pretty ticked at the description of Lumpy shouting her down. The day Jamie Rowe can't hold her own in a debate with Lumpy hasn't yet come.
Truth Squat gets a D- on this one."
I am back posting on their blog...naturally they don't know who it is and as long as I talk about 4th and Gilll and say that I hate republicans I can keep right on pulling it off!
Remember the folks in the trees outside the stadium in CALF? Well da posters over on the far far left blog would fit right in with them!
Great fun to read and now to post!
Stay under the radar. The rather large forum administrator will not figure it out. Bless his little heart. LOL. ROFL. LOL.
Give em the lies and they will believe you be one of them. Give them the truth and they believe its hell.
BTW, Walker I understand that when Bean walked out in her outfit, no body noticed. She apparantly fit the outfit to a T. (my apologies to Tennessee for using the T)
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